List of works by Heinz G. Konsalik

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This is a list of the novels published by the author Heinz G. Konsalik , automatically sorted by year of publication . The last edition is usually given under ISBN ; the DNB title, however, leads to the first edition .


  1. ISBN
title Publishing year publishing company Contents / blurb
ISBN 978-3-453-01259-2 Love game with a jubilee or a novel of a colorful spring love 1948 Renaissance-Verlag, Düsseldorf Konsalik's debut novel; 1981 reissued as The Gentleman
ISBN 3-404-10089-1 The dreamer / victory of the heart / song of the roses (three novels) 1949 Liberator Verlag, Lustadt Initially printed individually as a "novella", under the (real) name Heinz Günter. Only published again in 1980, together with two more novels.
A man without a name 1951 Lehning Verlag, Hanover Subtitle: An adventurous detective novel
ISBN 978-3-453-00341-5 The man who forgot his life 1952 Drewes Verlag, Tauberbischofsheim Subtitle: novel of a strange adventure

In his masterful way, Heinz G. Konsalik describes an adventurous event that actually happened. - A little Sparkasse employee suddenly loses his memory one day on the street. And from then on he lives the life of a dead man. For seven years he has been a completely different person who is drawn into the dark machinations of an international drug smuggling ring. Breathtaking adventures lead the "man who forgot his life" to Portugal, the Canary Islands, the beautiful Mediterranean and North Africa.

ISBN 978-3-453-00727-7 The Devil Woman (older title: Why did you do that, Manon? ) 1952 Drewes Verlag, Tauberbischofsheim An elegantly dressed man appears in a studio with the order: The artist should paint a female nude, a red veil will hide the face of the model. When the lady stands naked in front of the painter, he is seized with a sensation, he has never seen such a perfect body. A single thought dominates the painter, he has to find it again. Paris, Monte Carlo, San Remo, Genoa and the Côte d'Azur are the dazzling backdrop against which the drama of a beguilingly beautiful woman and the men who break in her insatiable passion takes place.
ISBN 978-3-442-03517-5 Tomorrow is a new day (older title: Tomorrow is another day too ) 1953 Royal Verlag, Regensburg Subtitle: novel of a great fate
ISBN 978-3-442-42361-3 We are only human 1953 Drewes Verlag, Regensburg For the rescue of a boy, tropical doctor Dr. Perthes a sum of money from the grateful father. He can finally make his dream come true: an expedition into the primeval forests of South America. His lover, the pediatrician Dr. Angela Bender is against it, but she can't keep the physician thirsty for action. She burns the letters from South America unread. When the poison specialist Dr. Perthes saves a tribal chief from certain death, he is a famous man. But one day he is bitten by a poisonous jungle spider - and remains paralyzed. By chance, Angela Bender learns of his misfortune at home. In her desperation, she dares a dangerous experiment ...
ISBN 978-3-453-07583-2 The lonely heart 1954 Royal Verlag, Regensburg Subtitle: novel of a guilt
ISBN 3-453-18548-X Nobody lives from their dreams (older title: Schwarzfahrt aus Liebe ) 1954 Hönne Verlag, Balve
ISBN 978-3-442-55357-0 The silent channels (older title: I'm looking for Dr. Klaring ) 1954 Hönne Verlag, Balve Dr. Peter Berwaldt has achieved what mankind dreams of: He has developed an effective drug against cancer. When he was negotiating with a chemical company in Venice, he met the love of his life. But he also meets an unscrupulous blackmailer who wants to get possession of the drug at all costs.
ISBN 978-3-442-03925-8 Adventures in Love (older title: Mr. Flip's Adventures in Love ) 1954 Hönne Verlag, Balve Subtitle: A cheerful romance novel
ISBN 978-3-442-41218-1 The street without end (abridged edition from 1968 as: Dancers for Algiers ) 1956 Carpenter, Balve The novel leads into the glowing hell of the desert, into the Sahara, which is ravaged by sandstorms and predatory tribes. Dr. Hans Sievert, who found water veins in the Sahara, has been missing for years. His sister Hilde cannot believe in his death. She follows her brother's trail. The search is different from what she dreamed - different from the reunion ...
ISBN 978-3-453-00440-5 Many mothers are called Anita 1956 Carpenter, Balve Subtitle from 1956: "Novel of a wondrous life"
ISBN 978-3-442-02688-3 A person like you 1957 Stalling Verlag, Oldenburg Subtitle: The Path of a Gifted Singer
ISBN 978-3-453-03322-1 The doctor from Stalingrad 1958 Kindler Verlag, Munich Russia in the years of World War II . After bitter fighting and indescribable suffering, the doctor Dr. Böhler in Soviet captivity. In the camp, which is hardly protected against the icy winter storms, people die faster than flies. Dr. But Böhler had to see so much death that he only knew one goal: to save lives. With inadequate instruments, under unimaginable conditions, with all efforts. The operation that he succeeds is like a miracle and earns him admiration throughout the country, but the fame means nothing to Böhler ...
ISBN 978-3-442-02889-4 The song of the black mountains 1958 Pegasus Verlag, Wetzlar
ISBN 978-3-453-00073-5 They fell from the sky 1958 Schneekluth Verlag, Darmstadt Quote: “The sea breeze met you on the road. He whistled around the corners of the alleys and drove the stench of fish and rot into every corner. The linen stretched across the alleyways on lines rattled and fluttered through the night sky like an army of giant vultures. There was a car on the corner ... an old Belgian bulldog with a tattered tarpaulin. The tactical signs on the radiator were blurred, leached away by the sun and salty air of the Mediterranean. Kurt Maassen checked his watch before climbing into the car. »3. 3 o'clock! ”He said. "The right time for a proper rabbits!" As they drove through Naples, past the harbor and towards the road to Salemo, they passed the first barriers below Vesuvius. Before Amalfi they came into a parade of pioneers who laid mines in the dark and barriers for the amphibious boats of the landing troops. In the artillery positions, the ammunition was stacked next to the artillery, the batteries fired on the coast were on standby. At Maiori they met the staff of the 34th Paratrooper Division. Colonel Hans Stucken and Major Ia Richard v. Sporks sat over the large map table and determined the deployment positions of the individual battalions, in case the Allied troops should succeed in landing ... "

They fell from the sky is the novel about one of the greatest material battles of the Second World War about the battle for Monte Cassino. Seldom has a novel aroused such contradicting opinions as this work by Heinz G. Konsalik, which is always the focus of heated discussions. It was enthusiastically received and attacked, banned and released again. This achieved what the author intended, namely to shake you awake from a lethargy, to take a position on the most primitive human right: to be allowed to live and live.

