List of architectural monuments in Löhne

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Shield-shaped memorial plaque of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia with the coat of arms of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, above it in capital letters "Monument", top left and right as well as a nail in the middle.

The list of architectural monuments in Löhne contains the listed buildings in the area of ​​the city of Löhne in the Herford district in North Rhine-Westphalia (as of January 1, 2017). These monuments are entered in the list of monuments of the city of Löhne; The basis for the admission is the Monument Protection Act North Rhine-Westphalia (DSchG NRW).

image designation location description construction time Registered
Ev.-luth.  Church in Mennighüffen
more pictures
Ev.-luth. Church in Mennighüffen Lübbecker Strasse 141
Hall church 06/22/1982 1 a)

BW Churchyard wall and tombstones Lübbecker Strasse 141
10/16/1992 1 b)

BW Church bell from 1837 Lübbecker Strasse 141
01/16/1997 1 c)

Rürupsmühle Rürupsmühle Loher Strasse 6
Half-timbered house - watermill before 1587 March 16, 1983 2

Ulenburg moated castle
more pictures
Ulenburg moated castle Ulenburger Buchenallee 16
Palace complex with manor house, moats, park and mill 01/23/1984 3 a)

Tower clock of the moated castle Ulenburg Tower clock of the moated castle Ulenburg Ulenburger Buchenallee 16
08/08/1994 3 b)

BW Parish Church ( Martin Luther Church ) of the Ev.-luth. Parish wages Bünder Strasse 173
ev. preaching church 10/26/1983 4th

Parish Church of the Ev.  Parish Gohfeld
more pictures
Parish Church of the Ev. Parish Gohfeld Weihestraße 30
medieval west tower with a hall-shaped nave 1735 10/26/1983 5 a)

Gravestones west of the church tower Gravestones west of the church tower Weihestraße 30
08/08/1994 5 b)

Gravestones Nolting and Döring Gravestones Nolting and Döring Weihestraße 30
10/10/1995 5 c)

[[Template: Bilderwunsch / code! / C: 52.1975384,8.7580838825353! / D: Church bell from 1732
Church bell from 1785
Church bell from 1786, Weihestraße 30! / | BW]]
Church bell from 1732
Church bell from 1785
Church bell from 1786
Weihestraße 30
01/16/1997 5 d)

Parish church (Christ Church) and rectory of the Evangelical Lutheran Church.  Parish of Obernbeck
more pictures
Parish church ( Christ Church ) and rectory of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. Parish of Obernbeck Kirchstrasse 12/14
ev. preaching church in Art Nouveau 1914 10/26/1983 6th

BW “Manor house” from Haus Gohfeld Börstelstrasse 70
old knight seat 03/04/1987 7th

BW Old Confirmation Hall - building of the Ev.-luth. Mennighüffen parish Lübbecker Strasse 139
Confirmation hall building with elements from the brick Gothic 03/12/1987 8th

BW Historic landmark Windmühlenweg 6
Marking of the former border Grafschaft Ravensberg / Diocese of Minden (before 1542) 11/27/1987 9

BW Historic landmark On the Stickdorn 65
-like 9 -
renewed in 1937, originally stone at Vlotho Castle
11/27/1987 10

BW Historic landmark Neuenhagener Weg 9
- like 9 - 11/27/1987 11

BW Historic landmark Knickstrasse 18
- like 9 - 11/27/1987 12

BW Historic landmark Knickstrasse 18
- like 9 -
- like 12 -
11/27/1987 13

[[Template: Picture request / code! / C: 52.2160453,8.7297331! / D: Half-timbered house (farmhouse) with baking house
(baking house deleted on 07/09/1993), Mittelstrasse 46! / | BW]]
Half-timbered house (farmhouse) with baking house
(baking house deleted on 07/09/1993)
Mittelstrasse 46
Four-column farmhouse with a bakery 02/29/1988 14th

Memorial stone "Battle near Gohfeld on the blood meadow" Memorial stone "Battle near Gohfeld on the blood meadow" on the Börstelstrasse
approx. 8 boulders with inscription 07/25/1988 15th

