Lorenzino da Fermo

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Lorenzino da Fermo (* in the 17th century in Fermo , † unknown) was an Italian painter.

He was known as a good painter and gentle player of musical instruments. As a contemporary of Carlo Maratta, he painted the table of St. Catherine in his home taster and directed other works in the Marche. He carried out his work in a varied style, so that it cannot be determined which school he belongs to. His living conditions are unknown. He ran a school and his students were Giuseppe Ghezzi and Ubaldo and Natale Ricci .


  • Pierre Crozat: L'Abecedario pittorico dall autore ristampato corretto et accresciuto di ... Bologna 1719, p. 291 ( google.at ).
  • Filippo de Boni: Biografia degli Artisti . Co 'Tipi del Gondoliere, Venice 1815, p. 350 ( google.at ).
  • Georg Kaspar Nagler: New general artist lexicon, or news of the life and works of painters, sculptors, builders, engravers, lithographers, form cutters, draftsmen, medalists, ivory workers, etc. Volume 4 , 183, pp. 497 ( google.at ).