List of writings by Wolfgang Koeppen

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The list of writings by Wolfgang Koeppen is a directory based on the content of Collected Works in six volumes , edited by Marcel Reich-Ranicki in collaboration with Dagmar von Briel and Hans-Ulrich Treichel (1986)

Volume 1: Novels I

  • An unhappy love (1934), p. 7
  • The wall wavers / The duty (1935/1939), p. 159
    • Projection (1983), pp. 161-167
  • Proof of first publications p. 421

Volume 2: Novels II

  • Pigeons in the grass (1951), p. 11
  • The greenhouse (1953), p. 221
  • Death in Rome (1954), p. 391
  • Proof of first publications p. 581

Volume 3: Narrative prose

  • Jugend (1972/1976), p. 7
  • A stoker will be great (1928), p. 101
  • Joan's Thousand Faces (1933), p. 105
  • Crisis (1933), p. 111
  • Holstentor (1933), p. 117
  • The engagement (1941), p. 125
  • Early Morning (1941), p. 131
  • Fish That Gasp for Air (1948), p. 139
  • Classic Italy (1949), p. 145
  • Nicely combed, coiffed thoughts (1956), p. 157
  • A coffee house (1965), p. 165
  • To myself (1960), p. 169
  • The sarcophagus of Phaedra (1968; created: 1950), p. 173
  • Melancholia (1968), p. 189
  • Anarchy (1969), p. 209
  • Fish that gasp for air / rubble or where are we emigrating to (1948/1972), p. 217
  • For the first time in Rotterdam (1972), p. 225
  • Angst (1974), p. 233
  • New York (1976), p. 247
  • Morgenrot (1976), p. 253
  • Who prepares food for ravens (1978), p. 269
  • A beginning and an end (1978), p. 277
  • Bless our exit, God, our entrance alike (1979), p. 297
  • Was Frieda really no good? (1982), p. 303
  • J. Pierpont Morgan, My Name and the Little Girls (1984), p. 311
  • Proof of first publications p. 317

Volume 4: Reports and Sketches I.

  • After Russia and elsewhere (1958), p. 7
    • The Reinfeld moon p. 9
    • A shred of bull skin (1956), p. 11
    • In the mirror of the canals p. 11
    • Mr. Polevoi and his guest p. 102
    • Enchanted Forest of the Red Buses (1958), p. 206
    • New Roman Cicerone (1957), p. 234
    • Landing in Eden p. 274
  • Amerikafahrt (1959), p. 277
  • Travels to France (1961), p. 467
  • Proof of first publications p. 659

Volume 5: Reports and Sketches II

From early years (1926–1933)

  • Schund (1926), p. 11
  • Potato diggers in Pomerania (1928), p. 13
  • Richard Eichberg zörgiebelt (1930), p. 16
  • A somersault has to be learned. The University of Variety Stars (1932), p. 18
  • Berlin - two steps away. Longing for the romanticism of the cinema brings young people together (1932), p. 21
  • Sensation at the gates of Berlin (1932), p. 25
  • Reading madness in Berlin? A child of crisis and a saving idea (1932), p. 28
  • Sixty pigeons without engagement. Circus on Wittenbergplatz (1932), p. 34
  • A lighthouse and a thousand lamps. Greifswalder Oie, a film island in the Baltic Sea (1932), p. 36
  • Faradayweg, No. 4. Villa, Factory or Monastery (1932), p. 41
  • A submarine in Neubabelsberg. The train leaves and stands (1932), p. 46
  • A bobsled in the running (1932), p. 49
  • Dionysus. Caught under Friedrichstrasse in a thousand barrels (1932), p. 51
  • Poison and drugs under glass. The Livingstones Toothbrush and the Chinese Pharmacy (1932), p. 54
  • The Horse (1933), p. 57
  • Past the jungle (1933), p. 60
  • The first Lülu (1933), p. 62
  • The Park of Veitshöchheim (1933), p. 64
  • Berlin sends gods into the world (1933), p. 66
  • The Saar region as seen from the train (1933), p. 69
  • Paris this spring (1933), p. 72
  • The desire to get up early in Berlin (1933), p. 79
  • O old Berlin glory. Old cabs in old streets (1933), p. 81
  • Youth and the Fine Arts (1933), p. 84
  • Masuria, August 1914. The destruction of the city of Orteisburg, the Russian flight and the victory of Tannenberg (1933), p. 88
  • Neuenkirchen (1933), p. 88
  • The most terrible. At the sight of the Sibyls of Michelangelo (1933), p. 98
  • Milieu: Rococo (1933), p. 100
  • Breakfast at Lehniner Platz (1933), p. 102
  • Have sua fata. Berlin Cars and Their Fates (1933), p. 105
  • Report on a film. And Gründgens says: The soul ... first the soul (1933), p. 108

