Ludvig Oppermann

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Ludvig Henrik Ferdinand Oppermann (born September 7, 1817 in Ditlefslyst, Vester Åby , Funen ; † August 17, 1883 ) was a Danish mathematician, actuary and philologist.

Also Ludwig Hinrich Ferdinand Oppermann.

His father Johann Carl Vincent Oppermann (1784–1861) was a teacher and came from Hanover, his mother Johanne Margrethe Oxenbølle was Danish. Oppermann attended the Odense Cathedral School, graduating with honors in 1834. Then he was only six months at the Polytechnic and then studied philology at the University of Copenhagen with the exam in 1843. From 1846 to 1851 he taught languages ​​at the Cathedral School in Aarhus. From 1852 he was lecturer for German at the University of Copenhagen , from 1855 with the title of professor. In addition, he was chief mathematician and director of the Danish Life Pension Fund (Livrenteanstalten) from 1861 to 1870, but was not taken over when it was founded in 1871 and was then an advisor to the life insurance company.

In addition, he was a state auditor for four years and also passed the forestry exam in 1852, but did not receive the desired position in forest supervision, which made him bitter.

He also published under the pseudonym Ein Dilletant in the Tidskrift for Matematik . He was mathematically gifted, but had the habit not to use the latest methods, but to go back to classical authors like Archimedes, Newton and Gauss, whom he placed above all others and with whose works he was very familiar. Conversations with him stimulated the work of other Danish mathematicians and mathematicians (Zeuthen, Heiberg). He calculated mortality tables for Denmark and developed a formula for them, which Gram published.

It was from him that Oppermann's conjecture in number theory comes . He also published on numerical mathematics (interpolation formulas from Newton and Briggs), statistics and actuarial mathematics.

From 1848 to 1861 he was a member of parliament ( Folketing ) for the National Liberal Party with a small interruption .

Jørgen Pedersen Gram is one of his students . In 1875 he became a member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences.

In 1847 he married Helga Borghild Alvilde Faber (1820-1905), the daughter of a bishop, with whom he had three children.


  • Jørgen Pedersen Gram: Ludvig Henrik Ferdinand Oppermann, Tidsskr. Math., 1883, pp. 137-44.

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Individual evidence

  1. Near Brahetrolleborg Castle