BW Obelisk on the Eesser Hereditary Burial District Ulenburg
Monument with inscription (1787) 07/26/1988 16

BW formerly Mennighüffen fire-fighting equipment store Lübbecker Strasse (at the Drosselhain sports field)
Fire station from the twenties 04/11/1988 17th

BW Photo studio Schäffer Im Wiesengrunde 6
Brick building built in 1880/90 11/29/1988 18th

BW Bad Langengraß Alter Salzweg 161
Peasant bath built around 1870 11/30/1988 19th

Löhne train station, reception building
more pictures
Löhne train station, reception building Bünder Strasse 16
Entrance building from the years 1913 ff December 21, 1988 20th

BW Kötterhaus Dorfstrasse 43
Half-timbered Kötterhaus from 1861 January 15, 1990 21st

BW Half-timbered house New route 172
Half-timbered 3-frame construction from 1842 05/07/1990 22nd

BW Twin houses Dorfstrasse 1 and Dorfstrasse 3
two identically built half-timbered houses from 1890 05/07/1990 23

BW Kronprinzenbrücke Bridge in the course of the former L 773 over the Werre, Lübbecker Straße
Segment arch bridge, built in 1905 06/11/1990 24

[[Template: image request / code! / C: 52.2058734,8.7796313! / D: Hofanlage Eickenjäger

(deleted), Mühlenstraße 39! / | BW]]
Eickenjäger farm complex

Mühlenstrasse 39
Four-frame main house and half-timbered store 11/16/1990 25th

[[Template: image request / code! / C: 52.1922377,8.6936489! / D: former. Oberbehmer Mühlenwerke
divided :, Bünder Straße 290/292! / | BW]]
former Oberbehmer mill works
Bünder Strasse 290/292
Mill ensemble 11/29/1990 26th

[[Template: image request / code! / C: 52.1922377,8.6936489! / D: former. Office building,
former residential building,
former car depot, Bünder Straße 290/292! / | BW]]
former office building
former residential building
former car depot
Bünder Strasse 290/292
Part of the mill ensemble monument number 26 11/29/1990 26 a)

[[Template: image request / code! / C: 52.1922377,8.6936489! / D: octagonal chimney main
mill building, Bünder Straße 290/292! / | BW]]
octagonal chimney main
mill building
Bünder Strasse 290/292
Part of the mill ensemble monument number 26 11/29/1990 26 b)

BW Silo with access tower Bünder Strasse 290/292
Part of the mill ensemble monument number 26 11/29/1990 26 c)

Relocated two-column house Relocated two-column house Loher Strasse 6
Half-timbered house from 1727, moved from Hiddenhausen-Oetinghausen to the grounds of the "Rürups Mühle" museum complex December 07, 1990 27

BW Half-timbered house In the bushes 7
Four-frame construction, type Low German hall house from 1850 03/11/1991 28

BW Half-timbered house Am Kreuzkamp 52
Low German hall house, built in 1792 03/20/1991 29

BW villa Oeynhausener Strasse 18
Villa, neo-renaissance forms, late 19th century 06/18/1991 30th

BW War memorial in Gohfeld Corner of Löhner Straße / Weihestraße
11/21/1991 31

BW Half-timbered house Am Steinbrink 31
Small-scale half-timbered house 11/17/1992 32

[[Template: Image request / code! / C: 52.2410064,8.7087712! / D: Half-timbered store
(deleted on September 16, 2003), Wulferdingsener Straße 18! / | BW]]
Truss memory
(cleared on 16.09.2003)
Wulferdingsener Strasse 18
single storey storage building 11/26/1992 33

[[Template: image request / code! / C: 52.1931554,8.7158726! / D: Königsbrücke
(deleted on November 19, 1997), bridge in the course of the L 773 over the track system, Königstraße! / | BW]]
(deleted on November 19th, 1997)
Bridge in the course of the L 773 over the track system, Königstrasse
Bridge in steel as a semi-parabolic truss construction 03/17/1993 34

