Ministry of Rationing and Supply (Israel)

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The Ministry of Rationing and Supply in Israel ( Hebrew מִשְׂרָד הקִצּוּב והאַסְפָּקָה, Misrad ha-Kizuv we-ha-Aspaka ) was a portfolio in the Israeli cabinet that only existed one and a half years and was founded on April 26, 1949 by David Ben-Gurion to implement the Israeli austerity program. Minister was Dov Yosef . After the austerity program was implemented, Ben-Gurion closed the ministry when the second government was formed in October / November 1950.

List of Ministers for Rationing and Supply

No. Surname portrait Political party Start of office End of office Government ( PM )
1 Dov Yosef Dov Yosef.jpg Mapai April 26, 1949 November 1, 1950 1 ( Ben-Gurion )

Individual evidence

  1. a b First Knesset Knesset website