Louis-Marin Bonnet

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Louis-Marin Bonnet (* 1731, 1736 or 1743 in Paris ; † 1793 ) was a French painter and engraver of the rococo .

Bonnet became famous for his masterly, multi-colored prints in the crayon manner and pastel manner , with which he made reproductions of works by great masters such as Boucher (1703–1770), Huet , Lagrenée (1724–1805) and Leprince (1734–1781). His invention of printing on blue paper and using white plates increased the effect of the chalk technique. Some prints are difficult to distinguish from the original.

In 1783 the first edition of Idées d'un militaire appeared ...

He described his technique in the work " Le Pastel en gravure " published in 1769 .

Factory selection

  • 1769: Tête de Flore , also portrait of Madame Baudion, daughter of François Boucher, as Flora , multicolored print in pastel style after François Boucher, Washington DC, National Gallery of Art
  • before 1783: Color casts in pastel style to illustrate the Idées d'un militaire pour la disposition des troupes, confiées aux jeunes officiers dans la défense et l'attaque des petits postes by Charles Louis François de Fosse. The work saw itself as a guide for young officers. The motifs of the engravings contained therein, each with the note Gravé par Louis Marin Bonnet premier Graveur de ce genre at the lower edge , are landscapes from a bird's eye view with fortresses and possible mounting options.


  • The original text of this article is based on an entry in the Grand Larousse Encyclopédique .
  • Jacques Hérold: Louis-Marin Bonnet (1736-1793): Catalog de l'oeuvre gravée , Paris, 1935, Maurice Rousseau

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