Lund string model

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The Lund string model is a phenomenological model of hadronization in particle physics . In the model, all except the highest- energy gluons are treated as field lines . Due to the gluon self- interaction, the individual field lines attract each other and form a color field tube . The strings should not be confused with the substantially different strings from string theory .

The fragmentation of these strings is one of the Parton fragmentation models used in the event generators PYTHIA and Jetset as well as those of the University of California, Los Angeles . One of the things that the model describes very well is the fact that a number of additional hadrons are created between two quarks that fly apart .


  • B. Andersson et al .: Parton Fragmentation and String Dynamics . In: Phys. Rept. tape 97 , no. 2-3 , 1983, pp. 31–145 , doi : 10.1016 / 0370-1573 (83) 90080-7 (English).