List of works of art in public space in Schermbeck

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The list of works of art in public space in Schermbeck gives an overview of art in public space , including sculptures , sculptures , landmarks and other works of art in Schermbeck , Wesel district . There is no claim to completeness.

Works of art in Schermbeck

designation Location coordinate built Artist Remarks image
Berlin Wall with Nelson Mandela Schermbeck comprehensive school, Schlossstrasse 20 51 ° 41 '46.1 "  N , 6 ° 52' 34.3"  E 2014 Victor Landeta Piece of the Berlin Wall, spray paint
Memorial at the town hall At the new town hall, Weseler Straße 2 51 ° 41 '29.5 "  N , 6 ° 52' 4.6"  E Stone memorial with roaring lions at the new town hall. Twice a year, on Memorial Day and for the Killian shooting festival, the population comes together and commemorates the victims of both world wars.
Schermbeck Memorial at the Town Hall 02.jpg
City history fountain Lichtenhagen / Mittelstrasse 51 ° 41 '29.8 "  N , 6 ° 52' 6.5"  E Village fountain with motifs from the city's history.
Schermbeck Brunnen.jpg
Altschermbeck Memorial Mittelstrasse / Alte Dorstener Str. 51 ° 41 '40.9 "  N , 6 ° 52' 34.3"  E 1953 The memorial with the statue of St. George replaced the weathered Altschermbeck memorial from 1929. On both sides are the names of those who died in the First and Second World Wars. In front of it are two benches, each with two stone lions, of which the male holds his paw to his ear and the female looks relaxed into the air.
Schermbeck Memorial 05.jpg
potter Mittelstrasse, in front of the Volksbank 51 ° 41 '35.9 "  N , 6 ° 52' 19.3"  E The "Pottbäcker" is reminiscent of the former pottery village Schermbeck. After 1900, however, the heyday of Schermbeck stoneware ended with industrially manufactured mass-produced goods.
Brick baker Mittelstrasse, in front of the Sparkasse 51 ° 41 '39.6 "  N , 6 ° 52' 24.1"  E With the end of the pottery, the Schermbecker specialized in the manufacture of tiles and roof tiles. The Schermbeck clay roof tiles are still known nationwide today. Today they are sold by the Nelskamp brickworks.
Gahlen Memorial Kirchstrasse 93 / Bruchstrasse 51 ° 39 '56.1 "  N , 6 ° 52' 24.6"  E 1922/1953 Cenotaph with an eagle. The lettering "It died for the fatherland" commemorates the dead of the First World War. In 1953 it was extended to remind the 153 dead of the Second World War.
Memorial at Voshövel Weseler Forest / Am Voshövel 51 ° 43 '0.8 "  N , 6 ° 43' 20.6"  E 1929/1961 Cenotaph made of brick field stones with soldiers' relief on a bronze plaque. Inscription: "Whoever found death in holy struggle also rests in foreign soil in the fatherland".

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Altschermbeck Memorial. In: We are Schermbeck. Retrieved May 28, 2018 .
  2. ^ Entry on Ziegelwerk Nelskamp in the database " KuLaDig " of the Rhineland Regional Association , accessed on May 28, 2018.