Liudvikas Saulius Razma

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Liudvikas Saulius Razma (born February 7, 1938 in Plateliai , Plungė district ; † May 19, 2019 ) was a Lithuanian politician .


In 1960 he completed his degree in economics and then did his doctorate at the Vilniaus universitetas (VU). He taught at the VU as a lecturer, from 1963 to 1972 at the Vilniaus pedagoginis institutas . In 1972 he was removed from the institute as a dissident . From 1989 to 1993 he was rector of the Vilniaus pedagoginis universitetas and from 1996 taught at the Lietuvos karo akademija . From 1990 to 1992 he was a member of the Seimas .

From 1966 to 1972 he was a member of the CPSU .

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Individual evidence

  1. Mirė signataras Liudvikas Saulius Razma ., 2019-05-20.