List of natural monuments in Mühlenberge

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The list of natural monuments in Mühlenberge contains all natural monuments of the Brandenburg municipality of Mühlenberge and its districts in the Havelland district , which are protected by statutory instrument. (Status: 2014)


  • ND-No .: gives the number of the natural monument ( B for single tree , BG for tree group and BA for tree avenue )
  • Natural monument / name: Mention the natural monument with a specific name, if applicable
  • Location description : states the location of the natural monument with parcel and coordinates map view to set coordinates
  • Description: Gives details of the natural monument such as its condition, significance, reason for designation and the time of its determination
  • Image: Shows a picture of the natural monument


ND no. Natural monument / name Location description description image
0101 B Oak
forestry oak
On the way from Haage to the B 5 at the northeast exit of the village in front of the former forester's house
  • The trunk is torn open at the base of the crown and has a cavity below the onion
  • one of the oldest and strongest English oaks in the district; Representative of its kind; Age estimated 220 years
  • Townscape imprint; particularly striking tree; Trunk circumference: 550
  • Council decision of January 12, 1978
Haage feb2017 - 4.jpg
0102 B Oak
vineyard oak
On the vineyard
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  • Trunk has two large wounds from broken side branches and considerable decay. In some parts of the crown, the tree has heaped deadwood of different thicknesses. Some of the main branches are completely dead. Root rot, root rot
  • A tree that dominates the landscape due to the sweeping crown; special natural beauty; Estimated age 200 years.
  • Landscape imprinting; particularly striking tree; Trunk circumference: 505
  • Council decision of January 12, 1978
0103 B Oak
Oak at Martinsberg
At Martinsberg
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  • Trunk with rotting crown branches; Trunk cracks and bark injuries; Fungus infestation with oak tangles ; Fiber buckling on the trunk
  • a tree that dominates the landscape due to the sweeping crown; special natural beauty; Estimated age 200 years
  • Landscape imprinting; particularly striking tree; Trunk circumference: 540
  • Council decision of January 12, 1978
0104 B Oak twin oak
In the forest at height 36 a little two kilometers northwest behind the former forestry, 100 meters from Görnerweg on a
Gestellweg 1/044
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  • two oaks on the trunk up to about three meters fused trunks; Part of a tree has died, strong branch outbreaks, large proportion of dead wood; Vitality III - IV
  • one of the few native and strong oaks in the district; special growth habit; Estimated age 350 years
  • Landscape imprinting; particularly striking tree; Trunk circumference: 500
  • Decision 0006 of January 12, 1978

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