Uncertain encounters

  • Munich or Die bürgerliche Saturnalien (1959), p. 117
  • The Heirs of Salamis or The Serious Greeks (1962), p. 132
  • Stern between Wars (1963), p. 154
  • A bookseller's customer (1963), p. 160
  • Answer to a survey: Has the man played out? (1965), p. 164
  • Proportionen der Melancholie (1971), p. 166
  • Pledge (1972), p. 181
  • Uncertain encounters. Günter Eich on Memory (1973), p. 182
  • A Prussian Princess in Bayreuth (1975), p. 186
  • A place to desire deeply (1977), p. 197
  • The mute in Zurich and Frankfurt (1980), p. 202
  • Der Landvogt vom Greifensee (1981), p. 209
  • Valhalla and the Margravine Hermitage. Detours to Wagner (1983), p. 212
  • Satt von Athen (1980), p. 224
  • Doge's Palace (1980), p. 225

On my own behalf

  • His creature. Answer to a survey: How do you feel about God? (1951), p. 229
  • Die wretten Skribenten (1952), p. 231
  • I Live From Writing (1954), p. 236
  • How I got there On the creation of the novel “Death in Rome” (1954), p. 242
  • Wahn (1960), p. 244
  • Answer to a survey: The novel that tells nothing (1960), p. 249
  • Detours to the goal. An autobiographical sketch (1961), p. 250
  • Speech on the award of the Georg Büchner Prize 1962 (1962), p. 253
  • Answer to a survey: the author and his material. On Gottfried Benn: Keep cold (1962), p. 262
  • Unfair Annual Report (1965), p. 265
  • Think of Ariel and death. Why I Travel (1968), p. 279
  • Vom Tisch (1972), p. 283
  • Asked about home (1972), p. 302
  • Answer to a survey: What are you working on right now? (1973), p. 304
  • As a town clerk in Bergen
    • Rise of a Town (1974), p. 305
    • Bergen-Enkheim September 75 (1978), p. 307
    • After nine years (1983), p. 307
  • A beautiful time of need (1974), p. 310
  • The Born Reader I Think I Am (1975), p. 322
  • In the old days, when wishing still helped (1978), p. 330
  • When I was at the theater in Würzburg (1978), p. 332
  • Märchendank (1979), p. 344
  • He writes about me, therefore I am (1980), p. 349
  • Only half a truth. Memories of Aladin and an unconscious magic lamp (1980), p. 352
  • The completion of a fate. Speech of thanks for the award of the 1982 Cultural Honorary Prize of the City of Munich (1982), p. 357
  • Proof of first publications p. 363

Volume 6: Essays and Reviews

From early years (1932–1933)

  • The more weak than the strong man. An experiment about Hans Henny Jahnn and his novel “Perrudja” (1932), p. 13
  • Novel about speeches. On the second volume of Musil's “Man without Qualities” (1933), p. 19
  • Meditations on love. Jose Ortega y Gasset contra Stendhal (1933), p. 23
  • Moeller van den Bruck. From “Italian Beauty” to “Prussian Style” to “Third Reich” (1933), p. 26
  • Novel and entertainment (1933), p. 34
  • Old and new novellas (1933), p. 40
  • Stefan George (1933), p. 43
  • On the job of the writer (1933), p. 46
  • Joseph Conrad (1933), p. 50
  • The Joseph novel by Thomas Mann (1933), p. 52
  • Marie Luise Kaschnitz (1933), p. 55
  • From Myron's Cow and the Scholar's Ape (1933), p. 57

