Lucius Volcacius Tullus

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Lucius Volcacius Tullus (* before 108 BC; † after 49 BC) was a Roman politician in the 1st century BC. Chr.


Volcacius was in 66 BC. Together with Manius Aemilius Lepidus Konsul . In this office he prevented Lucius Sergius Catiline from applying for the consulate for 65 BC. BC and suppressed its first conspiracy. In 56 BC BC he made a motion in the Senate to instruct Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus to give the Egyptian King Ptolemy XII. to help regain the throne. In the civil war between Gaius Iulius Caesar and Pompey, Volcacius tried unsuccessfully to mediate between the two opponents.


The writer Hans Dieter Stöver made Lucius Volcacius Tullus the protagonist in some of his novels.


  1. The gentile name occasionally appears as Volcatius , but cf. Thomas Robert Shannon Broughton , The magistrates of the Roman republic , vol. 3, Supplement , Atlanta 1986, p. 222: "The name of the gens should be spelled Volcacius."
  2. Even if no earlier Volcacii are known as consuls, he is probably not a homo novus , since Marcus Tullius Cicero ( de lege agraria 2, 3) emphasizes 63 BC. To have become consul as the first “new man” in a long time (cf. TP Wiseman, New men in the Roman senate , p. 276, quoted in Broughton, Supplement , p. 222).
  3. Asconius Pedianus 89C (for lost Cicero's speech in toga candida ); see. Cicero, In Catilinam 1:15 ; Sallust , Coniuratio Catilinae 18.