List of old Taoist book catalogs

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This is a list of ancient Taoist book catalogs . It is structured according to title, author / compiler / place of origin and dynasties. Most of the Chinese words have been rendered in traditional and simplified Chinese characters.

Table overview

Catalog Name (Pinyin) Verf./Comp. time Others
Sandong jingshu mulu三 洞 經 書 目錄 / 三 洞 经 书 目录 (Index of the Books and Writings of the Three Caves) Lu Xiujing陸修静 / 陆修静 Year 471 of the Song Dynasty of the Southern Dynasty Period the catalog for the first "Daoist Canon" ( Daozang )
Yuwei qibu jing shumu玉 緯 七 部經書 目 / 玉 纬 七 部经书 目 Meng Fashi孟 法師 / 孟 法师 Liang Dynasty of the Southern Dynasties
Tao Yinju Jingmu陶 隱居 經 目 / 陶 隐居 经 目; in short: Jingmu經 目 / 经 目 Tao Hongjing陶弘景 Liang Dynasty of the Southern Dynasties
Taishang zhong jingmu太 上 眾 經 目 / 太 上 众 经 目 Tao Hongjing陶弘景 Liang Dynasty of the Southern Dynasties
Sanshiliu buzun jingmu三十 六部 尊 經 目 / 三十 六部 尊 经 目 Tao Hongjing陶弘景 Liang Dynasty of the Southern Dynasties
Qilu xiandao lu七 錄 仙道 錄, short: Qilu七 錄 Ruan Xiaoxu阮孝緒 / 阮孝绪 Liang Dynasty of the Southern Dynasties
Xuandu jingmu玄 都 經 目 / 玄 都 经 目, also called Xuandu guan jing mulu玄 都 館 經 目錄 Xuandu guan玄 都 觀 / 玄 都 观 (Monastery of the Dark Capital) Northern Zhou Dynasty
Sandong zhunang (Northern Zhou Dynasty)三 洞 珠 囊 Wang Yan王延 Northern Zhou Dynasty 7 juan
Sandong zhunang (Tang Dynasty)三 洞 珠 囊 Wang Xuanhe王 懸 河 Tang Dynasty 7 juan
Daming daozang jing mulu大 明道 藏經 目錄 (in: Zhengtong daozang正統 道 藏) Ming Dynasty 4 juan
Xu daozang jing mulu續 道 藏經 目錄 (in: Zhengtong daozang正統 道 藏) Ming Dynasty 1 juan

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