List of spring and fen societies, Hochmoorschlenken and Bulten societies in Germany

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The list of source and fen companies Hochmoorschlenken- and Bulten companies in Germany was the Red List of Threatened Plants companies in Germany (Rennwald 2000) removed, all occurring in Germany plant communities contains. Only the plant formation V = spring and fen communities, raised moor sloping and bulten communities was taken into account. This formation has three classes :

The list has been divided into these classes.

For each plant society a picture, its order , its association , its synsystematic rank, its German name, its scientific name and its degree of endangerment (column: G) is given in one column each.


Degree of risk:

  • 0 = extinct or lost
  • 1 = Critically Endangered
  • 2 = Endangered
  • 3 = endangered
  • G = risk to be assumed
  • R = extremely rare
  • V = Decreasing, type of warning list
  • * = currently not endangered
  • D = Insufficient data on distribution and exposure

The plant communities in this list should only be linked to articles about the entire respective plant society, not to individual representatives of the plant society.

Foam herb source corporations

image order Association rank German name scientific name G
European foam herb source corridor societies ORD European foam herb source corridor societies Montio-Cardaminetalia Pawlowski in Pawlowski et al. 1928
European foam herb source corridor societies ASS Bitterschaumkraut Society Cardamine amara society *
European foam herb source corridor societies Foam herb spring corridors in low-lime locations VRB Foam herb spring corridors in low-lime locations Cardamino-Montion Br.-Bl. 1926
European foam herb source corridor societies Foam herb spring corridors in low-lime locations ASS Company of Schleichers Birnmoos Montio-Bryetum schleicheri Br.-Bl. 1925 2
European foam herb source corridor societies Foam herb spring corridors in low-lime locations ASS Spring moss-Brook Springwort Society Philonotido fontanae-Montietum rivularis Büker et Tx. in Büker 1942 3
European foam herb source corridor societies Foam herb spring corridors in low-lime locations ASS Opposite Milkweed Society Chrysosplenietum oppositifoliae Oberd. et Philippi in Oberd. 1957 V
Foamwort-Starknervmoos-Tuff communities ORD Foamwort-Starknervmoos-Tuff communities Cardamino-Cratoneuretalia Maas 1959
Foamwort-Starknervmoos-Tuff communities Starknervmoos tuff societies VRB Starknervmoos tuff societies Cratoneurion commutati W. Koch 1928 nom. illegitimate.
Foamwort-Starknervmoos-Tuff communities Starknervmoos tuff societies ASS Starknervmoos-gosling-tuff society Cratoneuro-Arabidetum bellidifoliae W. Koch 1928 *
Foamwort-Starknervmoos-Tuff communities Starknervmoos tuff societies ASS Starknervmoos-Quelltuffgesellschaft Cratoneuretum commutati Aichinger 1933 nom. illegitimate. 3
Foamwort-Starknervmoos-Tuff communities Starknervmoos tuff societies ASS Pyrenean spoonbill society Cochlearia Pyrenaica Society 2

