Louis Schlottmann

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Louis Schlottmann (born November 12, 1826 in Berlin ; † June 13, 1905 there ) was a German musician and composer.


Schlottmann was a student of the composers Siegfried Dehn and Wilhelm Taubert in his hometown . With his teacher Dehn, who mainly taught him the piano , Schlottmann went on a number of guest tours; u. a. he also performed in London with his teacher .

In 1875, the Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm II appointed Schlottmann "royal music director".


Schlottmann's compositional work ranges from simple songs for soloists to orchestral choirs, but he also created chamber and orchestral music .

  • Overture for Romeo and Juliet
  • Overture for Wallenstein


  • Cyclopedia of Music and Musicians , New York, 1899, Vol. 3, p. 321
  • Obituary in: Der Klavier-Lehrer, music pedagogical journal for all areas of musical art . 1905, p. 205
  • [Article] Louis Schlottmann . In: German Biographical Encyclopedia . Volume 8, Saur, Munich 1998, p. 687

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Robert Ignatius Le Tellier: The Diaries of Giacomo Meyerbeer , 2002, Vol. 3, p. 221