Northern Zhou Dynasty

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The Northern Zhou Dynasty (chin. 北周) followed the Western Wei and ruled northern China from 557 to 581 . The kingdoms of the northern Zhou and Northern Qi were successor states of tuoba -rich.

It was followed by the Sui dynasty .

Ruler of the Northern Zhou Dynasty 557–581

Posthumous Name (Shi Hao 諡 號) Personal name Duration of the reign Era names (Nian Hao 年號) and their time span
Northern dynasty
Convention: Northern Zhou + posthumous name
Xiao Min Di (孝 閔 帝 xiāo mǐn dì) Yuwen Jue (宇文 覺 yǔ wén jué) 557 did not exist
Xiao Ming Di (孝 明帝 xiào míng dì) Yuwen Yu (宇文 毓 yǔ wén yù) 557- 560 Wucheng (武 成 wǔ chéng) 559 -560
Wu Di (武帝 wǔ dì) Yuwen Yong (宇文 邕 yǔ wén yōng) 561 - 578 Baoding (保定bǎo thing) 561- 565

Tianhe (天和 tiān hé) 566 - 572

Jiande (建德 jiàn dé) 572-578

Xuanzheng (宣 政 xuān zhèng) 578

Xuan Di (宣帝 xuān dì) Yuwen Yun (宇文 贇 yǔ wén yūn) 579 Dacheng (大成 dà chéng) 579
Jing Di (靜 帝 jìng dì) Yuwen Chan (宇文 闡 yǔ wén chǎn) 579- 581 Daxiang (大象 dà xiàng) 579-581

Dading (大定 dà dìng) 581

See also