Portraits of the Masters

  • Grimmelshausen or Common with Everyone's Fear (1976), p. 63
  • Kleist or The misunderstood Prince of Homburg (1977), p. 71
  • Chamisso and Peter Schlemihl (1973), p. 77
  • Rumohr and the Spirit of Cooking (1966), p. 87
  • Shelley, The Burning Heart (1958), 94
  • Heine, a confession (1972), p. 106
  • Balzac, the huge spendthrift (1961), p. 108
  • Flaubert
    • Eine Neugeburt (1963), p. 118
    • November (1980), p. 123
  • Zola and the Modern Age (1974), p. 128
  • Lautreamont, the grandfather of Surrealism (1954), p. 140
  • Max Liebermann, the Brandenburg Jew (1961), p. 145
  • Oscar Wilde and his portrait (1976), p. 167
  • Marcel Proust and the Sum of Sensibility (1957), p. 175
  • Gertrude Stein and the Third or Fourth Rose (1961), p. 181
  • Karl Kraus and the Torch (1974), p. 187
  • Thomas Mann
    • The conjuring of the difficult hour (1975), p. 193
    • The Conjuring of Love (1980), p. 196
  • Robert Musil or A Terrifying Mountains (1980), p. 204
  • A happy man / Jack London and his ideal world (1976/1981), p. 207
  • Hermann Hesse and the Mission (1977), p. 212
  • Robert Walser
    • Poetenleben (1978), p. 222
    • The poet's dream of the end of the world (1980), p. 229
  • Alfred Döblin or The Long Flight (1978), p. 231
  • Franz Kafka or one thought, one fear, one heartbeat. (1974), p. 240
  • TE Lawrence and Henry Miller or The Little and the Big Rebellion (1955), p. 243
  • Henry Miller, The Colossus (1956), p. 250
  • Eisenstein and Babel (1974), p. 253
  • German Expressionists or Der disobedient Mensch (1976), p. 263
  • William Faulkner or The Birth of Tragedy in the Mississippi Marshes (1956), p. 274
  • Ernest Hemingway
    • The Bull and Death (1957), p. 279
    • Truth and Legend (1958), p. 282
    • As David before Saul (1961), p. 285

About contemporaries and companions

  • And nobody cries after me. To two childhood stories (1954), p. 291
  • No life was happy. On Cesare Paveses “Young Moon” (1954), p. 295
  • Malcolm Lowry. A portrait of a writer (1955), p. 298
  • An outcry against violence. EE Cummings' novel "The Endless Space" (1955), p. 305
  • When Poets Travel (1956), p. 308
  • The naked are dead. On the novel “Der Hirschpark” by Norman Mailer (1956), p. 312
  • Even childhood was no paradise. On Marie Luise Kaschnitz's “The House of Childhood” (1957), p. 315
  • Friedo Lampe and Felix Hartlaub (1957), p. 318
  • In Search of the Lost Novel (1959), p. 324
  • The civilian on the run. Hans Sahls “The Few and the Many” (1960), p. 331
  • Hardly read, praised and damned. On Djuna Barnes' “Nachtgewächs” (1960), p. 335
  • A Silesian homeland book - but different. “A gentleman from Bolatitz” by August Scholtis (1960), p. 339
  • Ghosts, death and the devil. Celine: Wilde Klagen - Schwarz-Bart: Roman der Versöhnung (1960), p. 343
  • Erich Franzen
    • Gedenkwort (1962), p. 349
    • An Enlightenment Attorney (1964), p. 352
    • His life - nothing but miracles. Max Tau and the Land He Had to Leave (1962), p. 355
  • Birthday greetings to a publisher
    • On the occasion of Henry Goverts' 70th birthday (1962), p. 358
    • My Goverts. Birthday memories for the 85th (1977), p. 360
  • What's new about the New Roman? (1963), p. 363
  • Hitler, he stays with us (1966), p. 364
  • Obituary for Wolfgang von Einsiedel (1968), p. 373
  • Speech to Carl Werner's poems (1971), p. 376
  • Talking about suffering in the world. On the death of Arnold Metzger (1974), p. 378
  • Alfred Andersch
    • Stories from Our Time (1959), p. 381
    • The people of Winterspelt (1974), p. 382
    • My friend Alfred Andersch (1983), p. 391
  • Hermann Kesten
    • "Son of Happiness" (1956), p. 397
    • In the fight for a bourgeois prejudice (1975), p. 399
    • Hermann Kesten, der Freund (1975), p. 404
  • The moralist believes in the devil [on the 60th birthday of Peter Weiss] (1976), p. 410
  • Oknos (1977), p. 414
  • Birthday greetings to Walter Höllerer (1982), p. 416
  • Birthday greetings to Walter Jens (1983), p. 417
  • Thoughts and remembrance. About Arno Schmidt (1984), p. 418
  • He wasn't a brother of the masses. About Uwe Johnson (1984), p. 426