ISBN 978-3-453-00049-0 The runway 1959 Current book publisher, Bad Wörishofen Subtitle 1959: "Novel of a Sacrificed Generation". The runway was synonymous with the road on which German soldiers marched towards the Eastern Front. In this novel Konsalik describes from the field of view of the East Prussian shooter Theo Strakuweit, who, like millions of others, experienced the horrors of the war of extermination. With his soulful and authentic writing, Konsalik has written an impressive novel about the Second World War and the horrors of the Eastern Front, which is also a plea for peace.
ISBN 978-3-442-03714-8 Second hand fate 1959 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth From deep down, Frank Gerholdt rises to power and wealth. But he is always followed by the shadows of the crime that he committed as a young person in the last desperation ... A gripping, life-affirming novel in which two decades of contemporary history come to life - from the beginnings of the Third Reich to the turmoil of World War II to Germany during the economic boom .
ISBN 978-3-7043-1437-6 Penal Battalion 999 1959 Kindler Verlag, Munich Penal Battalion 999 - the name alone spreads fear and terror. Here - in the most notorious battalions in Hitler's Wehrmacht - alongside convicted criminals, men are sent who do not submit to the regime, who think differently, who do not keep their opinions to themselves. Under the toughest conditions, these men have to pay for their moral courage on the Russian front, among others. It is a daily struggle for bare life, a life of hunger, cold, pain, fear and humiliation. And yet it is also a life in which friendship and comradeship develop and prove themselves like never before.
ISBN 978-3-453-00249-4 But the heart cries out for vengeance (Older title: I petition for the death penalty ) 1960 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth Subtitle 1960: A novel based on facts. The focus is on the tragic fate of the daughter of a judge, but the author blends facts and trials into the plot so skillfully that the whole problem of the death penalty becomes visible.
ISBN 978-3-453-00320-0 Agents know no pardon (older title: The stars should keep shining ) 1960? Royal Verlag, Regensburg Professor Pearson is the most guarded man in America. Because foreign agents want to steal his invention, a new weapon with previously unimaginable destructive power. When they fail to get their hands on Professor Pearson, the agents do not shy away from kidnapping his daughter and his assistant. The professor is blackmailed with the threat of killing the two hostages. But in addition to the fear for the life of the beloved daughter torments the scholar, the knowledge that his invention can bring great suffering to mankind. Professor Pearson takes a desperate step.
ISBN 978-3-453-00117-6 The rusting fame 1960 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth Dr. Bergh turned from his reflection in the mirror. He was tired. Not from the lecture, not from the handshakes and the repeated expression of his respectful thanks for the honor ...

The tiredness lay deeper inside. It was like the slackening of whipped energy, like the draining of a battery. And it was only one thought that consumed this energy: How will it go on? "Anyone who becomes famous has to deal with opponents - and with oneself.

ISBN 3-7770-0134-1 The pardon (older title: diagnosis cancer ) 1961 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth
ISBN 978-3-453-00154-1 The Last Carpathian Wolf (older title: The Last Prisoner ) 1961 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth 1970 under the title Soldiers, Comrades , reissued together with Die Rollbahn und Sie Fell vom Himmel .

In Romania, a small group of German soldiers is surprised at the end of the war. A desperate escape through the impassable Carpathian Mountains begins, through cliffs, white water and endless forests. The danger of being captured by the Russians lurks everywhere. The scattered live in caves and move through areas that no one has yet entered. But they are moving in a vicious circle from which there is no escape, because the streets are occupied by Russians. The way to the west is blocked. Two girls join the wild, half-starved German compatriots: the mysterious Vera, who has connections to Romanian partisans, and the beautiful Sonja, niece of the doctor from a mountain village. Out of desperation and love, the girls share the fate of the lost, not knowing where the path will lead them.

ISBN 3-453-00260-1 On wet roads 1962 Pabel Verlag, Rastatt Rhine boatman novel
ISBN 3-453-08308-3 Dr. med. Erika Werner 1962 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth Subtitle 1962: A young doctor's novel
ISBN 3-453-00351-9 Front theater 1962 Pabel Verlag, Rastatt In order to strengthen the perseverance of the exhausted, exhausted soldiers on the Russian front, the Wehrmacht sends men and women to the front lines to play theater in this inferno of death. And they give everything to be able to offer their comrades at least some variety. But the war isn't just raging on the battlefield. Fritz Garten, the head of the theater group, and Kurt Planitz, a party boss, also fight each other in their boundless hatred by all means. But even in this hell of an unrestrained will to destroy, love triumphs.
ISBN 3-453-00184-2 The face given 1962 Kindler Verlag, Munich A small column of snowmobiles gasped across the road from Augustow to Seiny. An icy north wind drove veils of powder snow over the flat, treeless land, which, like a gigantic, barely curved disc, collided with the gray-milky sky and flew over into it. The boys sat huddled together on the loading area, clinging to the wooden spars, staring forward with their ice-covered faces. Six hours ago they had stood in front of a colonel in Suwalki and admired the knight's cross that hung out of the collar of his lambskin coat. He had put on his fatherly stern face and said: "Boys! Now you come to the front! What you learned at home on the shooting range is getting serious! The enemy has no blank cartridges, word of that should have got around in the sixth year of the war. "They laughed at this bloody sarcasm because the lieutenant had said to them beforehand:" If the colonel is joking ... laugh, you lame ducks! He likes that. And maybe you'll get a special allotment of schnapps for the way forward! ”Indeed, they had got the schnapps, plus white-painted steel helmets, white camouflage coats, a few machine guns, a sled full of ammunition and hand grenades. "You are soldiers of the Führer!" The Colonel had called out. “They're waiting for you up front. Take care, comrades! Sieg Heil «Then they marched off, jagged, with a song about the black-brown hazelnut. The Colonel watched them go until they disappeared between the huts on the edge of Suwalki and only their youthful, almost childlike voices wafted over to him. "Shit!" Said the colonel with the knight's cross. Now the fifty-seven boys drove for six hours through the freezing cold, stared across the flat land and into the milky sky, and listened intently to the distant rumble and dull rumble that now and then penetrated through the noise of the engines. Then they stared at each other, and there was fear and convulsive bravery in their eyes. "

During the Second World War, there was a hospital for war wounded at Bernegg Castle. There are no mirrors in his room because none of the 132 patients could stand to look at them. Erich Schwabe was brought in here in the winter of 1944. He is alive, but he no longer has a face. The art of doctors gives him a second chance, but returning to his old life will be a long and desperate struggle.

