List of soil monuments in Cumlosen

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The list of archaeological monuments in Cumlosen includes all archaeological monuments of the Brandenburg municipality of Cumlosen and its districts. The basis is the publication of the state monuments list as of December 31, 2017. The monuments are listed in the list of monuments in Cumlosen .

Soil monuments

District Hall Brief address Ground monument number comment image
Cumlose 2 Settlement of the German Middle Ages, settlement of prehistory and early history 110196 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Cumlose 1 Iron Age Settlement, Bronze Age Settlement 110197 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Cumlose 2 Bronze Age settlement 110198 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Cumlose 4th Settlement of modern times, settlement of prehistory and early history 110199 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Cumlose 1, 4 Grave prehistory and early history 100200 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Cumlose 2 Iron Age settlement 110201 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Cumlose 1 Desolation of the German Middle Ages 110203 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Cumlose 5 Single find prehistory and early history 110205 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Cumlose 2 Bronze Age settlement 110209 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Cumlose 4th Bronze Age burial ground 110210 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Cumlose 4th Village center of the German Middle Ages, village center of modern times, settlement of prehistory and early history 110211 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Cumlose 4th Mill Middle Ages, mill modern times 110212 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Cumlose 1 Mill modern times 110213 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Cumlose 4th Burial ground prehistory 110214 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Cumlose 2 Single find prehistory and early history 110215 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Motrich 1 Settlement modern times, settlement German Middle Ages 110533 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Motrich 2 Roman Empire settlement, Iron Age settlement 110534 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Motrich 1 Neolithic settlement 110535 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Motrich 1 German Middle Ages settlement, Bronze Age settlement 110536 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Motrich 1 Roman imperial settlement, Neolithic settlement 110537 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Motrich 1 German Middle Ages settlement 110538 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Motrich 1 German Middle Ages settlement, individual finds from prehistory 110539 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Motrich 1 Settlement of the German Middle Ages, settlement of prehistory and early history 110540 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Motrich 1 German Middle Ages settlement 110541 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Motrich 2 German Middle Ages settlement, Iron Age settlement 110542 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Motrich 1 Prehistory and early history settlement, German Middle Ages settlement 110543 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Motrich 1 German Middle Ages settlement, Iron Age settlement 110544 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Motrich 1 Prehistory settlement 110545 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Motrich 1 Village center German Middle Ages, village center modern times 110546 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Müggendorf 2 Village center modern times 110216 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Müggendorf 2 German Middle Ages settlement 110217 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Wentdorf 2 Bronze Age settlement, Iron Age settlement 110398 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Wentdorf 3 Roman imperial settlement 110399 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Wentdorf 2 German Middle Ages settlement, Prehistory settlement, Iron Age settlement 110400 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Wentdorf 2 German Middle Ages settlement, prehistory and early history burial ground 110401 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Wentdorf 1 Roman imperial settlement 110402 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Wentdorf 6th Roman imperial settlement, Bronze Age settlement 110403 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Wentdorf 6th German Middle Ages settlement 110404 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Wentdorf 2 Iron Age settlement, German Middle Ages settlement 110406 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Wentdorf 2 Settlement of the Roman Empire, settlement of the German Middle Ages 110407 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Wentdorf 2 Prehistory and early history settlement, German Middle Ages settlement 110408 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Wentdorf 6th Bronze Age settlement, Iron Age settlement 110409 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Wentdorf 2 Roman imperial settlement 110410 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Wentdorf 5 Prehistory burial ground, Prehistory settlement, Bronze Age burial ground 110411 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Wentdorf 5 Bronze Age burial ground 110412 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Wentdorf 4th Field of the German Middle Ages 110413 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Wentdorf 2 Village center modern times, village center German Middle Ages 110414 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Wentdorf 5 Slavic Middle Ages settlement, Iron Age settlement 110415 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Wentdorf 4th Iron Age Settlement, Bronze Age Settlement 110416 60x15transparent spacer.svg
Wentdorf 6th Bronze Age settlement 110417 60x15transparent spacer.svg

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