List of listed objects in Mysłakowice

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This list of listed objects in Mysłakowice (Powiat Jeleniogórski) in the Lower Silesian Voivodeship is based on the lists of the Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa (NID) (National Cultural Heritage Institute in Poland), see List of immovable monuments, entered in the register of monuments . The following information does not replace the legally binding information from the monument authority.

Listed objects of the Mysłakowice commune

The listed objects are listed according to the Polish list of monuments by district.

Bobrów (Boberstein)

location object description NID no. image


( Location )

Boberstein Castle Boberstein Castle (19th century) - complete system with
  • Boberstein Castle (19th century)
  • Park (around 1890)
  • Gut (late 19th century) (building largely destroyed)
  • Residential and farm building I (end of the 19th century)
  • Residential and farm building II (end of the 19th century)
  • Residential and farm building III (end of the 19th century)
  • Wall with bastions and gate (end of the 19th century)
592009 592010 592011 592012 592013 592014 592015 592016

Bukowiec (Buchwald)

location object description NID no. image


( Location )

Roman Catholic Martinskirche Buchwald Roman Catholic Church of St. Martin (16th century) 592017

( Location )

Protestant church, now Roman Catholic Buchwald Church Protestant Church, now the Roman Catholic Church of St. John the Baptist (2nd half of the 18th century) 592018

( Location )

Buchwald Palace and Park (entire complex) Bukowiec Castle , material collection, together with no. 592020–592025 592019

( Location )

Buchwald Castle Bukowiec Castle (2nd half of the 16th and 18th centuries), belongs to No. 592019 592020

( Location )

Pavilion (tea house) Pavilion (tea house), belongs to No. 592019 592021

( Location )

Mausoleum, called abbey Mausoleum, called Abbey (artificial ruin) (early 19th century), belongs to No. 592019 592022

( Location )

Residential and farm buildings Residential and farm building, belongs to No. 592019 592023
Residential and farm buildings

( Location )

barn Barn, belongs to no.592019 592024

( Location )

park Park, belongs to no.592019 592025

( Location )

Gardener's house and castle grounds Gardener's house and palace gardens, belongs to No. 592019 -
Gardener's house and castle grounds

( Location )

Observation tower Lookout tower, so-called watchtower, belongs to No. 592019 -

( Location )

artificial castle ruins artificial castle ruin, belongs to No. 592019 -
Bukowiec, ul.Tokarska 17

( Location )

Villa with garden Villa complex (1882, 1934) with
  • Villa (1882, 1934)
  • surrounding garden
764208 764209 764210
Villa with garden

Dąbrowica (Eichberg)

location object description NID no. image


( Location )

Protestant church, now Roman Catholic Church in Eichberg Evangelical Church, now Roman Catholic Church of the Mother of God of Czestochowa (1890–1900) 764211

( Location )

Eichberg Castle Palace complex (17th and 19th centuries) - complete complex with
  • Eichberg Castle (Pałac w Dąbrowicy) (17th and 19th centuries),
  • park
592026 592027 592028

Karpniki (Fischbach)

location object description NID no. image

Karpniki, ul.Koscielna 1

( Location )

Hedwig's Church in Fischbach Hedwig's Church (14th and 19th centuries), complete complex with
  • Church of St. Hedwig (14th and 19th centuries)
  • Cemetery (16th century)
  • Enclosed with gates (16th and 19th centuries)
592029 592030 592031 592032

( Location )

Protestant church Fischbach Protestant Church (mid-18th century) (not included in the list of WUOZ Wrocław) 592033
Karpniki, ul Turystyczna 2

( Location )

Rectory in Fischbach Rectory (18th century) 592034

( Location )

Falkenstein castle ruins Falkenstein castle ruins (Zamek Sokolec) (14th / 15th century) 592035

( Location )

Bergbaude "Schweizerei" (complete facility) Bergbaude "Schweizerei" ("Szwajcarka") (1823) with
  • Bergbaude "Schweizerei" (1823)
  • Annex to the "Schweizerei" (1823)
592036 592037 592038
Karpniki, ul.Rudawska 2

