Lufkin Industries

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Lufkin Industries

legal form Inc.
founding 1902
resolution 2015
Seat Lufkin , Texas , United StatesUnited StatesUnited States 
management John F. Glick (2007-2013)
Number of employees 4,400
sales 1,281,000,000 US dollars
Branch Oilfield equipment
As of December 31, 2012

Mark II type oil pump
Lufkin oil pump in Indonesia

Lufkin Industries was an American manufacturer of oilfield equipment based in Lufkin , Texas . Lufkin Industries was founded in 1902 and mainly produced "Mark II" - deep pumps for oil production, which are considered the industry standard. To do this, the company operated a gray and nodular cast iron foundry with a capacity of up to 300 tons per day. Truck trailers were also produced up to 2008.

The Power Transmission division of Lufkin manufactured heavy gearboxes in weights from 150 kg to 250 t and in power ratings from 20 to 85,000 hp. These products are used in industrial applications in a variety of industries such as oil and gas, petrochemical , steel, plastic, sugar, rubber. Lufkin also offers repair work and a 24-hour emergency service to ensure minimal downtime in the customer's operations.

In 2013 the company was acquired by General Electric for $ 3 billion and assigned to the GE Oil & Gas division. The Lufkin location was then closed in 2015.

Web links

Commons : Lufkin Industries  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Form 10-K 2012
  2. ^ Company Profile: Lufkin Industries, Inc. March 04, 2011 March 2010
  3. Lufkin Industries, LLC Company Profile
  4. GE to buy oil pump maker Lufkin for nearly $ 3 billion. In: Reuters . April 8, 2013, accessed January 12, 2016 .
  5. ^ GE's Lufkin Industries closing plant, making layoffs , August 31, 2015