List of student and pupil associations in Bayreuth

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Until 1977 there was only a lively life of the local student associations in Bayreuth, which were mainly posted at the old Christian-Ernestinum grammar school and the current Graf-Münster grammar school , which was founded as a trade school in 1833 and elevated to an upper secondary school in 1910 . They later expanded to include the younger Bayreuth secondary schools such as the Margravine Wilhelmine Gymnasium (formerly the preparatory school for teacher education) and Richard Wagner Gymnasium (formerly secondary school for girls) and the Economics Gymnasium (formerly the municipal business school).
In 1972 the Bavarian State Parliament established the University of Bayreuth , which had emerged from the pedagogical university and which began teaching in the winter semester 1975/76. The Franco-Palatia singers who already existed at the pedagogical college were thus the first student union at the new university. This was followed by Langobardia, which was founded in Munich in the winter semester of 1975/76, in 1976 the Christian fraternity of Kurmark Brandenburg, which existed in Berlin, and in 1977 the first re-establishment with the catholic association Andechs Merania. The Munichia gymnastics club, which was suspended in Munich in 1973, returned to Bayreuth for the 1977/78 winter semester, as did the Corps Pomerania-Silesia that last existed in Hanover. The last one to move to the Red Main in 1990 was the Prague fraternity that had previously existed in Regensburg.
Various women's associations newly founded in the 1990s were re-established after a few semesters.

Student associations

Explanation of the colors: (ff) = colors leading, the colors are not worn as a ribbon and hat, but in tails.

Name of the connection founding Colours coat of arms Circle Umbrella organization Scale point Members Others
K.St.V. Andechs Merania 1977
black-blue-gold (ff)
KV not striking Men's association
Franco-Palatia singers 1885
DS optional striking Men's association Traditional ribbon white-violet-white
Burschenschaft Kurmark Brandenburg 1907
Circle Kb! .Jpg SB not striking mixed

KDStV Langobardia (Munich) 1903
black-red-light blue
Lb-Wappen.png Lb-Zirkel.png CV not striking Men's association Catholic
Gymnastics Association Munichia 1883
CC mandatory Men's association Clasp with the colors of the Frankonia Breslau gymnastics club
Corps Pomerania-Silesia 1865
light blue-white-gold
Corps Pomerania-Silesia (coat of arms) .jpg Corps Pomerania-Silesia Bayreuth - Zirkel.gif WSC mandatory Men's association
Fraternity of Thessalia Prague 1864
black White Red
DB mandatory Men's association
Academic-musical connection Wilhelmina 2014
blue-gold-red (ff)
SV not striking Mixed union

Student connections

Name of the connection founding Colours coat of arms Circle Umbrella organization Scale point Members Others
Abitur from 1851 1851
not striking Men's association
Abitur OR 1907
black-white-dark red
not striking Men's association
Absolvia 1833
FAC not striking Men's association
Baruthia 1904
not striking Men's association Postponed, only AHV
Bavaria 1917
white-light blue-white
not striking Men's association