Ministry of Jerusalem Affairs

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The Minister for Jerusalem Affairs ( Hebrew שַׂר לעִנְיָינֵי יְרוּשָׁלַיִם) is an occasional portfolio in the Israeli cabinet.

It was first under the 24th government of Israel Yitzhak Shamir on 27 November 1990 with Abraham Verdiger founded, which was served as vice minister, although Awner Chai Shaki as since 1988 Minister without portfolio was in charge of Jerusalem affairs. However, the post was abolished by Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin on December 31, 1992.

It was re-formed in 2001 under Ariel Sharon. Since 2005 this task has been performed by the Minister without Portfolio.

List of ministers

Deputy Minister Political party government Term of office prime minister
Owner-Chai Shaki National Religious Party 23. Dec. 27, 1988 - June 11, 1990 Yitzchak Shamir
Yitzchak Shamir (also PM) Likud 24. Nov 27, 1990 - July 13, 1992 Yitzchak Shamir
Yitzchak Rabin (also PM) Avoda 25th July 13, 1992 - December 31, 1992 Yitzhak Rabin
Elijahu Suissa Schas 29 March 7, 2001 - May 23, 2002 Ariel Sharon
Elijahu Suissa Schas 29 June 3, 2002 - Feb. 28, 2003 Ariel Sharon
Natan Sharansky independent 30th March 3, 2003 - May 4, 2005 Ariel Sharon
Chaim Ramon Avoda 30th Jan 10, 2005 - Nov 23, 2005 Ariel Sharon
Jacob Edery Kadima 31. May 4, 2006 - July 4, 2007 Ehud Olmert
Naftali Bennett HaBajit haJehudi 34. May 14, 2015 - May 19, 2015 Benjamin Netanyahu
Ze'ev Elkin Likud 34. June 1, 2016 - May 17, 2020 Benjamin Netanyahu
Rafi Peretz HaBajit haJehudi 35. May 17, 2020 - acting Benjamin Netanyahu

Deputy Minister

Deputy Minister Political party government Term of office
Abraham Verdiger Agudat Jisra'el 24. Nov 27, 1990 - July 13, 1992

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Twelfth Knesset: Government 24 Knesset website