Lucius Cornelius Scipio (Praetor 174 BC)

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Lucius Cornelius Scipio from the branch of Scipio from the gene of Cornelius was a Roman senator .

Lucius Cornelius Scipio was the son of Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus and brother of Publius Cornelius Scipio . In 192 BC Chr. Lucius got into the captivity of Antiochus III. He was treated with honor and 190 BC Released again. According to the tradition of Titus Livius , the details of the release are unclear. 174 BC Through the mediation of the former secretary of his father Gaius Cicereius, Scipio held the office of praetor , but was expelled from the Senate in the same year by the censors Aulus Postumius Albinus Luscus and Quintus Fulvius Flaccus .



  1. Livy 37:34, 36f.
  2. Livy 41:27, 2