List of soil monuments in Rangsdorf

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In the list of soil monuments in Rangsdorf , all soil monuments of the Brandenburg municipality Rangsdorf and its districts are listed. The basis is the publication of the state monuments list as of December 31, 2015. The monuments are listed in the list of monuments in Rangsdorf .

District Hall Brief address Ground monument number comment image
1 Great Machnow 2, 3, 4 Slavic Middle Ages settlement, Middle Ages village center, Bronze Age settlement, Modern village center, Roman Empire settlement 130226
2 Great Machnow 4th Settlement of the German Middle Ages, resting place and work place Stone Age, settlement of prehistory and early history 130257
3 Great Machnow 1 Stone Age settlement 130468
4th Great Machnow 3 Slavic Middle Ages settlement, German Middle Ages settlement 130470
5 Great Machnow 3 Iron Age burial ground 130471
6th Great Machnow 3 Iron Age burial ground 130472
7th Great Machnow 3 Grave field Migration Period, Settlement Stone Age, Settlement Roman Empire, Grave field Roman Empire, Settlement Iron Age 130473
8th Great Machnow 3 Bronze Age settlement, Iron Age settlement 130474
9 Great Machnow 3 Bronze Age settlement, Iron Age settlement 130475
10 Great Machnow 2 Bronze Age settlement, Slavic Middle Ages settlement, Roman Empire settlement 130476
11 Great Machnow 2 Prehistory settlement, Slavic Middle Ages settlement 130477
12 Great Machnow 3 Iron Age settlement, Bronze Age settlement, Slavic Middle Ages settlement, Roman Empire settlement 130478
13 Great Machnow 3 Rest and work area Stone Age 130480
14th Great Machnow 3 Bronze Age settlement, Bronze Age burial ground 130481
15th Great Machnow 21st Prehistory settlement 130482
16 Great Machnow 1 Prehistory settlement, Slavic Middle Ages settlement 130483
17th Great Machnow 1 Prehistory settlement 130485
18th Great Machnow 2 Iron Age settlement 130486
19th Great Machnow 2 Roman Empire settlement, Stone Age settlement, Slavic Middle Ages settlement 130488
20th Great Machnow 1 Rest and work area Stone Age 130489
21st Great Machnow 1 Rest and work area Stone Age 130490
22nd Great Machnow 1 Rest and work area Stone Age 130491
23 Great Machnow 2 Prehistory settlement 130492
24 Great Machnow 3 Iron Age Settlement, Bronze Age Settlement 130493
25th Great Machnow 2 Field of modern times, field of German Middle Ages, settlement of Slavic Middle Ages, settlement of prehistory 131061
26th Great Machnow 3 Stone Age settlement 131062
27 Great Machnow 3, 4 Slavic Middle Ages settlement, Iron Age settlement 131164
28 Groß Machnow, Klein Kienitz 2, 1 Rest and work area Stone Age, Iron Age settlement, Roman Empire settlement, Roman Empire burial ground, Bronze Age settlement 130278
29 Groß Machnow, Klein Kienitz 2, 1 Bronze Age burial ground 130479
30th Groß Machnow, Klein Kienitz 2, 1 Bronze Age burial ground 130484
31 Groß Machnow, Rangsdorf 1, 20, 21 Bronze Age burial ground 130460
32 Groß Machnow, Rangsdorf 1, 21 Prehistory and early history settlement, desertification of the German Middle Ages 130469
33 Groß Machnow, Rangsdorf 2, 15 Settlement of the Iron Age, burial ground of the Migration Period, settlement of the Roman Empire 130487
34 Klein Kienitz 1 Middle Ages village center, modern village center 130200
35 Klein Kienitz 1 Slavic Middle Ages settlement, Mesolithic rest and work area, German Middle Ages settlement, Iron Age settlement, Neolithic settlement 130281
36 Klein Kienitz 1 Bronze Age burial ground 130282
37 Klein Kienitz 1 Slavic Middle Ages settlement, Bronze Age settlement 130283
38 Klein Kienitz 1, 2 Bronze Age settlement 130284
39 Klein Kienitz 1 Slavic Middle Ages settlement 130285
40 Klein Kienitz 1 Neolithic settlement, Migration Period settlement, Roman Imperial Age settlement, Bronze Age settlement, German Middle Ages settlement 130287
41 Klein Kienitz 1 Slavic Middle Ages settlement 130288
42 Klein Kienitz 1 Iron Age settlement 130290
43 Rangsdorf 10, 5 Middle Ages village center, modern village center 130225
44 Rangsdorf 3 Prehistory settlement 130458
45 Rangsdorf 21, 22 Prehistory and early history settlement 130459
46 Rangsdorf 15, 16, 18, 19 Bronze Age settlement, Bronze Age burial ground 130461
47 Rangsdorf 11 Prehistory and early history settlement 130462
48 Rangsdorf 7th Schanze modern times 130463
49 Rangsdorf 1 Rest and work area Stone Age 130464
50 Rangsdorf 11 Settlement from the Roman Empire, individual finds from the German Middle Ages 130465
51 Rangsdorf 11 Roman imperial settlement, Stone Age settlement 130466
52 Rangsdorf 22nd Iron Age settlement 131165
53 Brusendorf, Groß Kienitz, Klein Kienitz 1, 1, 2 Roman Empire settlement, Iron Age settlement, Bronze Age settlement, Neolithic settlement 130289

Individual proof

  1. List of monuments of the state of Brandenburg: Dahme-Spreewald district (PDF) Brandenburg State Office for Monument Preservation and State Archaeological Museum

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