Loccumer Initiative of Critical Scientists

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The Loccumer Initiative of Critical Scientists is a German scientific association.

The group was founded at a conference in Loccum near Hanover in autumn 1995. The founding members included well-known scientists such as Peter von Oertzen , Jürgen Seifert , Klaus Meschkat , Joachim Perels , Michael Buckmiller , Thomas von der Vring and Oskar Negt , but also trade unionists such as Adolf Brock and politicians such as Horst Peter .

The aim of the group was to create a counter-public opinion against the neoliberal zeitgeist , perceived as predominant , to which socially scientifically based alternatives should be developed. In the self-description of the initiative it is said: "We are convinced that the current economic, social and political problems require new solutions and approaches that go beyond the old channels of daily political rhetoric."

Based on initially irregular meetings, the initiative has organized a scientific conference every year since 2007 on various topics. The results of the conferences are published in the series of publications on critical interventions.

Publications of the initiative


  • Poverty as a threat - social cohesion is falling apart. A memorandum. With an introduction by Oskar Negt , Hanover 2007 (= critical interventions. No. 7).
  • Red-green - another project? Offizin, Hannover 2001, ISBN 3-930345-25-0 (= critical interventions. No. 5).
  • The illusion of new freedom - denial of reality through science. Hanover 1999 (= critical interventions. No. 3).
  • Economy without work - work without economy? Development tendencies of capitalism and political interventions. Hanover 1997 (= critical interventions. No. 1).
  • Global Resistance to Capitalism - On the Way to a New International ?, Hannover 2006, No. 9, ISBN 3-930345-41-2 .
  • On the function of the left intellectual - today In memoriam Peter von Oertzen , Hanover 2009, No. 10, ISBN 978-3-930345-67-0 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. See the website of the Loccumer Initiative .