Ludwig Karničar

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Ludwig Karničar even Ludvik Karničar (* 23. August 1949 in Ebriach / Obirsko , Carinthia ), is an Austrian Slawist , Slowenist, Dialektologe and lexicographer . Until 2014 he taught and researched at the Institute for Slavic Studies at the Karl-Franzens University in Graz .

Live and act

After the bilingual elementary school Ebriach / Obirsko, he attended the federal high school for Slovenes in Klagenfurt, where he graduated with distinction in 1968. 1966/67 he spent with the American Field Service at the high school in Sherrill, NY.After completing the military service, he enrolled at the KFU Graz and devoted himself to Slavic Studies, Southeast European history and interpreting (1975 graduation as Mag.phil: Russian interpreting). In 1973/74 he studied with an annual scholarship at the Institute for Russian Teachers at the Lomonosov University in Moscow and from 1977 to 1978 at the University of Ljubljana , where he completed the dissertation Der Obirdialekt in Carinthia under Jože Toporišič and received his doctorate in Graz in 1979. After completing his doctorate, he worked for half a day as part of the long-term lexical inventory of the Slovene vernacular in Carinthia under the direction of Stanislaus Hafner and Erich Prunč, as well as teaching positions for Slovene at Slavic Studies and at the Institute for Translator and Interpreter Training. From 1980 to 1995 he also worked as a consecutive and simultaneous interpreter on behalf of public services. He gave lectures in Austria, Slovenia, Italy and the Czech Republic.

In 2001 he completed his habilitation under the title Studies on Slovenian Dialectology and Lexicography (Venia legendi for Slavic Linguistics). As a cultural worker, he worked on the committee of the internationally important Slovenian Scientific Institute in Vienna (from 2008 until its closure in 2014) and in the local Slovenian cultural association (Obirsko pevsko društvo) in Carinthia. In Graz he organized symposia on the topic of the exemplary Styrian and inner-Austrian metropolis of Graz, primarily the university and Slavic studies and their importance for the emergence of the Slovenian national consciousness in the 19th century. For the owner of the world's oldest Slovenian chair (1811 in Graz), the poet, teacher and lawyer JN Primic, he organized a bilingual commemorative plaque on the facade of the Jesuit University in 2001. For the ethnographer, linguist and editor of the Slovenian edition of the Austrian Imperial Law Gazette Prof. Karl Štrekelj (* 1859 Gorjansko near Komen im Karst, † 1912 Graz, St. Leonhard Cemetery) and for the surgeon and composer Benjamin Ipavec (* 1829 Šentjur near Cilli, † 1908 Graz, Stadtfriedhof St. Peter), who is known as the "Slovenian Schubert", he had a grave of honor built.


Books, dictionaries

  • 1987: [Gem. with Erich Prunč] Materials on the history of Slavonic studies in Styria. Graz. Institute for Slavic Studies at the University of Graz. Austrian Institute for East and Southeast Europe. Vienna (= Slovenian research reports 2).
  • 1989: [gem. with Paul Apovnik] Dictionary of Legal and Business Language. Slovar pravnega in ekonomskega jezika. Vol. 1, German-Slovenian / nemško-slovenski. Vienna, Manz publishing house.
  • 1990: The Obir dialect in Carinthia. The dialect of Ebriach / Obirsko compared with the neighboring dialects of Zell / Sele and Trögern / Korte. Vienna (ÖAW, Philosophical-Historical Class, Meeting Reports, Vol. 551).
  • 1996: [Gem. with Paul Apovnik] Dictionary of Legal and Business Language. Slovar pravnega in ekonomskega jezika. Vol. 2, Slovenian-German / slovensko-nemški. Vienna, Manz publishing house.
  • 1982–2012: [Ed. Stanislaus Hafner and Erich Prunč] Thesaurus of the Slovene vernacular in Carinthia. Vol. 1, A - B (1982), Vol. 2, C - dn (1987), Vol. 3. Do - F (1992), Vol. 4, G - H (1992), Vol. 5 (I - Ka (2007), Vol. 6, kd - kv (2009) and Vol. 7 L - mi (2012). Main editor from volume 5. Vienna, Austrian Academy of Sciences.
  • 1999: German-Windisch dictionary with a collection of the Germanized Windisch root words, and some excellent words derived from Oswald Gutsmann, Klagenfurt 1789, in Slovenian-German reversed and edited, Graz (= Slovenian research reports 3).
  • 2011: [Gem. with Vincenc Rajšp] Graz and Slovenes / Gradec in Slovenci. Anthology for the symposium of the same name from May 20-21, 2010 at the KFU Graz. Vienna, Slovenski znanstveni inštitut na Dunaju. Ljubljana, založba ZRC SAZU).
  • 2014: [According to with Andreas Leben] Slovenes and Graz / Gradec in Slovenci. Monograph for the international conference from 27.2. - 1.3.2014 at the KFU Graz. Institute for Slavic Studies, Graz (= Slovenian Research Reports 4).
  • 2018: [According to with Andrejka Žejn] Alfabetarij k Tezavru slovenskega ljudskega jezika na Koroškem. Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti. Ljubljana.

