Ludwig Quosig

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August Friedrich Ludwig Quosig (born November 6, 1801 in Rostock ; † 1841 ibid) was a German organ builder in Rostock.


Ludwig Quosig, probably a son of the watchmaker Friedrich Quosig (* 1763) who immigrated from Brandenburg to Rostock in 1790, first learned the carpentry trade. The census of 1819 in Mecklenburg-Schwerin names him as a “carpenter's boy” (more likely an apprentice than a journeyman) in the household of his Rostock teacher, the master carpenter Joachim Peter Jantzen (* 1784). From around 1820, probably during his journeyman's journey, he learned organ building outside of Mecklenburg and worked in southern Germany, Switzerland and France.

Quosig returned to Rostock around 1837, where he took the citizenship oath on June 19, 1837 as an organ builder and worked briefly with Heinrich Rasche as Rasche & Quosig organ builder in 1838 . In 1839 Ludwig Quosig built his first and probably only organ in Mecklenburg in Marlow . He died in 1841.


Only one new build and one repair in Mecklenburg are known of Ludwig Quosig.

year place building image Manuals register Remarks
1839 Marlow City Church
I / P 11 Side play, on the gallery above the altar, around 1900 expansion to II / P, 17, 1984 transfer to west gallery, 1988 new play and stop action by Nussbücker
1840 brawn City Church II / P 13 Repairs
1841 Gadebusch City Church Contract for a new building, not carried out due to Quosig's death, built by Runge in 1844


  • Uwe Pape : Ludwig Quosig . In: Uwe Pape, Wolfram Hackel, Christhard Kirchner (Eds.): Lexicon of North German Organ Builders. Volume 4. Berlin, Brandenburg and the surrounding area including Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania . Pape Verlag, Berlin 2017. S. 427., ISBN 978-3-921140-06-2

Individual evidence

  1. Matthias Manke (Ed.): "... that all the world would be valued." The inhabitants of the city of Rostock after the census of 1819. [Small series of the Archives of the Hanseatic City of Rostock; Vol. 15]. Ingo Koch Verlag, Rostock 2005. ISBN 3-937179-86-0 . P. 336.
  2. Freimuethiges Abendblatt , Schwerin of November 12, 1839, p. 957 , on the occasion of the inauguration of the Marlower organ, information not in the lexicon
  3. ^ Franz Schubert (Ed.): Citizens' books from Mecklenburg. Volume L 1.4: Rostock, 1807-1869. Self-published, Kitzingen 1998. ISBN 3-89364-313-3 . P. 359. Quosig is named as a member of the Rostock parish of St. Petri. The given form of the name Quosig, Andr [eas] Ludw [ig] Fr [iedrich] seems to be a reading error. The date of birth is given as November 16, 1801.
  4. ^ Organ in Marlow Mecklenburgisches Orgelmuseum Malchow