Lobophyllia hemprichii

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Lobophyllia hemprichii
Lobophyllia hemprichii

Lobophyllia hemprichii

Class : Flower animals (anthozoa)
Subclass : Hexacorallia
Order : Hard corals (Scleractinia)
Family : Mussidae
Genre : Lobophyllia
Type : Lobophyllia hemprichii
Scientific name
Lobophyllia hemprichii
Ehrenberg , 1834

Lobophyllia hemprichii is a hard coral (Scleractinia) from the reefs of the tropical Indo-Pacific .

They grow there in lagoons and all areas of the reefs, often on reef slopes under overhangs. They can be the dominant species over large areas.

The coral colony is flat or hemispherical in shape. The large, fleshy polyps sit in coralites that are isolated from one another and are usually often bright red, orange or green in color. The mouth field often has a different, lighter color. Specimens from very bright areas of the reef are brown or light gray.

Aquarium keeping

Lobophyllia hemprichii is not too difficult to maintain in a coral reef aquarium . When buying, make sure that you get undamaged specimens, as the large polyps can be easily injured.


  • Svein A. Fossa / Alf Jacob Nilsen: Coral reef aquarium , Volume 4, Schmettkamp Verlag, 1995, ISBN 3-928819-05-4
  • Julian Sprung / J. Charles Delbeek: Das Riffaquarium Volume 1, 1994, ISBN 1-883693-17-9

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