ISBN 3-453-00078-1 and ISBN 3-453-00084-6 Russian symphony 1962 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth Two novels in one volume, later as a single title: The sky over Kasakstan / Natascha
ISBN 978-3-453-06173-6 The brown rose 1963 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth First published under the pseudonym Stefan Doerner.
ISBN 978-3-453-00133-6 Incapacitated 1963 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth The gate slid silently aside. The two black cars passed the porter's house and slid through the park. It was a lovely day. When the white, castle-like building appeared between the trees and clumps of bushes, it blinded the eyes. Gisela Peltzner stared through the windows of the first car. Two men in white doctors' coats stood with their hands in their pockets in the shade at the side of the portal and seemed to be waiting for the two cars slowly rolling up through the park. In the second car, Anna Fellgrub leaned over to the chauffeur. "We'll sit there and wait until it's over," she said quietly. “It's all so terrible. I don't like to look. ”Anna Fellgrub leaned back and looked over at the large white house. The first car stopped. The two men in the white coats stepped out of the shadows and opened the back door. A pale, rigid girl's face, framed by an abundance of blond curls, rose towards them. The blue eyes were unnaturally wide and lifeless, with a shine like artificial eyes, the eyes of rocking horses and teddy bears. There was no personal emotion in them. »Senior physician Dr. Pade, ”one of the doctors introduced himself. "May I ask, madam." He gave Gisela Peltzner both hands, which she took mechanically, and gently pulled her from her seat.
ISBN 978-3-453-77082-9 Destroyed dream of fame 1963 Pabel Verlag, Rastatt Finally the time has come. The so far unsuccessful writer Frank Schuster gets the long-awaited chance: His material should serve as a script for a big film. There is only one catch, Franz has to contribute to the costs. The charming young author comes up with a brilliant idea: There are sure to be enough wealthy women who are happy to help an aspiring artist. In return, Franz would sweeten their lonely life for them. He quickly turns into a successful marriage swindler. But then pretty Julia comes into his life, and his clever plan gets completely out of control.
ISBN 978-3-453-77220-5 The heart of the 6th Army 1964 Lichtenberg Verlag, Munich Pavel Nikolayevich Abranov looked up at the sky and then over the tips of his boots down to the Volga and chewed hard bread on one edge. The sky was pale, gray, unfathomable, heavy, and the Volga seemed black, a broad river full of ink. Abranov sighed and rubbed the hard-edged bread with saliva so that it softened and could be bitten. Next to him lay a tall man in uniform with broad shoulder pieces, unshaven, dirty, smeared with clay. He too looked across the Volga to Krasnaya Sloboda, but he didn't sigh, he chewed on a cigarette. It was a good, fat cigarette from Machorka, rolled out of part of the Pravda management report the day before yesterday. "What is it, father?" Asked the uniformed man. “Why are you sighing?” “It should be winter, Comrade Major. It's time for it! A quick winter, hui - like horsemen from the steppe of Kazakhstan! It should freeze over overnight ... then they can come to us from below over the Volga, our little tanks ... 'Abranov laughed softly. It was an almost whimpering laugh, because Pavel Nikolayevich was seventy-two years old. He was a real old man, just like you imagine an old man, with white hair that arched at the back of the neck, with a thick nose, with wrinkled eyes whose pupils were still shiny, even if the eyeballs were already yellow tobacco-pickled fingertips. "

In inhuman conditions, in deadly cold and half starved, the soldiers fight a fight in which there can only be losers. The doctor Dr. Körner fights with all his might to save the lives of the innumerable wounded, even if the bare minimum for treatment is missing. The thought of his dearest Marianne keeps him upright, for whom he longs and in whose arms he wants to return after the end of the war. But the war that is raging around Stalingrad shows no mercy and spares no one ...