To poems

  • Snowy Path - 1467 (1977), p. 433
  • Christian Hofmann von Hofmanswaldau: Auf den Mund (1981), p. 435
  • Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: I feel happy (1982), p. 438
  • Friedrich Schiller: Dithyrambe (1976), p. 441
  • Karoline von Günderode: Der Luftschiffer (1980), p. 444
  • Friedrich Rückert: Amaryllis (1975), p. 447
  • Annette von Droste-Hülshoff: Die Steppe (1978), p. 450
  • Rainer Maria Rilke: Prayer for the lunatic and convicts (1977), p. 453
  • Wilhelm Lehmann: Amnestie (1974), p. 456
  • Alfred Lichtenstein: Montag auf dem Kasernenhof (1975), p. 458
  • Johannes R. Becher: Brecht and Death (1983), p. 461


  • Gods still live in Rome. On three books about the Eternal City (1956), p. 467
  • The marriage of Madeleine and Andre Gide (1957), p. 470
  • Answer to a survey on the White Paper of the Federal Ministry of the Interior from 1960 (1960), p. 475
  • Courage and Melancholy of the Jewish Joke (1960), p. 477
  • Mecklenburg Protocols. About Hans Axel Holms “Report from a city in the GDR” (1970), p. 480
  • The good old days or The Bourgeois Ancestral Gallery (1970), p. 484
  • The face without a visor. Hanfstaengl's Pictures of Outstanding People (1974), p. 489
  • The witch's great defense. Novel and scientific document at the same time: "La Sortiere" by Jules Michelet (1975), p. 492
  • Pompeii, the enchanting catastrophe. Robert Etienne's presentation (1975), p. 496
  • Glued to walls and fences. John Heartfield's photomontages (1976), p. 500
  • The family, taken seriously. An edifying, terrifying picture book (1976), p. 503
  • Peaceful and friendly. Buchheim's Paris photos (1976), p. 506
  • The eyes behind the magnifying glass. Gisele Freund and James Joyce p. 509
  • Editorial note p. 511
  • Proof of first publications p. 515


Alphabetical listing within the years. The text genre can be determined by the band membership.


