List of soil monuments in Friesack

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The list of ground monuments in Friesack contains all ground monuments of the Brandenburg town of Friesack and its districts based on the state monument list dated December 31, 2017.

The architectural monuments are listed in the list of architectural monuments in Friesack .

District Hall Brief address Ground monument number comment image
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1, 11 Roman Empire settlement, Neolithic settlement, Bronze Age settlement, Iron Age settlement, Slavic Middle Ages cemetery, Slavic Middle Ages settlement 50693
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1, 6, 11, 12 Old town German Middle Ages, settlement Slavic Middle Ages, settlement Roman imperial times, old town modern times 50694
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1, 3, 6, 11, 12 Schloss Neuzeit, castle German Middle Ages 50695 Main article: Friesack Castle Friesack, Burg, 1894.jpg
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1, 7 Neolithic settlement, Mesolithic rest and work area, Roman imperial settlement, Iron Age settlement, Slavic Middle Ages settlement, Bronze Age settlement 50696
Friesack, Vietznitz
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7, 10, 11, 6 Iron Age settlement, Roman Empire settlement, Prehistory and early history settlement, Neolithic settlement 50697
Friesack, Vietznitz
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10, 6 Rest and work area Mesolithic, Neolithic settlement 50698
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5, 13 Neolithic settlement, rest and work area Mesolithic 50699
Friesack, Kleßen
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5, 14 Slavic Middle Ages settlement 50700
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11 Iron Age burial ground 50701
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3, 6 Settlement of the Roman Empire, settlement of the German Middle Ages 50702
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4, 6 Neolithic settlement, Iron Age settlement 50703
Friesack, Kleßen
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5, 13, 14 Slavic Middle Ages settlement, German Middle Ages settlement 50704
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2 Neolithic settlement 50705
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11 Slavic Middle Ages settlement 50706
Friesack, Vietznitz
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17, 6 Single find Mesolithic, single find early history 50707
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4, 13 Rest and work area Mesolithic 50708
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6th Neolithic settlement 50709
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1, 11, 12 Single find Neolithic, Bronze Age burial ground 50710
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4th Rest and work area Stone Age 50711
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6th Rest and work area Stone Age 50712
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1 Neolithic settlement, rest and work area Mesolithic 50713
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6th Roman imperial settlement, Iron Age settlement, Neolithic settlement, Bronze Age settlement 50714
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1 Rest and work area Mesolithic, Neolithic settlement 50715
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7th Rest and work area Stone Age 50716
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2 Prehistory and early history settlement 50717
Friesack, Vietznitz
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10, 17, 5 Rest and work area Stone Age, settlement Slavic Middle Ages, settlement prehistory and early history 50718
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2 Bronze Age settlement 50755
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6th Prehistory and early history settlement, Mesolithic resting and work area, Neolithic settlement, Iron Age settlement 50758
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6th Middle Ages village center, modern village center 50759
Zootzen 01
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12 Cemetery Roman Imperial Era 50756
Zootzen, Zootzen 01
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10, 11, 12 Slavic Middle Ages settlement 50757
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10 Settlement modern times 50760
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6th Bronze Age settlement, Slavic medieval castle wall 50761
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2 Castle ramparts Slavic Middle Ages 50762
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7th Prehistory and early history settlement 50763
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2 Neolithic settlement 50764
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5 Prehistory and early history settlement 50765
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3 Prehistory and early history settlement 50766
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7th Rest and work area Mesolithic, settlement of prehistory and early history 50767

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