List of architectural monuments in Potsdam / Z

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This part of the list includes the monuments in Potsdam that are located in streets that begin with Z. The status of the list is as of December 31, 2013.

Distinctive emblem for cultural property.svg
List of architectural monuments in Potsdam :

Monuments of the Prussian Palaces and Gardens Foundation Berlin-Brandenburg (SPSG)

Core city by street name:

Without street information

Architectural monuments in the districts

Architectural monuments

The columns contain the following information:

  • ID-No .: The number is assigned by the Brandenburg State Office for Monument Preservation . A link after the number leads to the entry about the monument in the monument database. The word Wikidata can also be found in this column ; the corresponding link leads to information on this monument at Wikidata.
  • Location: the address of the monument and the geographical coordinates.
    Link to a map view tool to set coordinates. In the map view, monuments without coordinates are shown with a red marker and can be placed on the map. Monuments without a picture are marked with a blue marker, monuments with a picture with a green marker.
  • Official designation: Designation in the official lists of the Brandenburg State Office for Monument Preservation. A link behind the name leads to the Wikipedia article about the monument.
  • Description: the description of the monument
  • Image: a picture of the monument and, if applicable, a link to further photos of the monument in the Wikimedia Commons media archive
ID no. location Official name description image

Potsdam West
( location )
see wildlife park
see wildlife park
Brandenburger Vorstadt
Zeppelinstraße 24
( location )
Gardener's house with enclosure
Gardener's house with enclosure
Brandenburger Vorstadt
Zeppelinstraße 37
( location )
Viktoria-Garten (now Charlott-Lichtspieltheater) with a plaque commemorating the largest meeting place of the labor movement in the years 1890–1918 The buildings are unused and crumbling (August 2013).
Viktoria-Garten (now Charlott-Lichtspieltheater) with a plaque commemorating the largest meeting place of the labor movement in the years 1890–1918
Brandenburg suburb
Zeppelinstraße 38-44
( location )
Row of houses [[Template: image request / code! / C: 52.392242,13.034344! / D: Brandenburger Vorstadt
Zeppelinstraße 38–44, row of houses! / | BW]]

Potsdam West
Zeppelinstraße 83-107
( location )
see Stadtheide 1-38 [[Template: image request / code! / C: 52.38357,13.020493! / D: Potsdam West
Zeppelinstraße 83-107, see Stadtheide 1-38! / | BW]]
Brandenburger Vorstadt
Zeppelinstraße 113
( location )
Residential building [[Template: image request / code! / C: 52.381258,13.017902! / D: Brandenburger Vorstadt
Zeppelinstraße 113, residential building! / | BW]]
Potsdam West
Zeppelinstrasse 114–117
( location )
Villa Carlshagen with garden, front garden and remains of the enclosure See Olympic Path 1
Villa Carlshagen with garden, front garden and remains of the enclosure
Brandenburg suburb
Zeppelinstraße 123
( location )
House Jonas / Dr. Hachfeld with garden [[Template: image request / code! / C: 52.383953,13.02338! / D: Brandenburger Vorstadt
Zeppelinstraße 123, Jonas house / Dr. Hachfeld with garden! / | BW]]
Brandenburg suburb
Zeppelinstrasse 126–128
( location )
Villa Ingenheim with outbuildings and park
Villa Ingenheim with outbuildings and park
Brandenburg suburb
Zeppelinstraße 136
( location )
Steam mill of the Prussian maritime trade with magazine, store and officials' houses
Steam mill of the Prussian maritime trade with magazine, store and officials' houses
Brandenburger Vorstadt
Zeppelinstraße 146
( location )
Charlottenhof train station [[Template: picture request / code! / O: Potsdam Charlottenhof train station! / C: 52.392877,13.036219! / D: Brandenburger Vorstadt
Zeppelinstraße 146, Charlottenhof train station! / | BW]]
Brandenburger Vorstadt
Zeppelinstraße 147
( location )
Residential house with restaurant [[Template: image request / code! / C: 52.393195,13.036815! / D: Brandenburger Vorstadt
Zeppelinstraße 147, house with restaurant! / | BW]]
Brandenburger Vorstadt
Zeppelinstraße 153
( location )
Rental house
Rental house
Brandenburg suburb
Zeppelinstrasse 154–161
( location )
Tenement block ("Beyertt Block") with a courtyard and fencing
Tenement block ("Beyertt Block") with a courtyard and fencing
Brandenburger Vorstadt
Zeppelinstraße 164a
( location )
Villa Saran with enclosure
Villa Saran with enclosure
Brandenburger Vorstadt
Zeppelinstraße 189
( location )
Villa Brandt with garden plot and enclosure The Villa Brandt was built in 1843/44 according to plans by Ludwig Persius . [[Template: image request / code! / C: 52.398632,13.046634! / D: Brandenburger Vorstadt
Zeppelinstraße 189, Villa Brandt with garden plot and enclosure! / | BW]]
Brandenburger Vorstadt
Zimmerstrasse 3–6
( location )
St. Josefs Hospital with main building, chapel and extensions, morgue, entrance gate with enclosure wall and two hospital buildings on Zimmerstrasse see avenue to Sanssouci 7
St. Josefs Hospital with main building, chapel and extensions, morgue, entrance gate with enclosure wall and two hospital buildings on Zimmerstrasse
Brandenburger Vorstadt
Zimmerstrasse 10, 11
( location )
Building of the science and restoration center of the SPSG, formerly the building of the Hans-Otto-Theater, former society house "Zum Alten Fritz" (front building with ticket hall and memorial plaque for the unification party conference of the KPD and SPD of the state of Brandenburg to the SED)
Building of the science and restoration center of the SPSG, formerly the building of the Hans-Otto-Theater, former society house "Zum Alten Fritz" (front building with ticket hall and memorial plaque for the unification party conference of the KPD and SPD of the state of Brandenburg to the SED)
Brandenburger Vorstadt
To the train station Pirschheide 1, 5
( location )
Potsdam-Pirschheide railway station with a paved forecourt
Potsdam-Pirschheide railway station with a paved forecourt
Waldstadt I
Zur Nuthe 1–32, Am Stadtrand 1–44, Meisenweg 1–8
( location )
Self-help settlement "Am Nuthestrand"
Self-help settlement "Am Nuthestrand"

Web links

Commons : cultural monuments in Potsdam  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Change of address according to the resolution of the 17th public meeting of the city council of the state capital Potsdam on January 27, 2016 , accessed on August 19, 2016.