  • Trash (1926)
  • A Stoker Gets Great (1928)
  • Potato diggers in Pomerania (1928)
  • Richard Eichberg hesitant (1930)
  • Berlin - two steps away. Longing for romantic cinema brings young people together (1932)
  • The more weak than the strong man. An experiment about Hans Henny Jahnn and his novel "Perrudja" (1932)
  • Dionysus. Trapped under Friedrichstrasse in a thousand barrels (1932)
  • A bobsleigh in the running (1932)
  • A lighthouse and a thousand lamps. Greifswalder Oie, a film island in the Baltic Sea (1932)
  • A somersault has to be learned. The University of Variety Stars (1932)
  • A submarine in Neubabelsberg. The train departs and stops (1932)
  • Faradayweg, No. 4. Villa, factory or monastery (1932)
  • Poison and drugs under glass. The Livingstones Toothbrush and the Chinese Pharmacy (1932)
  • Reading madness in Berlin? A child of crisis and a saving idea (1932)
  • Sixty pigeons without engagement. Circus on Wittenbergplatz (1932)
  • Sensation at the gates of Berlin (1932)
  • Old and New Novellas (1933)
  • Past the Jungle (1933)
  • Berlin sends gods into the world (1933)
  • The horse (1933)
  • The Saar as seen from the train (1933)
  • The Joseph novel by Thomas Mann (1933)
  • The park of Veitshöchheim (1933)
  • The first Lülu (1933)
  • The most terrible. At the sight of the Sibyls of Michelangelo (1933)
  • Youth and the Fine Arts (1933)
  • The desire to get up early in Berlin (1933)
  • Breakfast at Lehniner Platz (1933)
  • Have sua fata. Berlin Cars and Their Fates (1933)
  • Holsten Gate (1933)
  • Joan's Thousand Faces (1933)
  • Joseph Conrad (1933)
  • Crisis (1933)
  • Marie Luise Kaschnitz (1933)
  • Masuria, August 1914. The destruction of the city of Orteisburg, the Russian flight and the victory of Tannenberg (1933)
  • Meditations on love. Jose Ortega y Gasset versus Stendhal (1933)
  • Milieu: Rococo (1933)
  • Moeller van den Bruck. From "Italian Beauty" to "Prussian Style" to "Third Reich" (1933)
  • Neuenkirchen (1933)
  • O old Berlin glory. Old cabs in old streets (1933)
  • Paris That Spring (1933)
  • Report on a film. And Gründgens says: The soul ... first the soul (1933)
  • Novel about speeches. To the second volume of Musil's "Man without Qualities" (1933)
  • Novel and Entertainment (1933)
  • Stefan George (1933)
  • The Writer's Profession (1933)
  • Of Myron's Cow and the Scholar's Ape (1933)
  • An Unhappy Love (1934)
  • The wall wavers / duty (1935)
  • Early Morning (1941)
  • The engagement (1941)
  • [as editor] Jakob Littner: "Notes from a hole in the ground" (1948)
  • Fish That Gasp for Air (1948)
  • Fish that gasp / Debris or where are we going (1948)
  • Classic Italy (1949)


  • The sarcophagus of Phaedra (1950)
  • His creature. Answer to a survey: How do you feel about God? (1951)
  • Pigeons in the Grass (1951)
  • The wretched scribes (1952)
  • The Greenhouse (1953)
  • Death in Rome (1954)
  • I live from writing (1954)
  • No life was happy. On Cesare Paveses "Young Moon" (1954)
  • Lautreamont, the grandfather of surrealism (1954)
  • And nobody cries after me. To two childhood stories (1954)
  • How I got there On the creation of the novel "Death in Rome" (1954)
  • An outcry against violence. EE Cummings' novel "The Endless Space" (1955)
  • Malcolm Lowry. A portrait of a writer (1955)
  • TE Lawrence and Henry Miller or The Little and the Great Revolt (1955)
  • "Son of Happiness" (1956)
  • The naked are dead. To the novel "Der Hirschpark" by Norman Mailer (1956)
  • A Scrap From Bull Skin (1956)
  • Henry Miller, the Colossus (1956)
  • Gods still live in Rome. On three books about the Eternal City (1956)
  • Well-combed, coiffed thoughts (1956)
  • When Poets Travel (1956)
  • William Faulkner or The Birth of Tragedy in the Mississippi Marshes (1956)
  • Even childhood was no paradise. To Marie Luise Kaschnitz '"The House of Childhood" (1957)
  • The Bull and Death (1957)
  • The marriage of Madeleine and Andre Gide (1957)
  • Friedo Lampe and Felix Hartlaub (1957)
  • Marcel Proust and the Sum of Sensitivity (1957)
  • New Roman Cicerone (1957)
  • To Russia and Elsewhere (1958)
  • Shelley the Burning Heart (1958)
  • Truth and Legend (1958)
  • Magic forest of red buses (1958)
  • America trip (1959)
  • In Search of the Lost Novel (1959)
  • Stories from Our Time (1959)
  • Munich or The Bourgeois Saturnalia (1959)