[[Template: image request / code! / C: 52.21234955,8.7126491! / D: Archway and portal
(archway deleted on 09/29/1994), House Beck 1! / | BW]]
Archway and portal
(archway deleted on 09/29/1994)
House Beck 1
Baroque main portal and archway via the entrance to the complex 07/15/1993 35

BW Half-timbered house Haeger Strasse 5
Large low German hall house as a four-column construction 07/21/1993 36

BW Bakehouse Sudbachtal 21
Small baking house of 4 containers with oven 07/27/1993 37

BW Half-timbered house Geisebrink 65
Four-column construction from 1837 08/16/1993 38

BW Jahn memorial Weihestrasse
cenotaph 04/26/1994 39

BW Memorial stone and Kaiser-Wilhelm Eiche Haeger Strasse
cenotaph 04/26/1994 40

BW Cenotaph "On the Egge" with Sedan's grotto Eggeweg
cenotaph 04/26/1994 41

BW Cross on the Spatzenberg To the Spatzenberg
Oak cross 04/26/1994 42

BW Cenotaph in Löhne train station Oeynhausener Strasse 41
memorial 04/26/1994 43

BW Half-timbered cottages Map of Haeger Strasse 23
Half-timbered four-column construction and enclosure wall 09/30/1994 44

BW Half-timbered house Vosssiek 3
Half-timbered four-column construction from 1827 07/03/1995 45

[[Template: image request / code! / C: 52.241507,8.7087782! / D: Fachwerkkotten
(deleted on October 26, 2010 ), Wulferdingsener Straße 21! / | BW]]
cottages (deleted on October 26, 2010)
Wulferdingsener Strasse 21
Half-timbered cabins of 4 containers 07/02/1996 46

BW Half-timbered house and half-timbered barn Löhner Strasse 174
Half-timbered house from 1782 and half-timbered barn 07/02/1996 47

BW Half-timbered house Bahnhofstrasse 84
half-timbered four-column construction 07/02/1996 48

BW Half-timbered house with outbuildings In the bushes 11
Half-timbered four-column construction and half-timbered outbuilding 07/02/1996 49

BW Half-timbered building Vosssiek 6
half-timbered four-column construction 07/02/1996 50

[[Template: Picture request / code! / C: 52.2436344,8.7081275! / D: Half-timbered house
(deleted on 02/11/1997), Zur Helle 6! / | BW]]
Half-timbered house
(deleted on 02/11/1997)
Zur Helle 6
half-timbered four-column construction 11/18/1996 51

[[Template: image request / code! / C: 52.2003015,8.7136817! / D: church bell from 1928
(deleted on November 24th, 1999), Bahnhofstraße 3! / | BW]]
Church bell from 1928
(deleted on November 24, 1999)
Bahnhofstrasse 3
01/16/1997 52

BW Kemena watermill Koblenzer Strasse 56
Watermill from 1893 with completely preserved mill technical equipment 05/23/1997 53 a)

BW Farm building and coach house of the Kemena watermill Koblenzer Strasse 56
12/19/1997 53 b)

BW Borgwardt truck as part of the mill system Koblenzer Strasse 56
07/12/2007 53 c)

BW Main building of the farm complex Bültestr. 94 b Bültestraße 94 b
Four-column half-timbered house from 1829 11/12/1997 54

[[Template: image request / code! / C: 52.215949,8.7427712! / D: brick building
(deleted on May 20th, 2010), Alte Werster Straße 2! / | BW]]
Brick building
(deleted on May 20th, 2010)
Old Werster Strasse 2
Brick building around 1900 12/19/1997 55

Main building of the Alter Salzweg 72 farm Main building of the Alter Salzweg 72 farm Alter Salzweg 72
Four-column half-timbered house from 1888 (main house) 12/19/1997 56

BW Former Main building of the yard Am Kreuzkamp 46 Am Kreuzkamp 46
Four-column half-timbered house from 1828 12/19/1997 57

BW Main building of the courtyard Am Plasse 7 Am Plasse 7
Four-column half-timbered house from 1862 (main house) 12/19/1997 58

