List of caves in Hagen

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View of the Oeger Stein

The list of caves in Hagen describes caves of different types and lengths, including some destroyed caves, in Hagen . The border between the Ruhr area and the Sauerland runs between Hagen and Hohenlimburg .

Hagen with its Hohenlimburg district is located on the northern edge of an extensive mass limestone deposit. It is more than 600 m thick in the Hagen area and consists of the remains of marine animals such as corals , mussels , stromatopores , brachiopods and others. The lime deposits are very heavily dolomized in some areas ( calcium-magnesium-carbonate ). In particular, there are caves in the Oeger Stein in the Steltenberg nature reserve .


Surname District location Length / depth
( meters )
description image
Leaf cavity Hagen-Holthausen Lennetal 91.5 Blaetterhoehle.jpg
Oeger cave Hagen Lennetal 39 Laugh cave Oeger cave Hohenlimburg.JPG
Sea grotto Hagen-Hohenlimburg Lennetal 159 Cat.-No. 4611/102
Dr. Wolf Cave Hagen Lennetal 161
Volmehang cave 1,700
Martinsloch 702
Stockey Cave II 23 or 7
Cave behind Villa Ribbert 300
Rolf Cave
Klutert cave
Hüttenberg cave 7th
Eilperhöhle I and II
Iron cave
Holthauser Bach cave
Birthday cave
Roof cave
Finking Cave
Milchenbacher Ponor Cave

See also

Individual evidence

  1. City of Hagen: Geotopes of international importance, regular excursions to sites and geological outcrops. Accessed on May 3, 2020.
  2. ^ H. Gallinnis and Stefan Voigt: The Seegrotte in Hohenlimburg . In: Antiberg Heft 47, p. 2 Retrieved on May 3, 2020.
  3. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p landscape plan Hagen