List of soil monuments in Herzberg (Elster)

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In the list of soil monuments in Herzberg (Elster) all soil monuments of the Brandenburg town of Herzberg (Elster) and its districts are listed. The basis is the publication of the state monuments list as of December 31, 2017. The monuments are listed in the list of monuments in Herzberg (Elster) .

District Hall Brief address Ground monument number comment image
1 Arnsnesta
( location )
1, 2 Mill Modern Age, Cemetery Modern Age, Church German Middle Ages, Mill German Middle Ages, Church Modern Age, Cemetery German Middle Ages, Village Core German Middle Ages, Village Core Modern Age 20367
2 Arnsnesta
( location )
2 Tower hill German Middle Ages 20368
3 Arnsnesta
( location )
2 Neolithic settlement 20369
4th Buckau
( location )
1 Bronze Age burial ground 20250
5 Bark 4th Bronze Age burial ground, Bronze Age burial ground 20404
6th Buckau
( location )
3, 4 Bronze Age burial ground 20251
7th Buckau
( location )
4th Barrow burial ground Bronze Age 20252
8th Buckau
( location )
2 Village center of the German Middle Ages , village center of the new time , church of the German middle ages, church of the new time, cemetery of the German middle ages, cemetery of the new time 20253
9 Frauenhorst 2 Church Modern Age, Village Center Modern Age, Village Center German Middle Ages, Bronze Age Cemetery, Modern Cemetery, German Middle Ages Church, German Middle Ages Cemetery 20402
10 Friedersdorf 3 Rest and work area Stone Age 20158
11 Friedersdorf 1 Roman imperial settlement 20159
12 Friedersdorf 3 Bronze Age settlement 20160
13 Friedersdorf 2 Village center of the German Middle Ages, village center of the new time, church of the German middle ages, church of the new time, cemetery of the German middle ages, cemetery of the new time 20161
14th Herzberg Cemetery modern times, old town modern times, old town German Middle Ages, German Middle Ages cemetery 20359
15th Herzberg 28 Iron Age settlement 20406
16 Herzberg 30, 31 Rest and work area Mesolithic, burial ground Roman Imperial Era, settlement Neolithic, burial ground Bronze Age, settlement Slavic Middle Ages 20407
17th Herzberg 32 Rest and work area Mesolithic 20409
18th Herzberg 4th Prehistory settlement 20410
19th Herzberg 4th Neolithic settlement, rest and work area Mesolithic 20411
20th Herzberg 4th Prehistory settlement 20412
21st Herzberg 2 Bronze Age burial ground 20413
22nd Herzberg 4th Stone Age settlement, Iron Age settlement, Roman Empire settlement, Slavic Middle Ages settlement 20415
23 Herzberg 4th Rest and work area Stone Age 20416
24 Herzberg 4th Village center modern times, village center German Middle Ages 20420
25th Herzberg 22, 23, 24, 28, 29 Village center German Middle Ages, tower hill German Middle Ages, village center Modern Age, Bronze Age settlement, Modern Age Castle 20421
26th Herzberg 29 Iron Age settlement 20422

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