List of natural monuments in Friesack

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The list of natural monuments in Friesack contains all natural monuments of the Brandenburg town of Friesack and its districts in the Havelland district , which are protected by statutory instrument. (Status: 2014)


  • ND-No .: gives the number of the natural monument ( B for single tree , BG for tree group and BA for tree avenue )
  • Natural monument / name: Mention the natural monument with a specific name, if applicable
  • Location description : states the location of the natural monument with parcel and coordinates map view to set coordinates
  • Description: Gives details of the natural monument such as its condition, significance, reason for designation and the time of its determination
  • Image: Shows a picture of the natural monument


ND no. Natural monument / name Location description description image
0078 BG 2 × plane tree
The two plane trees on the castle wall
On the castle wall
  • two trees; both trees canopy and trunk rotten; Fungal infestation with shaggy Schillerporling ; Bulges in the base of the trunk; Vitality II-III
  • Representative of its kind; Estimated age 250-280 years
  • Townscape imprint; historical reference; Trunk circumference: 498 and 476
  • in the cadastre since 1962
Trees friesack feb2017 - 22.jpg
0079 BG 7 × oak
Seven Brothers Oak
On the state road L 17, direction Rhinow right on a sand dune
  • Seven oaks (Quercus robur) have grown together in the roots down to the lowest trunk. Dead wood removed in April 2019, decaying roots, fungal attack. Tree 5 trunk burned out and hollow. Crown protection installed in the entire tree in August 2019.
  • Representative of its kind; dendrological rarity; Age estimated 250 years
  • Townscape imprint; Particularly distinctive tree, trunk circumference: 336, 287, 298, 364, 373, 245, 265
  • in the cadastre since 1962
Friesack 7 Oak.jpg
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0094 BG Oak, 2 × linden, 2 × yew, 2 × ash
Grove of trees at the church in Friesack
On the area around the church in Friesack
  • Oak with the vitality I; Linden and yew trees with vitality II and the two ash trees (ornamental shapes) with decreasing vitality. The ash in front of the church shows strong reaction wood in spite of rotting crown trunk and crown attachment.
  • Due to the age and the dimensions, preservation as a representative of its kind; The oak and linden trees are estimated to be between 200 and 250 years old
  • Townscape imprint; historical reference; Trunk circumference 436, 331, 274, 224, 164, 271, 174
  • Council decision of January 12, 1978
Trees friesack feb2017 - 16.jpg
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0095 B Gleditschie
Christ thorn from the Friesack cemetery
Coordinates are missing in cemetery
! Help.
  • trunk rotten to the crown, crown branches broken off, fungal infestation with lacquer spores ; Vitality II-III
  • Representative of its kind; Age estimated 120 years
  • Imprinting of the townscape, particularly striking tree, trunk circumference: 232
  • Council decision of January 12, 1978
0096 B Sycamore
Sycamore at the ice cream parlor
Location on the property at Berliner Allee 11
  • Crown stem hollow; Fungal infestation with shaggy Schillerporling ; Vitality II
  • Representative of its kind; Age estimated 120 years
  • Townscape imprint; particularly striking tree; Trunk circumference: 334
  • Council decision of January 12, 1978
Trees friesack feb2017 - 17.jpg


ND no. Natural monument / name Location description description image
0097 B Oak
oak in dam
On the property at Hauptstrasse 2
  • Tree with broad crown; little deadwood; Vitality i
  • Representative of its kind; Age estimated 150 years
  • Townscape imprint; particularly striking tree; Trunk circumference: 392
  • Council decision of January 12, 1978
Oak damm friesack main str2 feb2017 - 1.jpg
0098 BG 1 2 × oak
oaks in the Friesacker Zootzen
Directly on the wayside and about 50 meters east of the forest road
  • Tree on the path with a broad crown; Stunted stature; Rotting roots; Vitality II;
    Tree 2 crown branches partially dead; Vitality III-IV
  • Representative of its kind; Age estimated 150 years
  • Townscape imprint; particularly striking tree; Trunk circumference: 448, 479
  • Council decision of January 12, 1978
Natural monument friesacker zootzen feb2017 - 2.jpg
0098 BG 2 Oak, beech
Oak and beech in the Friesacker Zootzen
On the property Forststrasse 1
  • Oak with crown reduction by breaking off crown branches; Vitality II
    Beech heavily thinning, beginning drought, rot and rot at the base of the crown; rotting strong branch wounds; vitality III
  • Representative of its kind; Age estimated 150 years
  • Townscape imprint; particularly striking tree; Trunk circumference: 448, 391
  • Council decision of January 12, 1978
Natural monument friesacker zootzen feb2017 - 5.jpg

Web links

Commons : Natural monuments in Friesack  - Collection of images, videos and audio files