Linux intern

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Linux intern

description Computer magazine
publishing company Data Becker
First edition 1998
attitude 2013
Frequency of publication quarterly
Editor-in-chief Christian Fischbach
editor Achim Becker and Harald Becker
ISSN (print)

Linux Intern was a computer magazine from the publishing house Data Becker founded in 1999 , which dealt with topics around the free operating system Linux . It appeared quarterly (irregularly in the beginning) and was run as a special issue of PC Praxis . The circulation in January 2007 was 43,000 sold magazines (not IVW- checked). The publisher stated a print run of 49,404 (as of December 2012). In January 2013 the publisher announced the discontinuation of the magazine.

The approximately 160-page booklet was published with the accompanying CD / DVD containing various Linux distributions and Linux software, the use and installation of which was explained in the booklet. In addition to product tests, there were instructions for configuring and using hardware and software, as well as useful tips for switching to Linux.

Since 1998 there has also been a computer book under the name Linux Intern in Data Becker Verlag, which has appeared in several editions.

Individual evidence

  1. Cover profile LINUX INTERN ( Memento from November 28, 2012 in the Internet Archive )
  2. Letter to subscribers from January 29, 2013
  3. Michael Wielsch, Jens Prahm, Hans-Georg Eßer: Linux intern. Technology, administration and programming . Data Becker, Düsseldorf 1999, ISBN 3-8158-1292-5 .