Lonkou Olivier Kini

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Lonkou Olivier Kini (* 1943 in Mamou , Guinea ) is a former ambassador to the Republic of Burkina Faso .


From February 18, 1967 to 1980, he was ambassador to Moscow with his seat at Ulica Meschanskaya 17. He was then ambassador to Warsaw . On October 31, 1980, Erich Honecker received him as ambassador to East Berlin to receive the credentials . In 1976 he was a member of the burkinabè delegation to the General Assembly of the United Nations in New York City . In 2011 he was awarded the Burkinabè Grand Cross. On October 30, 2014, his hand came into contact with a burning car tire during the 2014 Burkinabé uprising . He suffered burns and was admitted to l'hôpital Blaise Compaoré , where he was visited by Isaac Zida on November 4, 2014 . On this occasion, Isaac Zida suggested changing the name of the hospital in Hama Arba Diallo , which was killed in the overthrow.

Individual evidence

  1. GRAND Croix, OFFICIER, Titre normal, Annuaire 2011
  2. Sidwaya , November 4, 2014, manifestation of October 30, 2014: le lieutenant-colonel Zida rend visite aux blessés de Ouagadougou
predecessor Office successor
Burkinabè Ambassador to Moscow
February 18, 1967 to 1980
Oubkiri Marc Yao