ISBN 978-3-453-04585-9 Men's ward III 1964 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth First published under the pseudonym Stefan Doerner. A district hospital in a small town in the mid-1980s. Profitability is paramount. Eight-bed room, no TV, no wake-up station. People love, people die, and some people get well again. Doctors get involved with patients, a nurse is a pardoned murderer and turns out to be a really lovable person, a young sister has to suffer from the old-fashioned head nurse. Anyone reading Konsalik knows that his novels are teeming with tragedies. The thicker it is put on, the better. The fact that one or the other politically incorrect statement is made at the Bild-Zeitung level is taken rather calmly. Nevertheless, Konsalik raises a problem that only becomes really clear through the many tragedies: the inadequate medical care in the province, apart from university hospitals. Admittedly, a lot has happened in the last 30 years, but I also experienced six-bed rooms in the 80s. And I can still remember newspaper reports criticizing the fact that patients had to be accommodated in the hallway or in the bathroom. In addition, Konsalik has put an exciting doctor's novel here that you can really spend a weekend doing - one of the author's better novels.
ISBN 3-404-10607-5 A girl from Torusk 1965 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth First published under the pseudonym Henry Pahlen. Martin achieved prestige and wealth in the Federal Republic of Germany, a country with economic miracles, but he is not happy. Anuschka, the girl from Torusk, the celestial creature with the blue-black hair and the seductive body, whom he met and fell in love with during his imprisonment in Siberia, no longer leaves his mind. Seized by longing, he decides one day to get Anushka out of Russia - no matter what the cost.
ISBN 978-3-453-02296-6 One sin too many 1965 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth First published under the pseudonym Jens Bekker. She couldn't see what a devilish game he was playing - because she was blind. Luise Dahlmann lost her eyesight in an accident. Her husband and sister Monika take care of her. Then she heard from an Italian professor who had developed a new and promising method of corneal transplantation. Luise is operated on in his clinic and regains her eyesight. Overjoyed, she goes home to surprise her husband and sister. But she has no idea what to expect ...
ISBN 3-453-06371-6 Girl in the moor 1965 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth First published under the pseudonym Stefan Doerner.
ISBN 3-453-00237-7 Private clinic (older title: Rausch ) 1965 Lichtenberg Verlag, Munich The doctor and brain surgeon Dr. Konrad Lingen is at the height of his career. He is rich, successful, owns a private clinic, acts as an expert witness in courts, enjoys international recognition and is happily married to a beautiful, elegant woman. But then it comes to a scandal: The encounter with the addicted Karin von Putthausen is his undoing. He cannot escape the girl's erotic charm; he succumbs to the life-hungry creature. And what nobody suspects and is even worse: Lingen is an alcoholic; he can only operate after he has drunk. The famous surgeon begins to slide further and further, reacting desperately and self-destructively. But Lingen's wife doesn't give up. She begins to fight for her marriage and the man she loves. A disturbing doctor's novel about people who want to escape the vicious circle of their addiction and their fate.
ISBN 3-404-10678-4 Meeting in Tbilisi 1966 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth First published under the pseudonym Henry Pahlen.
ISBN 3-442-35107-3 Beloved, betrayed man 1966 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth First published under the pseudonym Jens Bekker.
ISBN 978-3-641-14093-9 Love nights in the taiga 1966 Lichtenberg Verlag, Munich Franz Heller returns to Russia after nineteen years with a dangerous assignment: he is supposed to spy on a Soviet missile launching base for the CIA. However, his mission takes a back seat when he meets Ludmilla, a young political commissioner who was supposed to be his opponent, but with whom he falls inexorably in love. The lovers flee from the KGB's henchmen into the vastness of the taiga, and a life and death chase begins.
ISBN 978-3-442-43975-1 Season for women 1966 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth First published under the pseudonym Stefan Doerner. Innenburg is a luxurious sanatorium, where ladies of better society seek treatment. As different as the female patients are in age and temperament, they are all magically drawn to the doctors at the exclusive beauty farm.
ISBN 978-3-453-07153-7 Children's ward 1967 Bertelsmann Verlag, Munich First published under the pseudonym Stefan Doerner.
ISBN 978-3-453-19997-2 Love on hot sand 1967 Lichtenberg Verlag, Munich Special edition Cologne 1980 under the title Das Mädchen Ariela .
ISBN 978-3-442-03653-0 Maneuvers in autumn 1967 Goldmann Verlag, Munich The successful author Heinz G. Konsalik dedicates this great novel to all Germans who have still not learned anything from the fifty million war dead in the past. It tells the story of Heinrich Schütze, who dreams of becoming an officer shortly before the outbreak of World War II. Sagittarius is convinced that he is a good German and that he is serving his fatherland. He does not know which catastrophe he is steering into.
ISBN 3-404-11214-8 Nile nights 1967 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth First published under the pseudonym Henry Pahlen. Sun, blaze of hell, endless desert - a man and two women drag themselves through the hot sand, chased by merciless pursuers. And in the midst of this glaring expanse, another woman - she too is being hunted. In a hostile environment, four people not only become victims of unscrupulous secret organizations, but also slaves of their own desires and passions. Because these three women love one and the same man.
ISBN 978-3-442-35793-2 Key games for three couples 1967 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth First published under the pseudonym Henry Pahlen.
ISBN 3-453-00168-0 The daughter of the devil 1967 Lichtenberg Verlag, Munich Rasputin has a strong influence at the Petersburg court. He ensures that his illegitimate daughter Nadja is brought up together with the tsar's daughters. The girl quickly gets used to the splendid life at court and falls in love with the young guard officer Nikolai. But fate and history do not mean well with the lovers: The revolution separates the two. As if by a miracle, they find each other again and reach a ship in Vladivostok that is supposed to take them to America. But then fate strikes mercilessly ...
ISBN 3-453-00142-7 Wild fruits for dessert 1967 Lichtenberg Verlag, Munich A party - attractive girls, alcohol ... and the insane drug, the personality-changing drug - LSD. An evening lost in strange, bizarre dreams. A morning full of horror, naked fear, remorse. A crime perfectly staged. A rousing, full of drama designed novel - just a Konsalik.
ISBN 978-3-453-77173-4 The Stolen Happiness (older title: The Sinful Night ) 1968 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth First published under the pseudonym Jens Bekker. Carola seems to lead the life of a fairytale princess: As the wife of the world-famous conductor Bernd Donani, she lives in a castle-like villa, has two lovely children and can fulfill every wish. But no one suspects what it looks like in her heart: Carola feels deeply lonely, because her husband can think of nothing but his music. Beside him, she no longer feels like a woman until she meets the young violinist Jean, who turns her world upside down. For the first time, Carola feels desired, loved and heartily happy - so much so that she even threatens to forget what has been the dearest and most important thing in life to her: her children. Carola Donani, the beautiful young wife of the celebrated star conductor Bernd Donani, loves her husband more than anything, but their life together is determined by his job. When the young aspiring violinist Jean Leclerc woos her, she can't resist him for long. She is ready to give up everything for him. She decides to leave her previous life completely behind and to start a new one at his side. But soon dark shadows appear over this new happiness.
ISBN 978-3-453-77014-0 The ship of hope 1968 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth Doctor novel. First published under the pseudonym Boris Nikolai. Issues from 1985 of Konsalik as the ship of hope .
ISBN 978-3-941329-35-5 The castle of the blue birds 1968 Lichtenberg Verlag, Munich The world of the Sassners is in perfect order: The well-known chemist Gerd Sassner leads a harmonious life with his wife Luise and their two children. But when he returned from fishing one day, he was completely transformed. Sassner presents an old shoe to the astonished family as his friend Benno. What initially appears to be a fishing joke quickly turns out to be a tangible problem. Sassner is referred to the clinic of the brain surgeon Professor Dorian. After a three-month stay and an operation, the supposedly cured patient is discharged. A short time later, Gerd Sassner suddenly disappears. At a lake you can only find your clothes.