  • To Myself (1960)
  • Response to a survey on the White Paper of the Federal Ministry of the Interior from 1960 (1960)
  • Answer to a survey: The Novel That Tells Nothing (1960)
  • The civilian on the run. Hans Sahls "The Few and the Many" (1960)
  • A Silesian homeland book - but different. "A gentleman from Bolatitz" by August Scholtis (1960)
  • Ghosts, death and the devil. Celine: Wilde Klagen - Black-Beard: Novel of Reconciliation (1960)
  • Hardly read, praised and damned. To Djuna Barnes' "Nachtgewächs" (1960)
  • Courage and Sadness of the Jewish Joke (1960)
  • Delusion (1960)
  • Balzac the Mighty Spender (1961)
  • Gertrude Stein and the Third or Fourth Rose (1961)
  • Max Liebermann, the Brandenburg Jew (1961)
  • Trips to France (1961)
  • Detours to the goal. An autobiographical sketch (1961)
  • Like David Before Saul (1961)
  • Answer to a survey: the author and his material. To Gottfried Benn: Keep Cold (1962)
  • The Heirs of Salamis or The Serious Greeks. . (1962)
  • Commemorative Word (1962)
  • Speech on the award of the Georg Büchner Prize 1962 (1962)
  • His life - nothing but miracles. Max Tau and the Land He Had to Leave (1962)
  • On the occasion of Henry Goverts' 70th birthday (1962)
  • A New Birth (1963)
  • A Bookseller's Customer (1963)
  • Star Between Wars (1963)
  • What's new about the New Roman? (1963)
  • An Enlightenment Attorney (1964)
  • Answer to a survey: Has the man played out? (1965)
  • A coffee house (1965)
  • Unfair annual report (1965)
  • Hitler stays with us (1966)
  • Rumohr and the Spirit of Culinary Art (1966)
  • Think of Ariel and death. Why I Travel (1968)
  • Melancholia (1968)
  • Obituary for Wolfgang von Einsiedel (1968)
  • Anarchy (1969)


  • The good old days or The Bourgeois Ancestral Gallery (1970)
  • Mecklenburg Protocols. About Hans Axel Holms "Report from a city in the GDR" (1970)
  • Speech to Carl Werner's poems (1971)
  • Proportions of Melancholy (1971)
  • [Anthology] Romanisches Café - Narrative Prose (1972)
  • Pledge (1972)
  • Heine, a Confession (1972)
  • Youth (1972)
  • Asking About Home (1972)
  • Off the Table (1972)
  • For the first time in Rotterdam (1972)
  • Answer to a survey: What are you working on right now? (1973)
  • Chamisso and Peter Schlemihl (1973)
  • Uncertain encounters. Günter Eich in memory (1973)
  • Fear (1974)
  • Rise of a Town (1974)
  • The face without a visor. Hanfstaengl's Pictures of Outstanding People (1974)
  • The people of Winterspelt (1974)
  • A Nice Time of Need (1974)
  • Eisenstein and Babel (1974)
  • Franz Kafka or one thought, one fear, one heartbeat. (1974)
  • Karl Kraus and the Torch (1974)
  • Talking about suffering in the world. On the death of Arnold Metzger (1974)
  • Wilhelm Lehmann: Amnesty (1974)
  • Zola and the Modern Age (1974)
  • Alfred Lichtenstein: Monday in the barracks yard (1975)
  • The Born Reader I Think I Am (1975)
  • The conjuring of the difficult hour (1975)
  • The witch's great defense. Novel and scientific document at the same time: "La Sortiere" by Jules Michelet (1975)
  • A Prussian Princess in Bayreuth (1975)
  • Friedrich Rückert: Amaryllis (1975)
  • Hermann Kesten, the friend (1975)
  • In the fight for a bourgeois prejudice (1975)
  • Pompeii, the enchanting catastrophe. Robert Etienne's representation (1975)
  • Glued to walls and fences. John Heartfield's photomontages (1976)
  • The moralist believes in the devil [on Peter Weiss's 60th birthday] (1976)
  • German Expressionists or The Disobedient Man (1976)
  • The family, taken seriously. An edifying, terrifying picture book (1976)
  • A Happy Man / Jack London and His Ideal World (1976)
  • Peaceful and friendly. Buchheim's Paris photos (1976)
  • Friedrich Schiller: Dithyrambe (1976)
  • Grimmelshausen or Common with Everyone's Fear (1976)
  • Dawn (1976)
  • New York (1976)
  • Oscar Wilde and his Portrait (1976)
  • A place to wish deeply (1977)
  • Hermann Hesse and the Mission (1977)
  • Kleist or The Misunderstood Prince of Homburg (1977)
  • My Goverts. Birthday memories for the 85th (1977)
  • Oknos (1977)
  • Rainer Maria Rilke: Prayer for the lunatic and convicts (1977)
  • Snowy Path - 1467 (1977)
  • Alfred Döblin or The Long Escape (1978)
  • When I was at the theater in Würzburg (1978)
  • Annette von Droste-Hülshoff: The Steppe (1978)
  • Bergen-Enkheim September 75 (1978)
  • A beginning and an end (1978)
  • In the old days when wishing still helped (1978)
  • Poet's Life (1978)
  • Who Prepares Food for the Ravens (1978)
  • Fairy Tale Thanks (1979)
  • Bless our exit, God, our entrance alike (1979)

