List of ground monuments in Dahmetal

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In the list of ground monuments in Dahmetal , all ground monuments of the Brandenburg community of Dahmetal and its districts are listed. The basis is the publication of the state monuments list as of December 31, 2017. The monuments are listed in the list of monuments in Dahmetal .

District Hall Brief address Ground monument number comment image
1 Görsdorf 3 Village center German Middle Ages , village center modern times 131049
2 Görsdorf 5 Field of the German Middle Ages, settlement of prehistory and early history 131050
3 Görsdorf 2 German Middle Ages village center, Modern Age Castle, German Middle Ages Castle, modern village center 131051
4th Görsdorf 5 Prehistory settlement 131214
5 Görsdorf 3 Iron Age settlement 131215
6th Görsdorf 5 Barrow field prehistory 131219
7th Görsdorf 5 Barrow field prehistory 131349
8th Görsdorf, Zagelsdorf 5, 1 Prehistory settlement 131213
9 Song bald 2 Village center modern times, village center German Middle Ages 131047
10 Song bald 2 Bronze Age burial ground 131048
11 Song bald 2 Prehistory and early history settlement 131216
12 Song bald 1 Prehistory settlement 131217
13 Song bald 2 Barrow prehistory 131218
14th Song bald 1 Barrow field prehistory 131220
15th Prensdorf 3 Field of the modern age, field of the German Middle Ages, burial mound field of the Bronze Age 131042
16 Prensdorf 3 Village center modern times, village center German Middle Ages 131043
17th Prensdorf 4th Prehistory settlement 131222
18th Wentdorf 1 Slavic Middle Ages settlement , German Middle Ages village, Iron Age settlement , Modern village core, Bronze Age settlement 131053
19th Wentdorf 1 Prehistory settlement 131223
20th Wentdorf 5 Village center modern, village center medieval 130234

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