ISBN 3-625-20928-4 Black mink on delicate skin 1968 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth First published under the pseudonym Henry Pahlen. The life of the physicist Dr. Franz Hergarten on the head. Under strict protection by the security authorities, he wants to bring his explosive records to New York - now the No. 1 secret carrier - protected by a beautiful agent. But the system has a weak point: Lisa Hergarten, wife of the scientist. Convinced that her husband is cheating on her, she shakes all security precautions. The voyage of the Ozeanic on a modern luxury liner that is supposed to bring Hergarten to the USA suddenly turns into a dangerous adventure for him. The ship is the scene of a crime thriller: while some of the passengers are carefree enjoying the sweet luxury life, others are in a bitter battle for Dr. Hergarten and his notes.
ISBN 3-88199-583-8 Stalingrad: portrait of a city, inferno of battle, protocol of madness 1968 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth Illustrated book about the Stalingrad Battle with comments by Heinz G. Konsalik.
Symphony of life 1968 Lingen Verlag, Cologne Only published under the pseudonym Jens Bekker.
ISBN 978-3-453-05674-9 Hothouse of dreams 1968 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth First published under the pseudonym Stefan Doerner.
ISBN 3-442-41325-7 Blood wedding in Prague 1969 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth First published under the pseudonym Henry Pahlen. Prague 1968. Four young people go through hell fighting for freedom and democracy. The radio reporter Karel Pilny finds his great love in the German student Irena, the student leader Michael Lucek and the classy Soviet agent Valentina meet each other in an all-damaging passion. The cause of the revolutionaries is not bad - until the Red Army intervenes. A wild escape from their tanks and the KGB, the Soviet secret service, begins. Karel and Irena, Michael and Valentina try to make their way to the German-Bohemian border. But it is uncertain whether the small group will succeed in reaching safe West Germany.
ISBN 978-3-453-05306-9 The golden kiss 1969 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth First published under the pseudonym Stefan Doerner. When the well-known TV star, actress Karin Jarut, is embroiled in a huge scandal, one of her roles is cast with a young, hitherto completely unknown actress. Karin swears bitter vengeance, and doom takes its course.
ISBN 3-404-25617-4 In the lion's claws 1969 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth First published under the pseudonym Henry Pahlen.
ISBN 978-3-453-00331-6 Night of temptation 1969 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth First published under the pseudonym Jens Bekker.
ISBN 3-453-00283-0 Agents love dangerous 1970 Juncker Verlag, Munich The German engineer Ralf Meerholdt is building a dam on behalf of the Yugoslav government in the wild mountain landscape of Montenegro. Everything there is still unspoilt and unspoilt - nature as well as people. When Ralf Meerholdt meets the farmer's daughter Rosa, love overcomes him like a natural phenomenon. But Rosa was promised to be a wife to the shepherd Jossip in the cradle. Fatally struck in his honor and pride, Jossip only seeks revenge. He tries to sabotage the construction of the dam ... Alternatively, this text was also found: The scene of the love and adventure novel is the green hell of Brazil, where a German doctor meets a CIA agent who has a secret missile base in the jungle to take out the Soviets.
ISBN 3-442-35565-6 The prisoner of the desert 1970 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth First published under the pseudonym Henry Pahlen. They are tough men who toil in the camps of an oil drilling station in the Sahara. You work a lot and live little. Out of the blue one of the camps is hit by a strange plague. All camp workers die overnight from the puzzling epidemic. The German doctor Dr. Bender is faced with the task of clearing up the mysterious death. However, when he arrives in the Sahara, he meets with rejection, great suspicion and even hatred. Two women alone are on the doctor's side: the beautiful daughter of the oil sheikh and a nurse. Both love Dr. Bender. And so a bitter fight develops between the two women.
ISBN 3-404-15180-1 Love on don 1970 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth The young Eberhard Bodmar is the first German journalist who is allowed to travel to the country between the Don and the Volga to investigate the traces of the Sixth Army. It is a personal journey for Bodmar, because he is also looking for traces of his father here, and the vast land of the steppes seizes all of his senses. The beautiful interpreter Jelena, who accompanies him, falls deeply in love with him, but it is Nyusha, the Cossack daughter, who wins Bodmar's heart. The love of the two different people overcomes the boundaries between their peoples - but neither Nyusha nor Bodmar suspect that Jelena is seeking deadly revenge.
ISBN 978-3-404-15460-9 As hot as the steppe wind 1971 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth
ISBN 3-453-00369-1 The desert doctor 1971 Lichtenberg Verlag, Munich
ISBN 3-453-00390-X The threat 1972 Lichtenberg Verlag, Munich
ISBN 978-3-641-13461-7 The Tsarina's personal physician 1972 Bastei-Lübbe Verlag, Bergisch Gladbach She looks like an angel. But in the corridors of the palace people whisper that the angelic figure is a devil who surpasses her husband in cruelty. The devil with the angelic face is Marja, Tsarina of Russia, wife of Ivan the Terrible. It was only when the German doctor Andreas von Trottau came to court that the mighty beauty discovered her other side, her tenderness and her ability to devote herself. But Andreas loves someone else: the simple girl Xenia. Marja cannot believe that the man she loves is rejecting her - and anyone who knows the Tsarina knows that her vengeance knows no mercy.
ISBN 978-3-453-87853-2 A man like an earthquake 1972 Lichtenberg Verlag, Munich
ISBN 3-404-14914-9 Who likes to die under palm trees (Volume 1: The Father, Volume 2: The Son) 1972/73 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth Werner Bäcker, an architect who emigrated to Auckland, starts with his family on his new yacht in the South Seas. But a terrible hurricane brings the dream trip to a terrible end: Werner is the only survivor to be washed onto an uninhabited island. When a plane crashes in another storm, the shipwrecked gets company: a man and a woman, a policeman and an alleged murderer, save themselves on “his” island. And soon paradise will turn into hell.
ISBN 978-3-641-14087-8 A new life out of nowhere 1973 Schneekluth Publishing House East Prussia 1945: Shortly before the end of the war, the Kurowskis flee westward like many other families. In their new home they build a new existence with diligence and tenacity. You become prosperous, but with it grow the problems that threaten the family to break up.
ISBN 3-442-43034-8 Ninotschka, the mistress of the taiga 1973 Bastei-Lübbe Verlag, Bergisch Gladbach St. Petersburg in 1825. The hard marching step of soldiers echoes through the streets. The guards regiments have assembled in front of the Winter Palace. The drums roar dully; Guns flash in the pale December sun. At the same time, Ninotschka, Count Koshkin's daughter, tried on her wedding dress. In a few days she wants to marry Lieutenant Borja Tugai. Suddenly shots rang out. The snow in front of the Winter Palace turns red with blood. The uprising of the Decembrists, who wanted to overthrow Tsar Nicholas I, has been put down. One of the captured conspirators is Borja Tugai, the man Ninotschka loves more than her life.
ISBN 3-453-00557-0 The bitter tears of victory (older title: my horse and me ) 1973 Lichtenberg Verlag, Munich Horst Hartung experiences brilliant successes with his mare Laska and has to fight with the envy and resentment of his rivals. Horse and rider are always the target of unscrupulous intrigues. Any means is acceptable to incapacitate them.
ISBN 3-453-00518-X A summer with Danica 1973 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth
ISBN 3-453-00374-8 A dead diver does not take gold 1973 Heyne Verlag, Munich
ISBN 3-453-00407-8 A jungle goddess is not allowed to cry 1973 Heyne Verlag, Munich
ISBN 3-442-43203-0 Two hours lunch break 1973 Bastei-Lübbe Verlag, Bergisch Gladbach
ISBN 3-442-09348-1 Angel of the Forgotten 1974 Bertelsmann Verlag, Munich
ISBN 3-453-00453-1 A comet falls from the sky 1974 Heyne Verlag, Munich
ISBN 978-3-641-14091-5 Love on the powder keg 1974 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth First published under the pseudonym Henry Pahlen.
ISBN 3-442-35432-3 Trans-Siberia Express 1974 Heyne Verlag, Munich Moscow - Vladivostok: The Trans-Siberian Express travels ten days and nights from the capital to the port city on the edge of Asia. One of these trips turns into a journey of fate for three people: for the German engineer Werner Forster, for the opaque Russian Pal Viktorowitsch Karsanow and for Milda, a wonderfully beautiful woman. Forster witnessed how she jumped on the departing train in Sverdlovsk in the dark of night. Since then he has not been able to forget her fearful look. He doesn't know who the stranger is, he just knows that he will dare anything to find her.

