Ludwig Gengnagel

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Ludwig Gengnagel (born July 8, 1881 in Basrur , India , † November 23, 1964 in Ludwigsburg ) was a German teacher.


Gengnagel was born to a missionary couple. Paul Gengnagel was his younger brother. When he was six, Ludwig Gengnagel attended a boarding school run by the Basel Mission . After school he became a teacher. In 1914 he took Hanna Wünsch as his wife; he had six children with her. In 1917 and 1918 he had as a soldier in the First World War pull. In 1925 he became rector of an elementary school in Ludwigsburg, Württemberg . Due to a conflict with the then Nazi culture minister, he was demoted to secondary school teacher. The Calwer publishing house brought out Gengnagel a teaching aid for religious instruction . Until the 1970s, his publications influenced what happened in religious education.

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