1980s and later

  • The Mute in Zurich and Frankfurt (1980)
  • The poet's dream of the end of the world (1980)
  • The Conjuration of Love (1980)
  • Doge's Palace (1980)
  • He writes about me, therefore I am (1980)
  • Karoline von Günderode: The Airship (1980)
  • November (1980)
  • Only half a truth. Memories of Aladdin and a passed out magic lamp (1980)
  • Robert Musil or A Terrifying Mountains (1980)
  • Fed up with Athens (1980)
  • [Anthology] The wretched scribblers - essays. Edited by Marcel Reich-Ranicki (1981)
  • Christian Hofmann von Hofmanswaldau: On the Mouth (1981)
  • The bailiff from Greifensee (1981)
  • The completion of a fate. Acceptance speech for the award of the 1982 Cultural Honorary Prize of the City of Munich (1982)
  • Birthday greeting to Walter Höllerer (1982)
  • Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: I feel happy (1982)
  • Was Frieda really no good? (1982)
  • Birthday greeting to Walter Jens (1983)
  • Johannes R. Becher: Brecht and Death (1983)
  • My friend Alfred Andersch (1983)
  • After nine years (1983)
  • Preface (1983)
  • Valhalla and the Margravine Hermitage. Detours to Wagner (1983)
  • He wasn't a brother of the masses. About Uwe Johnson (1984)
  • Thoughts and remembrance. About Arno Schmidt (1984)
  • J. Pierpont Morgan, My Name and the Little Girls (1984)
  • [Collected work] “Collected works in six volumes”, edited by Marcel Reich-Ranicki in collaboration with Dagmar von Briel and Hans-Ulrich Treichel (1986); Paperback (1990)
  • [Anthology] "Fear - Narrative Prose" (1987)
  • [Anthology] "Morgenrot - Beginnings of a Novel" (1987)
  • "I like being in Venice why" (1994)
  • [Anthology] "One who writes" - Conversations and interviews, edited by Hans-Ulrich Treichel (1995)
  • [Collected work] "On the imaginary horse - prose from the estate", edited by Alfred Estermann (2005)
  • [Anthology] "Works in 16 volumes", edited by Hans-Ulrich Treichel (started in 2006)

Conversations and interviews

Conversations and interviews are not part of Collected Works in Six Volumes , they are therefore published after the 16-volume Works edition, ed. Listed by Hans-Ulrich Treichel: Wolfgang Koeppen Werke, Volume 16: Talks and Interviews , 770 p., Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp 2018. The annual figures relate to the first publication or broadcast.

