Province of Villa Clara

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Villa Clara
Cayman Islands Bahamas Isla de la Juventud Provinz Artemisa Provinz Pinar del Río Havanna Provinz Mayabeque Provinz Matanzas Provinz Villa Clara Provinz Cienfuegos Provinz Sancti Spíritus Provinz Ciego de Ávila Provinz Camagüey Provinz Las Tunas Provinz Granma Provinz Holguín Provinz Santiago de Cuba Provinz Guantánamomap
About this picture
Capital Santa Clara
surface 8,412 km²
Residents 791,216 (2012)
Population density 94.1 inhabitants / km²
ISO code CU-05

Villa Clara is a province in central Cuba and extends between 22 ° 16 'and 23 ° 09' north latitude and 80 ° 02 'and 80 ° 25' west longitude. Its capital is Santa Clara . The province borders the Atlantic Ocean to the north, the Sancti Spíritus Province to the east and south and the Matanzas and Cienfuegos provinces to the west . The sugar industry and low tourism are the main sources of income for the province.

Until the administrative reform of 1976 Villa Clara formed together with Cienfuegos and Sancti Spíritus the province "Las Villas".

The largest Cuban river, the Río Sagua la Grande (163 km) flows northward into the Atlantic. The mountain Pico Tuerto reaches a height of 919 meters.

The population density is below the Cuban average, the degree of urbanization is 77.8%.
Statistically speaking, there are 1006 men for every 1000 women (i.e. the proportion of women is 49.84%) (2012 figures).

Administrative division

The province is divided into 13 Municipios, which are named after the names of their administrative offices.
The province has 6 cities (in Cuba settlements over 20,000 inhabitants are called cities, Spanish Ciudades ), there are also 60 urban and 462 rural settlements ( Pueblos, Pobladas, Caserío and Batey ).

Municipio Total area
with islands (km²) 3
Residents Population
density (inh / km²) 3
2002 1 2012 2 2016 3
Corralillo 837.30 27,367 26,843 26,089 31.2
Quemado de Güines 332.82 22,594 22,089 21,586 64.4
Sagua la Grande 961.90 56.291 53,077 52,118 54.4
Encrucijada 591.55 33,790 33,669 33,139 55.7
Camajuaní 585.71 63,368 60,598 59,898 101.5
Caibarién 385.76 37,980 38,485 40.102 97.3
Remedios 589.98 46,664 45,621 44,758 75.9
Placetas 656.47 71,963 68,922 68,065 105.5
Santa Clara 668.82 236.343 240,543 245.470 362.4
Cifuentes 415.90 33,667 28,425 27,584 66.3
Santo Domingo 878.07 54,076 51.013 50,035 57.2
Ranchuelo 521.83 59,404 54,889 53,775 103.1
Manicaragua 985.70 73,888 67,042 65,238 66.7
Entire province 8,411.81 817.395 791.216 787.857 93.2

Census results:

  • 1 2002 census
  • 2 2012 census

Estimates or calculations at the end of the year:

  • 3 2016


46.4% of the population lived in the six cities in 2012 (Census):

Santa Clara 211,925 Sagua la Grande 37,713 Manicaragua 22,266
Placetas 39,615 Caibarién 33,683 Camajuaní 21,924

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c 2012 census (PDF; 257 kB) , ONE
  2. Census 2002 ( Memento of the original dated February 3, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. Anuario Estadístico de Villa Clara 2016 (PDF; 3.3 MB) , ONE