The longest railway line in the world, almost 10,000 km from Moscow to Vladivostok, the port city near Japan. For ten days and nights the train travels through steppe, tundra and taiga. For the German engineer Werner Forster, who wants to get to know Siberia, it becomes a journey of fate when he observes a beautiful woman with fearful eyes jumping on the moving train in Sverdlovsk in the dark of night.

ISBN 3-453-04781-8 The damned of the taiga 1974 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth As if by a miracle, the five occupants of a small Russian plane survived the crash in the middle of the taiga. For the community of fate, a struggle for survival begins in the harsh wilderness of Siberia. It is only a matter of time before the first snowstorms turn into an icy hell.
ISBN 3-442-35449-8 Whom the black goddess calls 1974 Heyne Verlag, Munich German tourists helpless in the parched, hot, endless steppe of Africa. They left four days ago to photograph animals in the wild. And now they have lost all orientation. Nobody wants to admit how fear arises in them: Where are we? How long will the water last? Who could save us? But despite this desperate situation, they would never have believed possible what adventure was really waiting for them ... They came in the middle of the night. Silent, shadowy. Skinny figures in skin-tight, black leather suits. They looked like they wore scale armor. They didn't say a word - they just acted.
ISBN 978-3-453-41825-7 In the valley of bittersweet dreams 1975 Bertelsmann Verlag, Munich Under the merciless Mexican sun, a godforsaken village struggles with drought, cholera and drugs. What is worse than anything, however, is the greed of inhuman exploiters, whom the Indians cannot cope with. But a courageous doctor, a responsible priest and a passionate woman fight together with the disenfranchised for a better future.
ISBN 3-404-00339-X Cossack love 1975 Bastei Lübbe Verlag, Bergisch Gladbach
ISBN 978-3-453-41781-6 Love is stronger than death 1975 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth Paris is a magic word, the magic word of love: Eva - young, with deep blue eyes and unspeakably desperate - wanted to throw herself down from the Arc de Triumphe. And Pierre - painter and professional idealist - had been able to capture it at the last moment. This is how a love can begin in Paris, a wonderful, romantic love beyond the Boulevard Saint-Germain-des-Prés., In a tiny attic above the rooftops of the city.
ISBN 3-453-00540-6 The night of the black magic 1975 Heyne Verlag, Munich
ISBN 3-453-02335-8 The beautiful rival (older title: Sonja and the million picture ) 1975 Heyne Verlag, Munich 1986 revised and published under the new title.
ISBN 3-453-00483-3 Road to hell 1975 Heyne Verlag, Munich They shouted, 'Justice! A decent job! We want to sleep too! ' And they wore red banners over their heads, stretched between two bamboo poles, clumsy, flawed slogans, written on disused pluckers, almost touching in their primitiveness, when - translated into the German language - justice was written with 'ä' or just 'want' with an 'l'. They marched through the camp, huddled together, as if they were afraid of being driven apart, and now had to hold on to each other to keep the courage to finally open their mouths to something other than eating and drinking. Luis Jesus Areras was sitting in his barracks with his fists clenched on the loaded submachine gun. On the walls, which were covered by the various detailed maps of the building areas, stood seven foremen, pale and disturbed, and dared not move. The demonstration had now reached the site management. He formed a block of bodies, heads and open mouths. The banners billowed overhead as if a violent wind were shaking them. ,Justice! Decent working hours! More to eat! ' shouted the men. 'We are human too!'. 'Listen to this!' said Luis Jesus Areras. He stared out the window. His desk was littered with tables and drawings, pay slips and reports. 'Our ants are going wild and want to bite!' 'They will storm the barracks!' said one of the foremen softly. 'Niel' Areras shook his head. 'You know very well that I will shoot. And you will shoot too! ' He spat across the desk against the window glass. 'They're all cowardly dogs. Got a big mouth and nothing behind it. '
ISBN 3-453-00585-6 Alarm! The woman's ship 1976 Heyne Verlag, Munich
ISBN 3-453-20699-1 Bittersweet 7th year 1976 Heyne Verlag, Munich
ISBN 978-3-453-21294-7 Sharks on board 1976 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth In front of the Arabian Peninsula, the luxury ship "Fidelitas" with four hundred wealthy tourists on board is arrested by four elegant men armed with submachine guns and bombs, just passengers like the others. While the "sharks" make their demands, a boat steers towards the ship from a lonely bay. Ten hooded figures climb on board and capture the "Fidelitas". Five hostages are dragged off into the desert, are exposed to the days of hellish embers and nights of icy cokes, are exposed to strain, pain and thirst. Is there still hope for her? And what are five people worth to the world?
ISBN 3-404-10042-5 Love in St. Petersburg 1976 Bastei-Lübbe Verlag, Bergisch Gladbach
ISBN 3-442-42396-1 And all because of love (older title: twins with small flaws ) 1976 Heyne Verlag, Munich Revised in 1993 and published under the new title.
ISBN 3-453-01066-3 The double game 1977 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth
ISBN 3-442-35443-9 Happy marriage 1977 Bertelsmann Verlag, Munich
ISBN 978-3-625-20929-4 Leila, the beauty of the Nile 1977 Bastei-Lübbe Verlag, Bergisch Gladbach An international research team on the trail of the secret of Sakkara, the famous necropolis on the Nile: under the direction of Professor Mitchener, the scientists are feverishly searching for the previously unknown grave of the child king. The mission is about to fail when the researchers suddenly come across a grave slab. For the German archaeologist Dr. Frank Herburg becomes Sakkara fate not only in professional terms. He falls in love with Leila, the beautiful daughter of an Egyptian colleague. A passionate love begins, but it is soon overshadowed because the sensational find triggers a chain of mysterious events. Shortly after the grave was found, Herburg received the first eerie warning: "Death will kill anyone who disturbs the Pharaoh's closeness." The curse of the pharaohs actually seems to overtake him because suddenly Herburg has disappeared without a trace.
ISBN 3-404-11107-9 Natalia, a girl from the taiga 1977 Bastei-Lübbe Verlag, Bergisch Gladbach
ISBN 978-3-625-20926-3 The beautiful doctor 1977 Goldmann Verlag, Munich
ISBN 3-88101-548-5 Sonja's dangerous photo 1977 Kibu Verlag, Menden Subtitle: Exciting holidays in the Mediterranean. Girl novel
ISBN 3-442-35564-8 The secret of the seven palms 1978 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth
ISBN 978-3-442-35566-2 Beloved corsair 1978 Bastei-Lübbe Verlag, Bergisch Gladbach
ISBN 3-442-06315-9 The house of lost hearts 1978 Bertelsmann Verlag, Munich
ISBN 3-442-55019-X I confess 1978 Goldmann Verlag, Munich At the celebration of her doctorate, Gisèle Parnasse met the successful surgeon Dr. Know Gaston Rablais. She becomes an anesthetist in his clinic and - falls in love with the talented man. Dr. Gaston Rablais reciprocates her feelings. But Gisèle's sister Brigit Gaston also tries to win over her. Initially without success. But distrust and suspicion grow between Gisèle and Gaston. The relationship between lovers becomes more tense every day. And finally, Gisèle's jealousy leads to disaster.
ISBN 3-88101-572-8 Karin and Monika cause confusion 1978 Kibu Verlag, Menden Girl novel
ISBN 3-442-55376-8 The fatal marriage 1978 Goldmann Verlag, Munich
ISBN 3-442-43959-0 The heiress 1979 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth
ISBN 978-3-641-14090-8 The curse of the green stones 1979 Goldmann Verlag, Munich
ISBN 978-3-641-14092-2 Love makes all flowers bloom 1979 Bastei-Lübbe Verlag, Bergisch Gladbach
ISBN 3-442-06423-6 You were ten 1979 Bertelsmann Verlag, Munich Russia on a June night in 1944: In the midst of the warlike madness, ten German officers from the Baltic States have to carry out an assignment that seems to surpass anything else in terms of madness. Your command is like a suicide on command: you are supposed to jump out of a plane near Moscow, penetrate the Kremlin and kill Stalin.
ISBN 3-442-03873-1 Paradise also casts shadows / the masks of love (two novels) 1980 Goldmann Verlag, Munich
ISBN 3-442-55295-8 A respectable family 1980 Bertelsmann Verlag, Munich