Articles, other contributions (selection)

  • 1993: Karničar, Ludwig. The animal world in the phraseology of the Carinthian Slovene dialects. In: Anzeiger für Slavische Philologie 21. Graz, 19–43.
  • 1994: Karničar, Ludvik. Koroška narečja kot most do slovenskega knjižnega jezika. In: Jezik in slovstvo, XXXIX, 6, 219–228.
  • 1007: Karničar, Ludvik.  Trajni sledovi v avstrijski slavistiki. 80-letnica univerzitetnega profesorja dr. Stanislava Hafnerja . In: Nedelja, Celovec / Klagenfurt, 26.1. 1997, 5.
  • 1999: Karničar, Ludwig. Oswald Gutsmann: German-Slovenian Dictionary 1789 and its reversal to Slovenian-German. In: Anzeiger für Slavische Philologie 27. Graz, 133–153.
  • 2001: Karničar, Ludvik. Tomaž Holmar: O dobrih pastirjih in jeznih prerokih , in: Tomaž Holmar. KKZ. Celovec, 18-21.
  • 2005: Karničar, Ljudvig. Zapadnoslavjanskie i slovensko-karintijskie izoleksy . In: Rossica olomucensia XLIII. Olomouc, 67-75.
  • 2006: Karničar, Ludvik. Bil je simfonična osebnost. Professor dr. Stanislav Hafner . In: Nedelja, Celovec / Klagenfurt December 17, 2006, 7.
  • 2007: Karničar, Ludwig. Diatopic synonyms for the potato in the Carinthian Slovenian dialects. I n: Peter Deutschmann (Ed.): Critique and Phrase. Festschrift for Wolfgang Eismann on his 65th birthday. Vienna, present tense, 553-565.
  • 2008: Karničar, Ludvik. Fonetično zapisovanje narečnih etnoloških besedil . Traditiones (Ljubljana), IIIVII, 1, 155–167.
  • 2009: Karničar, Ludwig. Koroška narečja in Urban Jarnik kot začetnik slovenskega narečjeslovja . In: Gernot Hebenstreit (Ed.): Experiencing boundaries - making them visible - crossing them. Festschrift for Erich Prunč on his 60th birthday. Frankfurt am Main u. a .; Peter Lang, 67-82.
  • 2009: Karničar, Ludvik. 855 let cerkve na Obirskem (1154-2009). Obirsko pevsko društvo in farni svet. Barvna brošura / color brochure for the 855th anniversary of the church in Ebriach / Obirsko. Ljubljana, Salve. 65 pages.
  • 2014: Karničar, Ludwig. Beginning of research in Graz Slovene Studies . In: L. Karničar and A. Leben (eds.): Slovenes and Graz / Gradec in Slovenci. Monograph on the international conference from February 27 to March 1, 2014 at the KFU Graz (= Slovenian research reports 4), 267–285.
  • 2016: Karničar, Ludvik. Nekaj ​​spominov na "osamsvojitelja" knjižne slovenščine. In: Toporišičevo leto. Maribor, Zora 115, 53-60.
  • 2018: Karničar, Ludwig. On the history of Slovenian dialect research in Austria. The project 'Lexical inventory of the Slovene vernacular in Carinthia'. In: Anzeiger für Slavische Philologie 45. Graz, 41–65.
  • 2018: Karničar, Ludvik. Osvežitev spomina na znamenite Slovence v Gradcu . In: Slavia Centralis XI, 1, 85-102.
  • 2018: Karničar, Ludvik. Erich Prunč (1941–2018) - Kulturnik in znanstvenik z izjemnim pomenom za koroške Slovence. In: Novice, Celovec / Klagenfurt, June 8, 2018, 2–3.


  • 2017: Red za zasluge / Order of Merit of the President of the Republic of Slovenia Borut Pahor
  • 2017: Štrekljeva nagrada občine Komen / Štrekelj Prize from the municipality of Komen
  • 2017: Corresponding member of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts


  • Enciklopedija Slovenije, Ljubljana 1991. Vol. 5, 4.
  • Contributions to interdisciplinary Slovenian studies. Prispevki k meddisciplinarni slovenistiki. Festschrift for Ludwig Karničar on his 65th birthday. Edited by Andreas Leben, Martina Orožen and Erich Prunč. Graz, Leykam 2014.