Fen and Schlenken societies

image order Association rank German name scientific name G
Intermoor and Schlenken societies ORD Intermoor and Schlenken societies Scheuchzerietalia palustris Nordhagen 1937
Intermoor and Schlenken societies ASS Peat Moss Cottongrass Society Eriophorum angustifolium-Sphagnum fallax / cuspidatum-Gesellschaft *
Intermoor and Schlenken societies Schnabelried-Schlenken societies VRB Schnabelried-Schlenken societies Rhynchosporion albae W. Koch 1926
Intermoor and Schlenken societies Schnabelried-Schlenken societies ASS Mud sedge and rushes swinging lawn Caricetum limosae Osvald 1923 3
Intermoor and Schlenken societies Schnabelried-Schlenken societies ASS Society of the White Schnabelried Sphagno tenelli-Rhynchosporetum albae Osvald 1923 nom. conserv. propos. 3
Intermoor and Schlenken societies Thread sedge societies of the intermediate moors VRB Thread sedge societies of the intermediate moors Caricion lasiocarpae Vanden Berghen in Lebrun et al. 1949
Intermoor and Schlenken societies Thread sedge societies of the intermediate moors ASS Fadenseggen-Basalgesellschaft Caricion lasiocarpae - basal society 3
Intermoor and Schlenken societies Thread sedge societies of the intermediate moors ASS Fadenseggen swing lawn Caricetum lasiocarpae Osvald 1923 nom. conserv. propos. 2
Intermoor and Schlenken societies Thread sedge societies of the intermediate moors ASS Wire sedge swinging lawn Caricetum diandrae Osvald 1923 nom. conserv. propos. 1
Intermoor and Schlenken societies Thread sedge societies of the intermediate moors ASS Knitting root sedge swinging lawn Drepanoclado-Caricetum chordorrhizae Osvald 1925 nom. conserv. propos. 2
Intermoor and Schlenken societies Thread sedge societies of the intermediate moors ASS Scorpion moss stiff sedge lawn Scorpidium scorpidioides-Carex elata Society G
Intermoor and Schlenken societies Thread sedge societies of the intermediate moors ASS Miracle sedge lawn Sphagno-Caricetum appropinquatae (Smarda 1948) Rybnicek 1974 2
Intermoor and Schlenken societies Thread sedge societies of the intermediate moors ASS Black loosestrife water sedge lawn Lysimachio thyrsiflorae-Caricetum aquatilis Neumann ex Dierschke 1967 2
Braunseggenrasen low-lime bogs ORD Braunseggenrasen low-lime bogs Caricetalia nigrae W. Koch 1926 nom. mutat. propos.
Braunseggenrasen low-lime bogs Brown sedge lawn VRB Brown sedge lawn Caricion nigrae W. Koch 1926 nom. mutat. propos.
Braunseggenrasen low-lime bogs Brown sedge lawn ASS Society of Scheuchzer's cotton-grass Eriophoretum Scheuchzeri Frieze 1913 *
Braunseggenrasen low-lime bogs Brown sedge lawn ASS Brown sedge lawn Caricetum nigrae Brown 1915 nom. mutat. propos. 3
Braunseggenrasen low-lime bogs Brown sedge lawn ASS Dreinervseggen-Braunseggen lawn Caricetum trinervi-nigrae Westhoff 1947 3
Braunseggenrasen low-lime bogs Brown sedge lawn ASS Swamp Heart Leaf Brown Sedge Society Parnassio-Caricetum nigrae Oberd. 1957 2
Braunseggenrasen low-lime bogs Brown sedge lawn ASS Alpenhelm Braunseggen lawn Bartsio-Caricetum nigrae J. Bartsch et M. Bartsch 1940 3
Braunseggenrasen low-lime bogs Brown sedge lawn ASS Fever Clover Peat Moss Society Menyantho-Sphagnetum teretis Warén 1926 1
Braunseggenrasen low-lime bogs Brown sedge lawn ASS Rieselseggen Society Caricetum pauperculae Osvald 1923 nom. mutat. et conserv. propos. 2
Davallseggen societies of base-rich fens ORD Davallseggen societies of base-rich fens Caricetalia davallianae Br.-Bl. 1949
Davallseggen societies of base-rich fens Davallseggen societies of the limestone bogs and limestone swamps VRB Davallseggen societies of the limestone bogs and limestone swamps Caricion davallianae Klika 1934
Davallseggen societies of base-rich fens Davallseggen societies of the limestone bogs and limestone swamps ASS Society of the Black Bullet Junco subnodulosi-Schoenetum nigricantis Allorge 1921 nom. inverse. et mutat. propos. 1
Davallseggen societies of base-rich fens Davallseggen societies of the limestone bogs and limestone swamps ASS Flour primrose rush lawn Schoenetum ferruginei Du Rietz 1925 3
Davallseggen societies of base-rich fens Davallseggen societies of the limestone bogs and limestone swamps ASS Davallseggen lawn Caricetum davallianae Dutoit 1924 2
Davallseggen societies of base-rich fens Davallseggen societies of the limestone bogs and limestone swamps ASS Ice harrow society Caricetum frigidae Rübel 1911 3
Davallseggen societies of base-rich fens Davallseggen societies of the limestone bogs and limestone swamps ASS Society of the Poor Blossom Rush Eleocharitetum quinqueflorae Lüdi 1921 nom. mutat. propos. 2
Davallseggen societies of base-rich fens Davallseggen societies of the limestone bogs and limestone swamps ASS Herzblatt-two-cutting rush society Parnassio-Juncetum atricapilli Westhoff ex Westhoff et al. 1995 1
Davallseggen societies of base-rich fens Davallseggen societies of the limestone bogs and limestone swamps ASS Alpine rush society Juncus alpinus society 2
Davallseggen societies of base-rich fens Arctic-Alpine Binsenseggen alluvial banks VRB Arctic-Alpine Binsenseggen alluvial banks Caricion maritimae Br.-Bl. in people 1940 corr.
Davallseggen societies of base-rich fens Arctic-Alpine Binsenseggen alluvial banks ASS Society of the small-grain sedge Caricetum microglochinis Nordhagen (1928) 1943 -
Davallseggen societies of base-rich fens Arctic-Alpine Binsenseggen alluvial banks ASS Head Sedge Society Carex Capitata Society -

