Luis Antonio Beauxis

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Luis Antonio Beauxis (born January 4, 1960 in Montevideo , Uruguay ) is a Uruguayan writer.

Beauxis published stories in various newspapers and magazines, including Mate Amargo , El Popular , La República, and Alternativa Socialista . Works by Beauxis are also included in the anthologies Más vale nunca que tarde , Diez de los noventa , Hombres de mucha monta and La cara oculta de la luna . In 1992, 1993 and 1994 his three books Ficciones en su tinta , Cuenticulario and Oras memorias were published . In 1983 he was awarded first prize in the Jornal Real story competition in São Paulo . He also took part in several other competitions and was mentioned there, for example in 1980 at the 3rd Feria Internacional del Libro , in 1987 at 30 Años del diario "El Popular" and 100 Años de " El Día " and in 1996 at the Asociación de Bancarios del Uruguay (AEBU) aligned Cuentos de verano .

Publications (excerpt)

  • 1990 Más vale nunca que tarde , anthology
  • 1991: Diez de los noventa , anthology
  • 1992: Ficciones en su tinta
  • 1993: Cuenticulario
  • 1993: Hombres de mucha monta , anthology
  • 1994: Otras memorias
  • 1996: La cara oculta de la luna , anthology


  • 1983: First prize in the Jornal Real story competition , São Paulo, Brazil
