Lina Olinda Pedraza Rodríguez

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Lina Olinda Pedraza Rodríguez (born September 16, 1955 ) is a Cuban politician of the Communist Party of Cuba PCC (Partido Comunista de Cuba) , who has been Minister of Finance and Prices in the Cuban Council of Ministers since 2009 .


After attending school, Lina Olinda Pedraza Rodríguez graduated with a degree in economic control (Licenciada en Control Económico) . She then worked for 15 years in various functions at the Bank of the Province of Villa Clara and was at the same time a member of the party committee of the PCC of Santa Clara and president of its economic commission. She was also a functionary in the party committee of the PCC of the province of Villa Clara and delegate at the IV. Party Congress 1991, the V Party Congress 1997, the VI. Party Congress 2011 and the VII Party Congress 2016, at which she was elected a member of the Central Committee (ZK) of the PCC. In 1994 she became a functionary of the Central Committee's Department of Economics and in 1996 head of the National Audit Office (Oficina Nacional de Auditoría) .

Lina Olinda Pedraza Rodríguez, who is also a member of the National Assembly of People's Power ( Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular ) , became the first Minister for Accounts and Control (Ministra de Auditoría y Control) in May 2001 . She held this office until she was replaced by Gladys María Bejerano Portela in 2006. She then became a member of the Central Committee Secretariat in 2006 and head of the Central Committee's Department of Economics and held this position until 2009.

In March 2009, Lina Olinda Pedraza Rodríguez replaced Georgina Barreiro Fajardo as Minister of Finance and Prices (Ministra de Finanzas y Precios) in the Cuban Council of Ministers as part of an extensive government reshuffle .

See also

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