List of mountains or elevations in Mozambique

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This is a list of the mountains or peaks in Mozambique:

height Surname region coordinate comment
2436 m Monte Binga Manica ! 480.2230005533.062000519 ° 47 ′  S , 033 ° 04 ′  E highest elevation in Mozambique
2419 m Monte Namuli Zambézia ! 484.6250005537.028000515 ° 23 ′  S , 037 ° 02 ′  E
2067 m Monte Currarre Zambézia ! 484.8130005537.069000515 ° 11 ′  S , 037 ° 04 ′  E
2054 m Serra Chiperone Zambézia ! 483.5220005535.714000516 ° 29 ′  S , 035 ° 43 ′  E
1980 m Panga Manica ! 481.4110005532.911000518 ° 35 ′  S , 032 ° 55 ′  E
1887 m Gorungue Manica ! 481.3130005532.962000518 ° 41 ′  S , 032 ° 58 ′  E
1863 m Monte Nhandore Sofala ! 481.5740005534.041000518 ° 26 ′  S , 034 ° 02 ′  E
1856 m Monte Zombue Sofala ! 481.6330005534.063000518 ° 22 ′  S , 034 ° 04 ′  E
1850 m Serra Nhatoa Manica ! 481.8860005533.023000518 ° 07 ′  S , 033 ° 01 ′  E
1850 m Monte Mepulo Tete ! 484.8030005534.481000515 ° 12 ′  S , 034 ° 29 ′  E
1841 m Monte Dezenza Tete ! 484.9010005534.531000515 ° 06 ′  S , 034 ° 32 ′  E
1790 m Barauro Manica ! 481.9670005533.076000518 ° 02 ′  S , 033 ° 05 ′  E
1700 m Monte Mabu Zambézia ! 483.7020005536.395000516 ° 18 ′  S , 036 ° 24 ′  E The mountain world of Mabu was only scientifically discovered in 2005

See also

Web links

Commons : Mountains in Mozambique  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

References and comments

  1. Altitude information above sea level
  2. a b c d e f g h i j k l GeoNames Mozambique , accessed January 2015
  3. Article of December 21, 2008 about the unexplored mountains of Mabu in the British daily The Guardian , accessed on January 8, 2015