ISBN 3-453-01145-7 The dark side of fame 1980 Heyne Verlag, Munich Felicitas Saunders has achieved what other career women dream of: As a television reporter, she is at the peak of success, interviews world-famous personalities, is courted and adored. But what about the private life of the celebrated woman? Since the death of her husband, Felicitas seems to have led a hermit life in which there is no love. Secretly, however, she has a passionate affair with her boss Jerome - who, however, is not free, but tied to a seriously ill woman who is not allowed to find out about his infidelity. When the seedy journalist Arthur Darkster clings to Felicitas 'heels, the fragile balance of her life is in dire danger - Darkster's client is offering $ 30,000 for the name of Felicitas' lover.
ISBN 3-404-11151-6 All that remained was a red sail 1980 Bastei-Lübbe Verlag, Bergisch Gladbach
ISBN 978-3-442-55294-8 The marriage specialist 1980 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth
ISBN 3-453-01197-X The indecent photo 1980 Heyne Verlag, Munich 1987 reissued as Russian Stories , together with The Miracle of Bajkonur and Where are New Shoes Comrade? .
ISBN 3-442-03925-8 Adventures in love 1980 Goldmann Verlag, Munich
ISBN 3-404-14684-0 Women's Battalion 1981 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth Little is known of them, but their courage to die was in no way inferior to that of men. On the contrary. They were deeply feared by their German opponents - the women's battalions of World War II, in which Russian women and girls fought as soldiers for their homeland. One of these women is Stella Antonovna - she is determined to do anything, ready for anything, and - she believes - she is ready for anything. The only thing she didn't expect was that she would meet the love of her life in the midst of the raging turmoil of war. And certainly not with the fact that this love faces her as an enemy.
ISBN 3-404-12128-7 I'm in love with your voice / And life goes on 1981 Bastei-Lübbe Verlag, Bergisch Gladbach Both stories were first published around 1961 under the pseudonym Benno von Marroth.
ISBN 3-453-01355-7 The Whistling Murderer / The Glass Coffin (Two Novels) 1981 Heyne Verlag, Munich
ISBN 978-3-641-14094-6 Like a touch of magic flowers 1981 Bertelsmann Verlag, Munich
ISBN 3-442-06370-1 Wild wine / summer love (two novels) 1981 Goldmann Verlag, Munich Sommerliebe was reissued individually in 1987 by Heyne Verlag, Wilder Wein also in 1987 by Goldmann.
ISBN 3-404-14718-9 The trip to Tierra del Fuego 1982 Heyne Verlag, Munich
ISBN 3-453-77005-6 Women understand more about love (together with: The fateful holiday ) 1982 Heyne Verlag, Munich Single edition: Heyne, Munich 1995.
ISBN 3-453-17669-3 You have to be lucky 1982 Heyne Verlag, Munich
ISBN 3-453-02121-5 Home leave 1982 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth Berlin, 1943: War correspondent Heinz Wüllner and psychology student Hilde Brandes meet in half-destroyed Berlin. As the world around her sinks more and more into chaos, her love blossoms. The young couple lives in their own world of dreams and hopes, but soon the time to say goodbye strikes: Wüllner has to go back to the front.
ISBN 3-404-11180-X With family connection 1982 Bastei-Lübbe Verlag, Bergisch Gladbach
ISBN 978-3-641-13458-7 The lovers of Sochi 1982 Bertelsmann Verlag, Munich A harmless holiday flirt - that's how it begins. In the paradisiacal health resort of Sochi on the Black Sea, the German doctor Dr. Irene Walther know a Russian engineer. When the holidays come to an end, Irene knows that she will never forget Boris. But there is no hope of a reunion. Until Boris leaves everything behind because of his great love: his job, his career, his country. Reunited, the two lovers get caught up in the dangerous game of the secret services.
ISBN 3-453-09997-4 The fateful holiday (together with: Women understand more about love ) 1982 Heyne Verlag, Munich Extended and revised single edition: Heyne, Munich 1996.
ISBN 3-404-10057-3 A warning is given against this wedding 1982 Bastei-Lübbe Verlag, Bergisch Gladbach
ISBN 3-453-87116-2 The junk doctor 1983 Heyne Verlag, Munich
ISBN 3-453-87864-7 The poison of the old homeland 1983 Heyne Verlag, Munich
ISBN 3-442-06863-0 A cross in Siberia 1983 Bertelsmann Verlag, Munich
ISBN 3-404-10280-0 Game of hearts 1983 Bastei-Lübbe Verlag, Bergisch Gladbach
ISBN 978-3-641-13455-6 Company dolphin 1983 Goldmann Verlag, Munich
ISBN 978-3-442-06664-3 The heart of ice / The green eyes of Finchley 1984 Goldmann Verlag, Munich Two detective novels in one volume.
ISBN 3-404-12595-9 The love conspiracy 1984 Bastei-Lübbe Verlag, Bergisch Gladbach
ISBN 978-3-453-77208-3 The girl and the magician 1984 Heyne Verlag, Munich
ISBN 3-404-14232-2 The shining hands 1984 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth Sick and desperate people come to her with their last hope - Corinna, the miracle healer with the "shining hands" conquers diseases against which conventional medicine holds out its arms. The people whose lives she saved love and adore her, but her successes arouse envy and resentment. Doctors call her “quack”, the media scorn and scorn her. But then Corinna is confronted with a case in which her own fate is decided: The young painter Marius is terminally ill - and he touches the heart of the healer.
ISBN 3-453-02189-4 The bench in the park (with: The lonely heart ) 1985 Heyne Verlag, Munich
ISBN 3-442-06892-4 Under the sign of the great bear 1985 Goldmann Verlag, Munich
ISBN 978-3-453-77207-6 Promenade deck 1985 Blanvalet Verlag, Munich
ISBN 3-404-10519-2 And yet life was beautiful 1985 Bastei-Lübbe Verlag, Bergisch Gladbach
ISBN 3-404-10765-9 Babkin, our little father 1986 Bastei-Lübbe Verlag, Bergisch Gladbach
ISBN 3-453-02371-4 The insider tip 1986 Heyne Verlag, Munich
ISBN 3-404-10813-2 The Klabautermann 1986 Bastei-Lübbe Verlag, Bergisch Gladbach
ISBN 3-404-14251-9 Siberian roulette 1986 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth
ISBN 3-442-08386-9 Who does not fight back ... 1986 Goldmann Verlag, Munich
ISBN 978-3-641-13457-0 Gold in the Red Mountains 1987 Bastei-Lübbe Verlag, Bergisch Gladbach Geology student Wolf Herbarth failed in his home country Germany. As a truck driver in the endless expanse of Australia, he wants to build a new life for himself. Together with his co-driver Chick, he travels through the immense, misanthropic country until one day the two of them find a dying native who carries a sketch with the auspicious inscription "Gold". Chick and Wolf sense the chance of a lifetime - together with Sally and Cher, the two courageous women they love, they set out to win the gold of the red mountains for themselves.
ISBN 978-3-641-14088-5 The golden sea 1987 Blanvalet Verlag, Munich
ISBN 3-453-16886-0 The Amber Room 1988 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth It is one of the most famous art treasures in the world: the legendary amber room that the Prussian King Friedrich gave to Tsar Peter in the 18th century. In the turmoil of the Second World War, the priceless room was lost and has been considered lost ever since. Heinz G. Konsalik, the most successful author of German entertainment literature, leads his readers in this breathtaking suspense novel from the creation of the legendary Amber Room to a surprising ending, which shows in an amazingly convincing way what could have happened to the room.
ISBN 3-442-08986-7 Duel in the ice 1988 Goldmann Verlag, Munich
ISBN 3-404-25619-0 The Bay of Black Pearls 1989 Bastei-Lübbe Verlag, Bergisch Gladbach
ISBN 978-3-641-14089-2 The rainforest plot 1990 Hestia Verlag, Bayreuth The rainforest is dying. Killed by unscrupulous traders who neither care about the impending climate catastrophe nor the indigenous people who are losing their ancestral home. The greed for profit of these people seems to bend the world - but a handful of courageous men take up the fight against the overwhelming power: The doctor Thomas Binder and the Fathers Ernesto and Vincence are not ready to sit and watch as the last tree is cut down. Thomas Binder fights for his convictions - and has no idea that he is meeting the love of his life and thus his fate.
ISBN 3-442-55171-4 Valley without sun 1990 Blanvalet Verlag, Munich
ISBN 3-453-86297-X Deadly paradise 1990 Heyne Verlag, Munich
ISBN 978-3-442-55471-3 The jade pavilion 1991 Blanvalet Verlag, Munich
ISBN 3-442-42303-1 West wind from Kazakhstan 1992 Hestia Verlag, Rastatt
ISBN 978-3-641-14086-1 Airport Clinic 1992 Heyne Verlag, Munich The Airport Clinic at Germany's largest airport in Frankfurt am Main is a hub of moving human fates, unforeseen events and evil intrigues - and also the focal point of confused, intersecting love stories. It's about affairs between the chief doctor and nurse, about unsuccessful suicides by desperate women, about a Colombian drug courier who tries to smuggle cocaine into condoms and almost dies in the process, about dangerous work accidents, about rich, beautiful, tramps and other fates in the milieu of the underworld .
Oil connection 1993
The red shark reef 1993
The black one


