Lucius Volusius Maecianus

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Lucius Volusius Maecianus was a high-class Roman jurist of the 2nd century AD. He was a student of Publius Salvius Iulianus and Marcus Vindius Verus and one of the most important jurists from the equestrian order ( equester ordo ) .

As consiliarius ("advisor") of the committee consilium principis , he advised the emperor on legal issues and legal correspondence. In this capacity he served the emperors Antoninus Pius , Mark Aurel and Lucius Verus . He was also the author of legal works.

For Volusius Maecianus, numerous functions of the knightly official career are also occupied: he held the military posts of a praefectus fabrum and the prefect of the Cohors I Aelia Classica . At the court of Antoninus Pius he was secretary a libellis , a studiis and responsible for the libraries. He was also prefect of transport (praefectus vehiculorum) and the grain supply of Rome (praefectus annonae) and from 160 to 162 Praefectus Aegypti . He was then accepted into the senatorial rank and held the function of praefectus aerarii since 164 . Around the year 166 he got to the suffect consulate .


  • Tomasz Giaro : Volusius [II 1]. In: The New Pauly (DNP). Volume 12/2, Metzler, Stuttgart 2002, ISBN 3-476-01487-8 , Sp. 323.
  • Detlef Liebs : Court lawyers from the Roman emperors to Justinian , Bavarian Academy of Sciences, Philosophical-Historical Class, Munich 2010, CH Beck, ISBN 978-3-7696-1654-5 , Mäcian .
  • Detlef Liebs: L. Volusius Maecianus. In: Klaus Sallmann (ed.): The literature of upheaval. From Roman to Christian literature, AD 117 to 284 (= Handbook of Ancient Latin Literature , Volume 4). CH Beck, Munich 1997, ISBN 3-406-39020-X , pp. 130-133


  1. ^ Wolfgang Kunkel , Martin Schermaier : Roman legal history. § 7 Jurisprudence and Legal Law . 13th edition, Böhlau, Cologne a. a. 2001, ISBN 978-3-8252-2225-3 , pp. 144-146
  2. CIL 14, 5347 and CIL 14,5348
  3. AE 1955, 179 with the career of being honored as patron of Ostia antica .
predecessor Office successor
Titus Furius Victorinus Prefect of the Roman Province of Egypt
Marcus Annius Syriacus