Linea anocutanea

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The anocutaneous line is an anatomical borderline at the lower end of the anal canal .


The anocutaneous line is the lower limit of the anal canal. It marks the transition from the anoderm (anal skin) to the normal outer hairy skin ( epidermis ). Above (towards the oral) the anocutaneous line is the uncornified, highly sensitive squamous epithelium of the anoderm. It is free of skin appendages (adnexa) such as hair or glandular tubes. Beneath the anocutaneous line lies keratinized squamous epithelium containing sebum , sweat and scent glands .

In the English-language specialist literature , the linea anocutanea is referred to as anal verge .

Individual evidence

  1. J. Lange, B. Mölle, J. Girona (eds.): Surgical proctology. 2nd edition, Springer, 2012, ISBN 3-642-17264-4 , p. 351. Limited preview in the Google book search
  2. H. Rohde: Teaching Atlas of proctology. Georg Thieme, 2006, ISBN 3-131-40881-2 , p. 66. Restricted preview in the Google book search
  3. F. Carpenter, C. Tympner: anal carcinoma. In: JR Siewert, M. Rothmund, V. Schumpelick (eds.): Praxis Der Viszeralchirurgie: Onkologische Chirurgie 3rd edition, Gabler Wissenschaftsverlage, 2010, ISBN 3-642-03807-7 , p. 739. Restricted preview in Google - Book search