Los ojos verdes

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Los ojos verdes ("The green eyes") is a legend from Gustavo Adolfo Bécquers Leyendas. Bécquer is one of the most important authors of Spanish Romanticism . His story from medieval Spain , centered on an unattainable, never-fulfilled love, was first published in 1861.

A source of the Llobregat


The three main characters of the legend are called Fernando, Iñigo and "the woman with the green eyes".

  • Fernando de Argensola is a proud young man who is madly in love, lets himself be guided by his emotions and blindly chases his crazy love, but ultimately runs into his own doom.
  • Iñigo, the greatest hunter of Argensola, is a very spontaneous and cautious person who only wants the best for young Fernando. He advises him to stay away from the spring de los Álamos.
  • The title character, "the woman with the green eyes", is an evil water spirit who, with her seductive magic, throws Fernando into ruin.


In the introduction the narrator tells of his long-cherished wish to write down the following legend.

In the first chapter that follows, a deer hunt by Fernando is reported. The deer is injured during the hunt, but can escape into the forest and nobody dares to follow the animal. The reason for the fear lies in a legend that says that there is a spring in the forest in which a nature spirit lives. Contrary to the warnings of his comrade Iñigo, Fernando enters this part of the forest in order to kill his prey.

In the second chapter it is told how Fernando repeatedly makes his way to the source an indefinite time later. Fernando tells Iñigo that one day he saw a pair of green eyes in the spring. Since then, he can't stop thinking about it. One day he sees a woman sitting on stones at the spring who has those green eyes that charm him.

In the third chapter, Fernando begins a conversation with the mysterious woman. At first she does not answer, but when he tells her that he loves her, she tells him that she lives in this spring, that she is a powerful spirit and, in turn, in love with Fernando. When he wants to kiss her, Fernando falls into the depths of the spring.


The woman represents the temptation of beauty, which in legend is symbolized by the green eyes. Fernando is attracted to woman as all romantic people are attracted to beauty. They see the beauty of nature in the woman they love most.


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