Lover boy

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Lover boy
Studio GT Enterprise Inc.
Publisher Global Corporation
c) 1983
genre Maze
casing default
Arcade system Main CPU : Z80 (@ 3.072 MHz)
Sound CPU: Z80 (@ 1.78975 MHz)
Sound Chips: AY-3-8910
monitor Raster resolution 224 × 240 (3: 4 vertical) Color palette: 256

In the early 1980s, Lover Boy was an adult arcade machine that had led to considerable discussions in Germany and was finally bought up completely by ASK Automaten-Selbst-Kontroll . The ASK then announced that it had destroyed all circuit boards on the market. Nevertheless, a version for the MAME machine emulator has now been created and published from a found circuit board . The content of the Pac-Man- like game was to catch different women in a maze. The scenes that then appeared - not suitable for minors - ultimately led to a parliamentary question in the German Bundestag. Lover Boy has been portrayed in the media as a rape game.

The voluntary machine self-control (ASK) was founded in 1982, which can be traced back to the lover boy machine.

The copyright is given in the game itself as 1983, whereby at least individual boards (or prototypes) must have been available earlier.

Individual proof

  1. Automatic machine self-control, founding of the ASK, (last accessed on January 30, 2008).

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