  • Anne Andresen / Hans Georg Brenner: From the lifespan of the Zeitromans (1952), p. 7
  • Wolfgang Koeppen: It is important to know each other (1957), p. 16
  • Horst Bienek: workshop talk (1962), p. 20
  • Horst Krüger: voluntary disclosure (1971), p. 32
  • Ekkehart Rudolph: I am very inclined to resign (1971), p. 46
  • Christian Linder: My day is my great novel (1972), p. 61
  • Christian Linder: Writing as a condition (1972), p. 68
  • Angelika Mechtel: The writer works without a network (1972), p. 91
  • Peter Faecke: Conversation with the writer Wolfgang Koeppen about his novel “Kaplan in Washington” (1973), p. 95
  • Heinz Ludwig Arnold: The world spirit is a writer (1975), p. 98
  • Jean-Paul Mauranges: I have nothing against Babylon (1975), p. 137
  • Peter Goedel: Conversation with Wolfgang Koeppen in March 1977 (1977), p. 157
  • Claus Hebell: Why not into the Rhine? (1980), p. 181
  • Jacques Le Rider: Wolfgang Koeppen, Narrator of German Tragedy (1981), p. 193
  • Hans Abich: The Years After 1945 - Attempts to walk and think after 12 years of dictatorship (1981), p. 202
  • Monika Estermann / Alfred Estermann: I am a person without a life plan (1982), p. 224
  • Karl Prümm / Erhard Schütz: The situation was schizophrenic (1983), p. 237
  • Günter Jurczyk: Zeit des Steppenwolfs (1983), p. 250
  • Hans Langsteiner: The good right to be silent (1984), p. 261
  • Manfred Durzak: Survival in the Third Reich (1984), p. 267
  • Walter Schmitz: Conversation with Wolfgang Koeppen (1984), p. 279
  • Josef Weishaupt: "I live quite lonely" - Wolfgang Koeppen speaks about the writer's loneliness (1984), p. 288
  • Günter Kunert: Culture has failed (1985), p. 292
  • Hans-Joachim Müller: Conversation with Wolfgang Koeppen (1985), p. 296
  • Heinz Dieter Tschörtner: Questions to Wolfgang Koeppen (1985), p. 317
  • Peter Goedel: Conversation with Wolfgang Koeppen on October 7 and 8, 1985 (1985), p. 320
  • Josef-Hermann Sauter: Conversation with Wolfgang Koeppen (1986), p. 359
  • Asta Scheib: Lonely through the years (1986), p. 377
  • Hanne Kulessa: Why are you so unhappy, Mr. Koeppen? (1987), p. 384
  • Like in an ancient drama: Der Stern spoke to the Munich writer Wolfgang Koeppen (1987), p. 391
  • Andreas Friedemann: Through the eyes of the other (1988), p. 395
  • Report from Bonn (1988), p. 397
  • Jürgen Kolbe / Karl-Heinz Bittel: Doom has threatened since creation (1989), p. 403
  • Margit Knapp-Cazzola: The remote places of memory (1989), p. 411
  • Volker Wehdeking: The Last of the Lost Years (1989), p. 418
  • Hannes Hintermeier: The silent observer no longer intervenes. The Munich writer Wolfgang Koeppen on the upheaval in the GDR (1989), p. 433
  • Wilhelm Schwarz: Protocols (1990), p. 436
  • Andrea Beu: Interview with Wolfgang Koeppen on June 6, 1990 in Greifswald (1990), p. 447
  • Mechthild Curtius: The book is the first and the last version (1991), p. 454
  • Andre Müller: I risk the madness (1991), p. 469
  • Tanja von Oertzen: An exact idea from the last sentence (1991), p. 478
  • Karina Urbach: I dream whole stories (1991), p. 481
  • Karl Woisetschläger: I bought a pistol (1991), p. 484
  • Marcel Marin: I want to write a book. Das ist alles (1991), p. 497
  • Eckart Oehlenschläger: Conversation with Wolfgang Koeppen (1992), p. 509
  • Gunnar Müller-Waldeck: The big cities were my home (1993), p. 516
  • Marcel Reich-Ranicki: Without Intention (1994; conversation 1985), p. 524
  • Tilman Urbach : Writing is learning to die (1996; conversation 1991), p. 642
  • Volker Hage: She never returned my greeting (2006; conversation 1991), p. 652
  • Gunnar Müller-Waldeck: Greifswald - a modest and smaller site (2006; conversation 1990), p. 656
  • Attachment:
    • Preliminary remark p. 675
    • Comment p. 676
    • Printing proofs p. 722
    • Editorial note, p. 765