High moor peat moss communities rich in dwarf shrubs

image order Association rank German name scientific name G
Glockenheide-Wartorfmoos-Gesellschaft der Heidemoore und

Wet heaths

ORD Glockenheide-Wartorfmoos-Gesellschaft der Heidemoore und

Wet heaths

Erico-Sphagnetalia papillosi Schwickerath 1940
Glockenheide-Wartorfmoos-Gesellschaft der Heidemoore und

Wet heaths

Glockenheide-Feuchtheide societies VRB Glockenheide-Feuchtheide societies Ericion tetralicis Schwickerath 1933
Glockenheide-Wartorfmoos-Gesellschaft der Heidemoore und

Wet heaths

Glockenheide-Feuchtheide societies ASS Bell heather society Ericetum tetralicis (Allorge 1922) Jonas 1932 2
Glockenheide-Wartorfmoos-Gesellschaft der Heidemoore und

Wet heaths

Glockenheide-Feuchtheide societies ASS Rush Society Sphagno compacti-Trichophoretum germanici (Oberd. 1938) J. Bartsch et M. Bartsch 1940 3
Glockenheide-Wartorfmoos-Gesellschaft der Heidemoore und

Wet heaths

Glockenheide-Feuchtheide societies ASS Kriechweiden-Glockenheide-Moorgesellschaft Salici repentis-Ericetum (Tx. 1937) Westhoff ex Barendregt 1982 3
Glockenheide-Wartorfmoos-Gesellschaft der Heidemoore und

Wet heaths

Dwarf shrub-dominated communities of oligotrophic-sour moors VRB Dwarf shrub-dominated communities of oligotrophic-sour moors Oxycocco-Ericion (Nordhagen 1936) Tx. 1937
Glockenheide-Wartorfmoos-Gesellschaft der Heidemoore und

Wet heaths

Dwarf shrub-dominated communities of oligotrophic-sour moors ASS Bell heather-peat moss-Bultengesellschaft Erico-Sphagnetum magellanici (Osvald 1923) Moore 1968 2
Raised bog peat moss societies ORD Raised bog peat moss societies Sphagnetalia magellanici (Pawlowski 1928) Kästner et Flößner 1933
Raised bog peat moss societies Raised bog peat moss societies VRB Raised bog peat moss societies Sphagnion magellanici Kästner et Flößner 1933
Raised bog peat moss societies Raised bog peat moss societies ASS Colored peat moss society Sphagnetum magellanici (Malcuit 1929) Kästner et Flößner 1933 3
Raised bog peat moss societies Raised bog peat moss societies ASS Porst-Bunttorfmoos-Gesellschaft Ledo-Sphagnetum magellanici Sukopp ex Neuhäusl 1969 2
Raised bog peat moss societies Raised bog peat moss societies ASS Turf rush raised bog society Eriophoro-Trichophoretum cespitosi (Zlatnik 1928, Rudolph et al. 1928) Rübel 1933 2
Raised bog peat moss societies Raised bog peat moss societies ASS Cottongrass Society Eriophorum vaginatum society *

Individual evidence

  1. Red List of Plant Associations pdf Accessed on September 17, 2018
  2. Red List of Plant Associations bfn.Retrieved September 17, 2018
  3. Risk criteria Accessed on September 17, 2018