Lucius Calpurnius Bestia (Consul 111 BC)

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Lucius Calpurnius Bestia (also: Piso Bestia ) was a Roman politician of the late 2nd century BC. Chr.

For the first time, Bestia stepped into the political limelight in 121 BC. When he sided with the nobility against Gaius Sempronius Gracchus . 111 BC He was elected consul and served as a general in the Yugurthin War during his tenure . However, this ended very soon on favorable terms for the Roman opponents, since Bestia let the enemy buy him. Thereupon Gaius Mamilius ordered legal proceedings against him, in the course of which he was probably banished with a few other aristocrats.

In 90 BC A beast is mentioned again who fled into exile after trying to instigate revolts in Italy in order to avoid reprisals against himself. However, it is not clear whether this is identical to the consul.

Both Sallust and Cicero later found words of praise for him because, in their opinion, he was highly qualified in the political field. However, they criticized its marketability, which damaged its morale.


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