List of soil monuments in Stauchitz

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In the list of soil monuments in Stauchitz , the soil monuments of the city of Stauchitz and its districts are listed according to the status of the list by Harald Quietzsch and Heinz Jacob from 1982. Any changes and additions, especially from the time after the fall of the Wall , are not taken into account, as there are currently no newer, generally accessible soil monument lists for Saxony . The architectural monuments are listed in the list of cultural monuments in Stauchitz .

Monument ID Find type District designation Time position location Remarks image
? Fortification> castle Poeh Moated castle middle Ages northeast of the place, in the floodplain south of the Mehltheuerbach, in the area of ​​the districts Pöhsig and Gleina Completely leveled, preserved underground, protection since September 30, 1937, renewed November 12, 1957
? Fortification> castle Ragewitz Moated castle middle Ages in the village, southern estate area Overbuilt by manor house, trench fortification leveled on the surface, protection since November 11, 1966
? Fortification> castle Staucha Rampart Slav period? in the village, area of ​​the Kirchberg Fortifications removed, protection since 1937, renewed November 12, 1957
? Fortification> castle Stauchitz Wall system " Burgberg " Slav period west-southwest of the village, between the road and the valley of the Jahna , in the area of ​​the Stauchitz and Hof districts Leveled ring wall in lowland, protection since June 15, 1973
? special stone Steudten Monolithic individual monument "Huthübel" Neolithic southeast of the village, the summit of the Huthübels Mound of earth with centrally erected stone column, protection since August 30, 1935, renewed November 11, 1966 Steudten Huthübel Menhir.jpg
? Fortification> castle Push seat Moated castle middle Ages northeast of the place, immediately southwest of Plotitz , brook valley Island with a circular moat, protection since May 5, 1938, renewed November 12, 1957


  • Harald Quietzsch , Heinz Jacob : The protected ground monuments in the Dresden district (= small writings of the State Museum for Prehistory Dresden. Volume 2). State Museum for Prehistory, Dresden 1982, pp. 71–72.