Ludwig Wilhelm Sachs

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Ludwig Wilhelm Sachs (born December 29, 1787 in Groß-Glogau (Silesia), † June 17, 1848 in Königsberg (Prussia) ) was a German doctor and university professor in Königsberg.


Sachs, who lived in Königsberg since childhood, grew up in a modest family. After a business apprenticeship, which he broke off after four years, he studied medicine in Königsberg, Berlin and Göttingen from 1807. Sachs received his doctorate in Göttingen in 1812. After working for some time as a general practitioner in the war hospitals in Königsberg in 1814, Sachs completed his habilitation in 1816 at the University of Königsberg . In 1818 he was appointed associate professor. In 1826 he was appointed full professor of pathology and practical medicine in Königsberg. In 1832 he took over the management of the Polyclinic in Königsberg. In 1827/28 and 1835/36 Sachs was the prorector of the Alma Mater . In 1840 he was appointed to the Secret Medical Council.


  • About knowledge and conscience. Speeches to doctors , Berlin 1826.
  • Attempt to conclude on S. Hahnemann's homeopathic system together with some conjectures , Leipzig 1826.
  • Handbook of the natural system of practical medicine , Part 1, Dept. 1-2, Leipzig 1828/29.
  • with Friedrich Dulk : Concise dictionary of practical medicine theory. For use by budding doctors and physicians , 3 vol., Königsberg 1830–1839.
  • Cholera, according to our own observations in the epidemic at Königsberg in 1831, nosologically and therapeutically presented , Königsberg 1832.


  • Karl Gabriel Nowack: Silesian writer lexicon . Book 6, Breslau 1843, p. 118.
  • Obituary by Heinrich Doering in: Neuer Nekrolog der Deutschen , 26, 1848, p. 464.
  • Julius Pagel : “Sachs, Ludwig Wilhelm” in: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie , Vol. 30 (1890), pp. 128–129.
  • Biographical lexicon of outstanding doctors of all times and peoples , 2nd edition, Vol. 4, Berlin / Vienna 1932, pp. 943–944.
  • Alma Kreuter: German-speaking neurologists and psychiatrists , Munich 1996, vol. 3, p. 1224 f.
  • German Biographical Encyclopedia , Vol. 8, Munich 1998, p. 488.

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