( Location )

Villa in Fischbach Villa (1898) 592039
Villa in Fischbach
Karpniki, ul.Rudawska 6

( Location )

Fischbach palace and park Fischbach palace and park (1st half of the 19th century), material entity, together with nos. 592041, 592042 and 722419 592040
Karpniki, ul. Łąkowa 1

( Location )

Fischbach Castle Fischbach Castle (1838–1846), belongs to No. 592040 592041
Karpniki, ul.Rudawska 6

( Location )

park Park, belongs to no.592040 592042

( Location )

Linden alley in Fischbach Lindenallee on the road towards Lomnitz (mid-19th century), belongs to No. 592040 722419
Karpniki, ul.Stavowa 12

( Location )

Villa Aichinger in Fischbach Villa Aichinger (Pałac Dębowy) (1875) - complete complex with
  • Villa Aichinger, now the "Eichenschloss" hotel (1875)
  • Park at the Villa Aichinger (1875)
592043 592044
Karpniki, ul.Rudawska 49 (dec.Karpniki 93)

( Location )

Watermill in Fischbach Watermill (3rd quarter of the 19th century) 592046

Łomnica (Lomnica)

location object description NID no. image

Łomnica, Świerczewskiego ul

( Location )

Church of the Immaculate Conception Lomnitz (complete complex) Church of the Immaculate Conception (15th and 19th centuries) with
  • Parish Church of the Immaculate Conception (15th and 19th centuries)
  • Cemetery (14th century),
  • Enclosure with gate (16th and 19th century)
  • chapel
592047 592048 592049 592050 592051
Church of the Immaculate Conception Lomnitz (complete complex)
Łomnica, ul. Świerczewskiego 96

( Location )

Rectory, now residential building in Lomnitz Rectory, now residential building (1752) 592052

( Location )

agricultural property in Lomnitz (complete system) agricultural property (18th / 19th century) from Lomnitz Castle
  • Speicher (18th / 19th century)
  • Stable (18th / 19th century)
  • Barn (18th / 19th century)
  • Blacksmith's (18th / 19th century)
  • Barn (18th / 19th century)
  • Residential and farm buildings (18th / 19th century)
  • Residential building (18th / 19th century)
  • Barn I in the park area (18th / 19th century)
  • Barn II in the park area (18th / 19th century)
592053 592054 592055 592056 592057 592058 592059 592060 592061 592062
Łomnica, ul.Karpnicka 3

( Location )

Castle and park in Lomnitz (complete complex) Lomnitz Castle (18th and 19th centuries), material collection, together with no. 592064–592066 592063
Castle and park in Lomnitz (complete complex)
Łomnica, ul.Karpnicka 3

( Location )

Lomnitz Castle Castle (1729, 1838), belongs to no.592063 592064
Łomnica, ul.Karpnicka 3

( Location )

Widows castle Manor house (widow house), (1836/37), belongs to No. 592063 592065
Łomnica, ul.Karpnicka 3

( Location )

park Park, (1st half of the 19th century), belongs to no.592063 592066

Mysłakowice (Zillerthal-Erdmannsdorf)

location object description NID no. image

Mysłakowice, ul. 1-go Maja

( Location )

Protestant church, now Roman Catholic Church in Erdmannsdorf Protestant Church, now Roman Catholic Herz-Jesu-Kirche, (1836-1840) 592067

( Location )

Erdmannsdorf cemetery (entire facility) Cemetery complex with
  • Cemetery chapel (end of the 19th century)
  • Mausoleum of the von Ruschwey family (19th century)
592068 592069 592070
Mysłakowice, ul.Sułkowskiego 1

( Location )

Erdmannsdorf Palace and Park (complete facility) Erdmannsdorf Castle (1st half of the 19th century) with
  • Erdmannsdorf Castle (1832–1844)
  • Park (1833)
592071 592072 592073
Erdmannsdorf Palace and Park (complete facility)
Mysłakowice, ul.Cmentarna 2

( Location )

