Local martingale

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A local martingale is an adapted right continuous stochastic process on a filtered probability space , so that an increasing sequence of stop times exists with almost certain , so that there is a martingale for everyone .

So it is a localization of the martingale term. Local martingales play a role in the theory of stochastic integration , more precisely the class of possible integrators corresponds to the semimartingals , sums of local martingales and adapted processes of finite variation .

The concept of the local martingale is a far-reaching generalization of the concept of martingale; there are examples of local martingales that can be integrated equally, which are not martingales.


  • Daniel Revuz, Marc Yor: Continuous Martingales and Brownian motion . Springer-Verlag, New York 1999, ISBN 3-540-64325-7 .