ISBN 3-404-25614-X The blood mafia 1994 Bastei-Lübbe Verlag, Bergisch Gladbach Dieter Reissner leads a full life with his family and in his job as an engineer for a large corporation. But all of a sudden his health is troubling him. He breaks down at an important meeting. Investigations reveal a terrible truth: the husband and father have AIDS! There is only one way he could have contracted the deadly virus: During an operation after a serious accident four years ago. The reporter Rio Martin fears that he shares Reissner's fate, because he too had an operation after an accident. In his research, which involves life and death, he comes across the Blood Mafia, an organization that will stop at nothing.
ISBN 3-404-12330-1 mayday ... mayday ...

... eastern wings 610

1995 Bastei-Lübbe Verlag
ISBN 3-453-13642-X The appraiser 1998 Heyne Verlag, Munich
ISBN 3-404-12847-8 The ecstasy affair 1998 Bastei-Lübbe Verlag, Bergisch Gladbach
ISBN 3-442-35309-2 Jungle gold 1998 Blanvalet Verlag, Munich The Mindanao jungle is a hell of scorching heat, deadly disease and unrestrained violence. In the middle of this hell lies a gold mine in which thirty thousand men do their work under the worst conditions. The leader rules over men with merciless severity in order to keep them under control - and this leader is a woman! The young Belisa Garcia alone seems to have the necessary brutality for the task, and Belisa is of a sensual beauty that no man can resist. Only one person resists their ruthless regime: Peter Falke, the German doctor who runs an infirmary for the miners. He alone succeeds in gaining Belisa's respect, but he is not blind to her charms either.


  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa from the blurb of the respective book
  2. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x AVA International, Authors and Publishing Agency, Heinz G. Konsalik ( Memento of the original from March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. Excerpt from the novel "The gifted face"
  4. Excerpt from the novel "The Heart of the 6th Army"
  5. text passage