Tyrolean house in Erdmannsdorf Tirolerhaus (1838) 592074
Tyrolean house in Erdmannsdorf
Mysłakowice, ul.Czerwony Dworek 3

( Location )

House in Erdmannsdorf House (1857) 592075
House in Erdmannsdorf
Mysłakowice, ul.Czerwony Dworek 5

( Location )

Villa in Erdmannsdorf Villa "Red House" (1838–1840) 592076 BW
Mysłakowice, ul.Czerwony Dworek 8

( Location )

House in Erdmannsdorf House (end of the 19th century) 592077
House in Erdmannsdorf
Mysłakowice, ul.Czerwony Dworek 13

( Location )

Tyrolean house in Erdmannsdorf Tirolerhaus (1838) 592078
Tyrolean house in Erdmannsdorf
Mysłakowice, ul.Czerwony Dworek 14

( Location )

Tyrolean house in Erdmannsdorf Tirolerhaus (1838) 592079 BW
Mysłakowice, ul.Czerwony Dworek 15

( Location )

Tyrolean house in Erdmannsdorf Tirolerhaus (1838) 592080
Tyrolean house in Erdmannsdorf
Mysłakowice, ul.Daszyńskiego 5

( Location )

Tyrolean house in Erdmannsdorf Tirolerhaus (1838) 592081
Mysłakowice, ul.Daszyńskiego 6

( Location )

Tyrolean house in Erdmannsdorf Tirolerhaus (1838) 592082
Mysłakowice, ul.Daszyńskiego 7

( Location )

Tyrolean house in Erdmannsdorf Tirolerhaus (1838) 592083
Mysłakowice, 8 Daszyńskiego Street

( Location )

Tyrolean house in Erdmannsdorf Tirolerhaus (1838, 2005) 592084
Mysłakowice, 9 Daszyńskiego Street

( Location )

Tyrolean house in Erdmannsdorf Tirolerhaus (1838) 592085
Mysłakowice, 10 Daszyńskiego Street

( Location )

Tyrolean house in Erdmannsdorf Tirolerhaus (1838) 592086
Mysłakowice, ul.Daszyńskiego 11

( Location )

Tyrolean house in Erdmannsdorf Tirolerhaus (1838) 592087
Mysłakowice, ul.Daszyńskiego 16

( Location )

ORZEŁ linen factory in Erdmannsdorf (complete system) ORZEŁ linen factory with
  • Spinning mill (1844, 1870–1874)
  • Weaving (1870–1874)
  • Power plant (1884)
  • Camp (1869, 1910)
  • Production building and warehouse (1879)
  • Trafostation
764241 764244 764247 764249 764250 764253 764254
Mysłakowice, 14 Starowiejska Street

( Location )

Tyrolean house in Erdmannsdorf Tirolerhaus (1838), so-called "Tiroler Hof" 592088

Wojanów (Schildau)

location object description NID no. image


( Location )

Church of the Assumption in Schildau Parish Church of the Assumption of Mary (18th century) 592089
Wojanów No. 9

( Location )

Schildau Palace and Park (entire complex) Schildau Castle (17th and 19th centuries) with
  • Schildau Castle (2nd half of the 17th century, 1st half of the 19th century)
  • Park (within the fence)
592090 592091 592092
Schildau Palace and Park (entire complex) [3]

( Location )

agricultural property in Schildau (complete system) agricultural property (2nd to 3rd quarter of the 19th century) with
  • Residential barn (2nd to 3rd quarter of the 19th century)
  • Residential outbuildings (2nd to 3rd quarter of the 19th century)
  • Remise (2nd to 3rd quarter of the 19th century)
  • Cowshed (2nd to 3rd quarter of the 19th century)
592093 592094 592095 592096 592097

Web links

Commons : cultural monuments in Mysłakowice  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Lower Silesia Monument List (Polish) (accessed on November 2, 2016)
  2. Mysłakowice - Tiroler Hof and Museum der Tiroler (accessed on November 2, 2016)
  3. Pałac Wojanów (Polish) (accessed November 2, 2016)