Liuva I.

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Liuva I († late 571 or early 572) was king of the Visigoths from 567 to 571/572.

After the death of King Athanagild , months of kingship followed. Ultimately, nobles in Narbonne in the Visigoth province of Septimania north of the Pyrenees elected Liuva king. This choice in a remote part of the empire is unusual; it was probably only supported by a part of the Visigoth nobility. Liuva stayed in September. In 568 he made his brother Leovigild co-regent, left him rulership over the Iberian Peninsula and kept only the small part of the empire of Septimania for himself. After Liuva's death, Leovigild ruled the entire Visigothic Empire.


  1. ^ Dietrich Claude : Adel, Church and Kingship in the Visigothic Empire , Sigmaringen 1971, p. 55.
predecessor Office successor
Athana picture King of the Visigoths