BW Main building of the courtyard Am Plasse 9 Am Plasse 9
Small four-column half-timbered house from 1826 12/19/1997 59

BW Heuerlingshaus At the surcharge 7
Four-column half-timbered house from 1834 12/19/1997 60

BW Main building of the Buchenweg 2/4 farm complex Buchenweg 2/4
Four-column half-timbered house from 1881/83 12/19/1997 61

Farm flax joy 12 Farm flax joy 12 Flax joy 12
Four-column half-timbered house from 1786 (main house) 1786 12/19/1997 62

BW Main building of the farm Huchzener Str. 27 Huchzener Strasse 27
Four-column half-timbered house from 1820 12/19/1997 63

[[Template: image request / code! / C: 52.1653581,8.7508099! / D: Hof Knickstr. 4
(deleted on April 14, 1998), Knickstraße 4! / | BW]]
Hof Knickstrasse 4
(deleted on 04/14/1998)
Knickstrasse 4
Four-column half-timbered house from 1841 12/19/1997 64

Hof Kohlflage 2 Hof Kohlflage 2 Kohlflage 2
Four-column half-timbered house from 1786 1786 12/19/1997 65

BW Courtyard Krugweg 61 Krugweg 61
Four-column half-timbered house from 1843 12/19/1997 66

BW Hof Löhner Str. 134 Löhner Strasse 134
Small farm house from 1827 12/19/1997 67

[[Template: image request / code! / C: 52.2024307,8.7574919! / D: Scheune
(deleted on November 25, 1998 ), Löhner Straße 167! / | BW]]
(deleted on November 25, 1998)
Löhner Strasse 167
Four-column half-timbered house from 1818 12/19/1997 68

BW villa Lübbecker Strasse 64
Villa around 1900 12/19/1997 69

BW Main building of the Hof von-Humboldt- Str. 18 von-Humboldt-Straße 18
Half-timbered main rural house from 1763 12/19/1997 70

Estate Estate Schweichelner Strasse 1
Estate from 1823 and 1848 12/19/1997 71

BW Former Heuerlingshaus of the Hofanlage Schweichelner Str. 7 Schweichelner Strasse 7
Uh Heuerlingshaus from 1852 (two-tier) 12/19/1997 72

BW Heuerlingshaus Schweichelner Str. 14 Schweichelner Strasse 14
Heuerlingshaus (four-column) - last third of the 19th century. 12/19/1997 73

BW Residential and farm buildings At the Osnabrücker Bahn 62
Residential and farm building / brick building from 1911 12/19/1997 74

Ev.  Church dunning
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Ev. Church dunning Koenigstrasse 26
Church, built 1963-65 12/19/1997 75

BW Garden pavilion On the Bülte 20
Garden pavilion around 1910 06/02/1998 76

[[Template: image request / code! / C: 52.1996264,8.7304824! / D: Hofanlage Oeynhausener Str. 30
(deleted on April 19, 2005 ), Oeynhausener Strasse 30! / | BW]]
Hofanlage Oeynhausener Str. 30
(deleted on April 19, 2005)
Oeynhausener Strasse 30
Courtyard complex consisting of a half-timbered main house from 1822, a Kötterhaus from 1822 and a barn / shed at the same time 06/16/1998 77

[[Template: image request / code! / C: 52.1983304,8.7210027! / D: Kotten from 1857 of the courtyard
complex Oeynhausener Str. 28 (deleted on 08.08.2000), Oeynhausener Strasse 28! / | BW]]
Kotten from 1857 of the courtyard
complex Oeynhausener Str. 28 (deleted on 08.08.2000)
Oeynhausener Strasse 28
Kotten from 1857 06/16/1998 78

BW Courtyard Oeynhausener Strasse 26 u. 26b
Main house from 1769 and Kotten from around 1800 06/16/1998 79

BW Winkelmann grave in the Mahnen cemetery, grave no.04 01 On the Bülte
Grave complex built in 1906 07/12/2004 80

See also

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