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The Likatier (Latin Licates ) were a Celtic tribe in the Allgäu , who were probably settled on the bank and near the river Lech and belonged to the Celtic tribal group of the Vindeliker .

In a Roman military diploma, four tribal names are mentioned as gentes of the Vindeliker: Cosuanetes , Rucinates , Licates and Catenates . In Strabo and Ptolemy the Licates (old Greek Λικάτ [τ] ιοι are LIKAT [t] ioi ) also mentioned. Pliny the Elder mentions the same four tribal names:

Vindelicorum gentes quatuor, Consuanetes, Rucinates [ Virucinates, according to another reading], Licates, Catenates.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ W. Christ: The Roman Military Diploma from Weissenburg , p. 32.
  2. Pliny, Bellorum Germaniae libri XX III, 20.
  3. ^ Geographisches Institut Weimar: New General Geographical and Statistical Ephemeris. P. 374.